Whether or not your home was inspected by a building inspector following the recent storm, please be sure to check all of the following items in your home for damage:

1.Foundation Damage: Cracking, movement or any kind of displacement, dampness, stains or wet areas.

2.Wall Damage: Cracking, nail pops, windows inoperable or doors sticking/inoperable.

3.Roof Damage: Missing shingles/soffit/fascia, broken/twisted sheathing or rafters, sheathing lifted, condition of chimney and all vents that penetrate the roof.

4.Plumbing System: Flush all toilets, operate all faucets, verify that you have hot water, look for cracked or broken pipes, unpleasant odors, gurgling sounds in the system, low water pressure and visually check that all vent pipes are clear and intact.

5.Heating/Cooling System: Gas lines intact, unpleasant odors, visually check that all vent pipes are clear and intact. Look down the chimney to see if any debris is inside that needs to be removed.

6.Electrical: Operate all outlets and appliances, check for burn marks by outlets, check all smoke and CO detectors, operate kitchen and bathroom fans.

7.Exterior: Movement/damage of steps, decks, gutters, downspouts, missing shingles or vents on roof.


If you think your home may have suffered damage that is not apparent, please contact your insurance agent and request to have a structural engineer inspect your home. If there is any question as to the structural integrity of your home, the building official requires a report from a structural engineer containing the following:

1.Clear explanation of all damage findings.

2.Clear explanation of proposed repairs with drawings for contractor & bldg. official.

3.All documents must be stamped with the engineer's State of MN licensed seal.

All information regarding your property will be retained as a permanent record by the County/City. If/when you choose to sell your property, this information will be available to the buyer to verify that all repairs were completed per the structural engineer and the building official's requirements.