Principal’s Update

Week of September 22nd – September 26th

1.Snapshot for the next two weeks

Here are the important dates you need to know for the next two weeks:

This Week:

Monday, Sept. 22nd………… 7:40- 8:10am 3:45-4:15pm (GHSGT Writing Test

TRAINING) - Selected individuals only

Monday, Sept. 22nd . . . . . … 4pm Deadline for Uploading Grades

Wednesday, Sept. 24th……...Writing test for all 11th Grade students (modified

schedule below)

Wednesday, Sept. 24th………Picture Day! (ALL Day through ELA classes)

Wednesday, Sept. 24th...... 1st Student Government Council Meeting 7th period

Thursday - Friday, Sept. 26th-27th…. Rosh Hashanah

Next Week:

Thursday – October 2nd . . . 9-10:30am Prospective Parent Tour with Student


2.Congratulations National Achievement Scholarship Semifinalist

This week we are very pleased to announce that Joigiana Massatis North Springs Charter High School’s 2015 National Achievement Scholarship Semifinalist! The National Achievement Scholarship program is an academic competition for Black American high school students conducted by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Joigiana is one of only 1,600 students nationwide to achieve this recognition on the basis of her qualifying 2013 PSAT score. She will now be eligible to compete for one of approximately 800 National Achievement Scholarships valued at about $2.5million that will be awarded in spring of 2015. Congratulations Joigiana!

3.Student Grades- Progress Reports

Teachers, this is a reminder to upload grades from your gradebook by4pm today.Coach T will run verification sheets at4:01pm. Please verify, sign, and return your verification sheets to her MAILBOX, in the mailroom, by4pm, Tuesday September23rd. Any corrections to grades need to take place in TAC along with your verification sheet; then upload from gradebook again. Progress reports will be printed at4:01pmand placed in your mailbox for distribution to students during 1st period onSeptember 24th.

4.Georgia High School Graduation Writing Test

This Wednesday, September 24th -all juniors will be taking the state mandated writing test required for graduation. This means our schedule for the day will change and periods 1, 3 and

4 will each be shortened by about 25 min. Testing will take place during an extended 2nd period.

Periods 5-7 will remain the same. This is an important test and our teachers have been working hard so that our students will do their very best. Parents please help by ensuring that your student has a good night’s sleep and eats a healthy breakfast. We know our students will do well!

Modified Day / Periods 1-4 / Regular Day / Periods 5-7
1 / 8:20-8:50 / 5 / 12:08-1:38pm
2 Testing / 8:55-10:55 / 6 / 1:43-2:34pm
3 / 11:00-11:30 / 7 / 2:39-3:30pm
4 / 11:35-12:03

5.Picture Day is here!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014 students will be escorted by their English Language Arts teacher(s) to the aux. gym to have their pictures taken for the yearbook. Students that are taking the Writing test will be taking their pictures after they test or during lunch. We would like for ALL faculty/staff members to swing by the aux. gym during planning or when you have a free minute to be photographed for the yearbook.

6.Rosh Hashanah

We want to wish all of our Jewish families, friends and faculty a happy new year as they begin the observance of Rosh Hashanah at sundown on Wednesday, September 24th. We know many will be out Thursday and Friday spending this special time with family and friends. Shana Tovah!

7.Governors Honors Program (GHP)

The Governors Honors Program is a prestigious four week summer enrichment program for academically and artistically talented 10th and 11th grade students held each summer at Valdosta State University. Please note: nominated students must submit their applications to Felicia Lewis no later than Thursday, September 25th. The turnaround time given this year is extremely short. If you are a nominating teacher, please familiarize yourself closely with the information that was sent out, as some of the processes this year have changed.

Last year we advanced 60 students to the local round, 11 to the state and four were selected to attend GHP at Valdosta State. Let’s try and send some of our best sophomores and juniors in as many areas that we have qualified students and make this a banner year. Thank you and Good Luck!

8.College and Career Center

Thank you for participating in our annual College Night, last Thursday, September 18th. We hope that you were able to receive some valuable information to assist with your college planning.Thanks to Dr. Genoulia Johnson, Felicia Lewis and Valerie Jackson for planning this event. Please continue to visit the North Springs website for other programs and information related to college planning.ForCollege Transcripts, remember tovisit to create your account and order them electronically. You can get official and unofficial copies there and download a copy for your personal use. Here are this week’s college visits:

The week of 9/22/14:

9/22 at 12:30pm – Berry College

9/23 at 8:30am – Agnes Scott College

9/23 at 9:30am – University of Michigan

9/23 at 10:30am – Columbus State University

9/23 at 12:30pm – Valdosta State University

9/23 at 1:45pm – University of Missouri

9/23 at 6:00pm – Atlanta North Probe Fair (offsite)

9/24 at 1:00pm – Florida A&M University

9/24 at 1:45pm – University of Chicago

9/26 at 1:45pm – Clemson University

9.Eurydice open September 27th

Our acclaimed performing arts magnet opens its theater season with Eurydice, this SaturdaySeptember 27at 7:30pmand Sunday, September 28thwith a special 3pm performance. The play, by Sarah Ruhl, is a re-imagining of the classic myth of Orpheus through the eyes of its young heroine, Eurydice. Eurydice has contemporary characters,ingenious plot twists and breathtaking visual effects and offers a fresh look at a timeless love story.

