1. Applications will only be considered under this Protocol from disabled members.
2. Applications should be made in writing, or in alternative format, and sent to the Director of the Executive Office, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Rd, London NW1 2AY.
Confirmation of receipt of all applications will be sent.
3. In application, members should provide details of:
a.Length of UNISON membership. It should be noted that a two years membership service criteria applies to anyone seeking retired or unemployed membership status.
b.Positions held within UNISON disabled members self-organised structures, including roles undertaken.
c.Details of last employer and retirement circumstances.
d.The length of time for which the member is seeking discretion to continue involvement in UNISON’s self-organised structures.
4. Each case will be considered on an individual basis. Consideration will only normally be given for members to continue to be active at the following levels within UNISON:
Branch Disabled Members Groups, Regional Disabled Members Groups/Committees, National Disabled Members Committee and the National Disabled Members Conference.
5. Where relevant, information on Disabled Members Self-Organised Groups, and levels of activity will be sought from the appropriate UNISON Officer.
6. Every member making application under this Rule will be advised of:
a.The decision reached
b.Reasons why, if application refused
c.If application accepted, the period of time covered or any review date.
- The offices which may be held or roles undertaken.
The decision of the NEC shall be final.
7. Any member or officer involved in consideration of such cases shall have received briefing on disability issues and the Equality Act 2010. Also, in reaching their decision on this matter the NEC shall take into consideration the following issues:
a.That it is the case that some women may have shorter lengths of service due to time taken out of the workplace for childcare and
b.Disabled members are more likely to be unemployed and therefore more likely to have breaks from employment and thus have a broken UNISON membership service.
8. Any clarification on the application of the protocol shall be provided by the Director Of the Executive Office.