Dear Friends

As storm Doris batters at my study window I wonder what I might have to say to you during these early months of the year. January, February and March are often best forgotten in terms of weather but can be good months especially for those who have birthdays in the first quarter of the year.

If we’re forgetting the weather, for now anyway, we should remember that in February some years and March in others Lent begins. This year Ash Wednesday, the first day of the 40 days of Lent is on 1st March and is a period leading up to Easter Day when Christians remember the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness leading up to his crucifixion. The idea of Lent is that it’s a time of preparation as we too, like Jesus, get ready for Easter.

So how might you prepare? There are a number of ways you might consider. Daily prayer, reflection, fasting (giving up something you enjoy), reading a section of the bible each day maybe taking one or more of the gospels and reading a little each day so that by the time Easter comes you are reading the relevant verses in your bible. You could spend some time reflecting on your own faith and how the sacrifices Jesus made impact on your discipleship. Some Christians have taken up the Lenten Positive Acts Challenge by performing one positive act for each of the days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. Look it up on the internet if you have it and join in if you fancy giving it a try this year.There are many ways to observe Lent so don’t just let this most important of Christian seasons pass by without a thought.

Easter has always been a moveable feast falling on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox around March 21. This means it can fall on any Sunday between March 22 and April 25. Ash Wednesday or the start of Lent is then 40 days (excluding Sundays) before Easter Day.

InJanuary last year, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby,suggested that Easter, like Christmas, should fall on the same date each year. Not surprisingly this idea, was welcomed by some, parents and schools in particular, but angered some traditionalists. What do you think? Would you like Easter to be on the same date each year or do you accept that it’s such an important festival that Christians would celebrate it whenever it falls?

So a few things to think about this month and a few things to consider doing but don’t think for too long so that Lent slips by unnoticed. Do something positive and meaningful so that in this season of Lent you prepare fully for the joys and sorrows of Easter this year.

With love and prayers,



March 5th Trevor Kershaw Communion

March 12th Jenny Cousens

March 19th Trevor Kershaw

March 26th Trevor Hippey Mothering Sunday


We are very grateful to the following friends who have kindly promised to provide flowers for the month of March.

March 5th Flower Fund

March 12th Mrs Coldwell

March 19th Mrs Smith & Mrs St Clair

March 26th Mr & Mrs Muschamp

Mrs Brook & Mrs Lowther will be responsible for arranging and distributing the flowers throughout this month.


November 27th 2016 £ 72.19

December 4th £ 99.88

December 11th £ 89.86

December 18th £139.01

December 25th £125.00

for The Yorkshire Air Ambulance

January 1st 2017 £ 91.05

January 8th £144.60

January 15th £103.60

January 22nd £130.80

January 29th £ 59.38

February 5th £ 69.73

February 12th £ 69.82

February 19th £215.77

Ladies Circle

This month’s Ladies Circle meeting will be held on Wednesday 1st March at the usual time. It is the Annual General Meeting.

Women's World Day of Prayer

This year, The Women’s World Day of Prayer is to be held at St. Matthews Church, Allerton on Friday 3rd March 2017 at 2pm.

The Service has beenprepared by Christian Women of the Philippines entitled"Am I Being Unfair to You?"


We send our deepest condolence to Mrs Kathleen Clough and family on the sudden passing of her son from Jersey in February. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all.

Leprosy Mission Coffee Morning

Our first coffee morning of the year is on Saturday 4th March between 10am and 12noon to raise funds for the Leprosy Mission, a charity we have supported over many years.

Please support this event if you can and invite family and friends to come too. There will be the usual stalls and raffle. £1 entry to include the usual tea or coffee and biscuits. We look forward to seeing you there.

Gang Show

The scouts will be performing their Gang Show for us on Saturday 18th March at 3pm. Tickets are £5 and include refreshments. Please see Janet and David Muschamp or Trevor Kershaw for your tickets. Everyone is welcome.

Future Dates for Your Diary

April 8th Hymn Singing evening 6.30pm for about an hour. Come and join us to enjoy singing some new and modern hymns and songs.

April 13th Maundy Thursday service 12noon followed by light lunch.

April 14th Good Friday Walk of Witness beginning in Ladyhill Park at 11.30am followed by a light lunch at church.

Further information on these dates will be in the April Newsletter.

Every Sunday Family Service 10.30am
