Economics Course Syllabus

Scott Cullifer

Sonoraville High School

Fall Semester 2017

Course Description:

Economics is the study of how individuals, firms, and societies make decisions about how to use and handle resources. This course is divided into 5 units; fundamental economics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics, and personal finance economics. This class is all about decision making. We will start with basic economic principles, build to how businesses make decisions, study how the economy operates in our country and worldwide, and then we will apply economics directly to your life. As seniors, it is critical that you have an understanding of personal finance before you graduate. It is the goal of this course to provide you with that understanding.


The Georgia Performance Standards for Economics will be used as the curriculum for this course. Those standards will be tested on the End of Course Test. The Georgia Performance Standards can be found at Economics is a core Social Studies course. Successfully completing Economics is required to graduate from high school.

Units of study:

Fundamental Economics – 3 weeks

Microeconomics – 3 weeks

Macroeconomics – 4 weeks

International Economics – 1.5 weeks

Personal Finance Economics – 2 weeks

The remaining weeks in the semester will be used to prepare for the End of Course Test that the students will take at the end of the semester.

Grading Policy: 18 Weeks Semester

Daily/Informal 20% - daily work, quizzes, vocabulary, and activities

Tests 40% - Students will have a test at the end of each unit.

Projects 20% - Students will be assigned one project per unit.

Benchmark Tests20% - Given at the 6 and 12 week mark, these tests will cover

standards students should have mastered to that point.

Supplies Needed

  1. Notebook
  2. Paper
  3. Pen or Pencil

Students are required to keep assignments numbered in a notebook. A three-ring binder is recommended for this purpose. It is very difficult to keep up with handouts and notes in a spiral notepad. There will be an emphasis on vocabulary terms that will be assigned with each unit.

Classroom Rules

  1. Be respectful to the teacher, to other students, and classroom materials.
  2. Be prepared with all materials each day.
  3. Do not throw things in the classroom.
  4. Follow all procedures.
  5. Follow all SHS rules and expectations
  6. No headphones or earbuds
  7. Cell phones put away and off
  8. Follow the dress code.

Classroom Management

  • 1st offense – Warning
  • 2nd offense – Conference with teacher
  • 3rd offense – Office Referral
  • 4th offense – Removal from class/ Phone call home

No Apathy: Zeros Are Not Acceptable

All assignments given are vital to the progression of learning in this course. It is unacceptable for students to refuse to complete assignments. Students will be given opportunities to make up assignments in a timely fashion. Failure to do so will result in a parent phone call and/or an office referral. This is the policy of Sonoraville High School and is enforced by the administration.

Credit Recovery

Credit Recovery opportunities will be offered for tests and projects and/or other assignments at the discretion of the teacher. Within 10 days of notification of a failing grade on a test or project, students may choose to make up the said test or project to improve the grade to a maximum of 70 on the second attempt. Students may schedule a time with the teacher before or after school for credit recovery.

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