The Girl Scout Silver Award

Project Proposal

Girl Scouts of Central Texas

12012 Park Thirty-Five Circle

Austin, Texas78753



Girl Scout Silver Award Take Action Project Proposal

Girl Scouts of Central Texas

Please complete using a word-processing program. Email a copy to your Service Unit Silver Award Consultant (SAC) four weeks prior to starting your project.If you do not receive feedback within two weeks, please contact the GSCTX Programs Department at .



City: State: Zip:

Phone: () Your E-Mail:

Parent / Guardian Name:

Age: Grade: School:

Month / Year Registered as Cadette:# of years in Girl Scouting:

Service Unit:

Troop/Group Advisor: Troop/Group Number:

Troop/Group Advisor’s Phone: (___)E-mail:

Girl Scout Silver Award Project Advisor:

Project Advisor’s Organization: ______

Project Advisor’s Phone: (___)E-mail:

Your Team
List the names of individuals and organizations that you plan to work with on your Silver Award Take Action Project. This is a preliminary list that may grow through the course of your project.

Team Members / Affiliation / Role

The Girl Scout Silver AwardPrerequisites

  • Complete oneGirl Scout Cadette Journey and record the information below.
  • Thoroughly read the“Silver Award Guidelines for Girl Scout Cadettes” in the Cadette Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting and the GSCTX Silver Award Information Packet on the GSCTX website.
  • Contact your Service Unit Silver Award Consultant (SAC).
  • Complete the online Silver Award Workshop or meet with your SAC.

List one CadetteJourney that you have completed.

Cadette Journey Book / Date Completed / Troop/Group Volunteer’s Signature

Describe your Cadette Journey Take Action Project. If a group project, please also describe your specific task(s).

Silver Award Workshop date:

Initial meeting with Silver Award Consultant (SAC) date:

(This may be the same as the Silver Award Workshop date.)

Project Proposal Checklist:

The paperwork is typed in paragraph form with appropriate grammar and spelling.

The proper format has been followed and each question answered in full with more than one word or one sentence answers.

The Girl Scout exhibits responsibility, leadership and community involvement in her selection of a project. See “Is it Leadership or Service?” in the GSCTX Silver Award Information Packet, page 17.

The project is financially feasible for the Girl Scout and a Proposed Budget is included.

See “MONEY and Your Leadership Project” in the GSCTX Silver Award Information Packet, page 12.

The project described follows the Girl Scout Safety-Wise guidelines found in Volunteer Essentials Chapter 4.

A letter of acceptance of the project idea is included from any collaborative organizations.

The project described will require about 50 hours of productive time involvement.

Group projects: Each girl will have an individual project assignment with a clearly defined area of responsibility that will support 7 to 10 hours of a leadership role and approximately 50 hours total. Proposals for group projects must be submitted together.

The Time Log does not include more than 10 hours of “pre-planning”.

Girl Scout Silver Award Take Action ProjectProposal

This is part of step 5 in the guidelines.Please answer each question in paragraph form.

Project Title:

Proposed start date: Proposed completion date:

  1. Describe what you are going to do for your project by explaining the following:
  2. What is the root cause of the issue you plan to address?
  3. How you will address it?
  4. Who will be your target audience?
  1. Discuss your reasons for selecting this project. Include the following:
  2. Why have you chosen this project?
  3. Does it mean something to you personally?
  4. What do you hope to accomplish with your project?
  1. How is this project a Take Action Project and different than a service project? Explain how you will put the Girl Scout Promise and/or Law into action and earn your 7 to 10 hours of leadership. (See page 17 in the GSCTX Silver Award Information Packet for examples of leadership.) If you are working on a group project, describe in detail your individual project assignment and area of responsibility.
  1. Describe each step involved in putting your plan into action, including resources, mentors, facilities, equipment, approvals needed, training required, etc. Estimate the time required for each step on the attached Proposed Timeline.
  1. Part of the Silver Award Project process is to connect with new people outside your immediate community. Who have you met and how will they help you with your project? If you will be working with a community organization, attach a letter of acknowledgement of your plan from that organization. See the example on page 23 of the Information Packet.
  1. What will be the lasting effect on the community and how can your project be sustained beyond your involvement?
  1. What methods or tools will you use to evaluate the impact of your project?
  1. Describe how you plan to tell others about your project, the project’s impact, and what you have learned (Web site, blog, presentations, posters, videos, articles, and so on).

Your nameDate

Advisor nameDate

Silver Award ConsultantDate


These are your anticipated income and expenses.

Total income should equal total expenses since this is not a money earning project.

Estimate the value of any donations and include them.

Name: Project Title:

Income from / Details / Amount
Total income:
Expense Item / Details / Amount
Total expenses:


You may count up to 10 hours spent “pre-planning” before your Proposal is approved by your SAC. Estimateand describe the additional time you will spend on the rest of your project. Please round to the nearest quarter hour (15 minutes) and clearly explain what you did/will do during blocks of time longer than 30 minutes.(Approximately 50 hours is recommended for working on your Silver Award project.)

Name: __Start Date:

Project Title: __Expected Completion Date:

Date / Time / Explain Activity (in detail)

Total numberof hoursfor project

Please remember: No more than 5 hours spent on project paperwork should be recorded. Travel or sleeping time will not be counted.

Rev. 8/2017 – C. Q.