Performances continue October 1-4 at 7:30pm in the main stage theater.Purchase tickets online at $5 students, $10 Seniors(60 and older) $15 Regular/$20 VIP.

10.Extended Learning Opportunities

After school tutoring for Math, English, Science and Social Studies is available in the media center on Tuesdays and Thursdaysfrom 3:45pm to 5:45pmwith a certified teacher for each of the four core subject areas. We also have a lab open Mondaythrough Thursday from 3:45pm to 5:45pmfor students to work on course recovery with the support of a certified teacher.A sweep bus is available for students who participate in tutoring or the recovery lab. We look forward to helping our students

move forward!

11.The Princeton Review at North Springs

The Fulton County Board of Education has partnered with The Princeton Review to offer

SAT prep classes this year at North Springs High School, beginning on

October 18th, November 15th and January 10th. All FCS students are eligible to

register for $125 (a discount of over 80% off the normal $599 price), and will receive 18

hours of classroom instruction, three in-class proctored practice exams, access to online

drills, and a bookletof 11 additional practice tests.

To enroll, go to enter "SAT" for Test Type, "Classroom" for

Instruction Type and your zip code and click "Find course" under "Find a Prep Course

Near You”. Then click "enroll" next to your desired course. Make sure to enter promo

Code "ATLFCSPSHIP” and click "Apply" to access the discounted price!

12. Physical Fitness Test

Please note – students who have applied for the Physical Fitness Alternative

Credit must take and pass the Physical Fitness test which will be given after school on

Wednesday, November 16. Students must bring a completed application form with

them. Complete information, study guide and application form are on the website at


13.Friends of North Springs (FONS)

The FONS teacher grant process is open through September 30, 2014. The proposal form and evaluation rubric are on the FONS website under Forms/Docs. The submission should be sent to Beth Liess at no later than September 30, 2014.

Many companies host United Way campaigns beginning in late August and early September.All or part of your United Way donation can benefit North Springs!Just designate Friends of North Springs High School, c/o North Springs Charter High School, 7447 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 on your pledge card!

14.Cohort 3 School Governance Council Elections

This is an exciting time for our school as we prepare to transition from our Governance Board to a Governance Council. The council will work with the principal on the long-term vision of the school; is responsible for approving the school’s strategic plan and budget recommendations, and designing innovative solutions to increase academic achievement and meet the unique needs of our Sandy Springs community.

Any interested teacher/ parent/guardian should download the School Governance Council Candidate Guide from the district’s Charter System website at and submit their Candidate Declaration Form to the district by October 15th. The newly structured Governance Council will consist of 3 parent and 2 teacher positions.

Parents, also please do not forget to stop by the school’s main office to get your Home Access Center Codes as this code is required for voting in the November SGC Elections.

15.Food Service Announcement – Free & Reduced Lunch

The 30th feeding day is TODAY! After today, free/reduced students that have not filled out a new application will transition to full pay status. Our cafeteria manager has been working diligently decrease the number of students that have not filled out a new application. Parents can do this by paper application or online at Please let Mrs. Carter know how she can help you with this transition.

16.Athletics Calendar

The athletic schedule for this week is listed below- Go Spartans!!

Monday Varsity Softball (Away) @ Kell (5:55pm-7:30pm)

Tuesday Varsity Softball (Away) @ Cambridge (5:00-7:00pm)

Varsity Volleyball Home vs. Sprayberry & Forsyth Central


Wed.JV Volleyball (Away) @ Centennial

Thurs.Water Polo (Away) @ Wesleyan (5-7 pm)

Varsity Volleyball (Away) @ Wesleyan (5:00pm)

JV Football Home vs. Cambridge (6:00-9:00pm)

9th Grade Football Away @ Cambridge (6:00-8:00pm)

Saturday Varsity Competition Cheerleader competition@ Lakeside High School

in Augusta, GA.

Raider Team @ South Paulding Raider Camp

Sandy Springs Sprint @ North Springs

Water Polo (Away) @ GAC 11am

Sunday  Water Polo @ Mountain View Aquatic Center (1pm)

Eddie Ruiz, Ed.D


North Springs Charter High School

7447 Roswell Road

Sandy Springs, Ga 30328



“Communication. Culture. Consistency”