TSCA Board of Directors

Minutes - June 05, 2018

Directors:Randy Stewart*David NiedererGreg EspenhoverSara Culbreth

Danny VinesDwight LumpkinsBen McAnallyDesirae Edmunds

Tommy JacksonGrady GibbonsTim BalaskiCharlie Dodson

Jim SchaeferJohn Calandro (Ex-Officio)

Roll Call – David Niederer made roll call, all Directors, with the exception of Randy Stewart, were present.

Call to Order – Establishing a quorum, David Niederer called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.

David reminded the Directors present of the Meeting Protocols, which is max.5min. presentation(s), save questions to the end of presentation, and 3minutes for Q/A, and that we are on an open line.

Public Forum – TSCA Members Only. David ask if any TSCA members were present on the line. Hearing no response, assumption made that no members, other than Directors noted, were on the call.

Approve Minutes - Having sent the minutes out under a separate email, Sara Culbreth asked if anyone had any revisions or comments regarding the minutes as presented. Hearing none, Ben McAnally made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Dwight Lumpkins seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – Greg Espenhover presented the Treasurer’s Report for the period as of and ended May 31, 2018. Greg provided a brief report, stating the income and expense are on track with last years and are where we are expected to be for this period end. A question was raised regarding whether Greg could provide any feedback on where he thinks financials for the just ended State Championship will be. Greg responded that is still a little early, however, revenue appears to be slightly better over last year, but not all items are in and posted. Greg indicated that from his perspective the shoot was great, winners are happy and our sponsors are happy. David thanked everyone for the raffle ticket sales. Transitional responsibilities were discussed. Greg indicated he had already prepared a list of Treasurer Duties and would be available to the incoming Treasurer as needed, indicating one of the primarily responsibilities included Shoot Management. David Neiderer expressed concurrence that the shoot management aspect was important and that we should take this into consideration on an ongoing forward transitional item. Having no further comments or questions, a motion was made by Sara Culbreth and seconded by Danny Vines to accept the Treasurer’s report. Passed unanimously. Danny Vines thanked Greg for his service to both the board and to the members of TSCA.

Thank Previous Board Members for Service – David Niederer thanked the Board Members, past and present for their service on the board and to the members of TSCA. David recognized Randy Stewart for leadership and work during his term as President and as a Board Member.

Welcome New Board Members –David Nierderer welcomed the new board members, Tim Balaski and Charlie Dodson, who were elected in April 2018 and this their first board meeting as members of the board. Others re-elected to the Board are, Danny Vines, Jim Schaefer, Grady Gibbons and Dwight Lumpkins. It was also pointed out that John Calandro will be removed from Ex-Officio Director and Randy Stewart as the outgoing President, will become the new Ex-Officio Member of the Board. Everyone thanked Mr. Calandro for his service not only to the Board, but to the sport as a whole.

Officer Election– Requiring the election of Officers, David Niederer opened the discussion regarding the need to elect President and Treasurer. A brief discussion was held concerning the need to elect VP and Secretary. The consensus was there is no need to re-elect these positions, therefore, David Neiderer will remain VP and Sara Culbreth will remain Secretary. David Niederer opened the floor for nominations for President. Dwight Lumpkins nominated Danny Vines. There being no additional nomination nor discussion, David Niederer called for a vote. Danny Vines was unanimously elected as the incoming President. David Niederer opened the floor for nominations to fill the Treasurer position. After a brief discussion concerning qualifications for Treasurer, Danny Vines nominated Sara Culbreth for Treasurer. The vote was unanimous. With Sara Culbreth elected as Treasurer, the Secretary position needs to now be filled. After a brief discussion regarding Secretarial duties, Danny Vines nominated Ben McAnally as Secretary and the vote was unanimous.

Sara Culbreth made a motion to adjourn the meeting of the previous board, seconded by Danny Vines and unanimously approved.

New Business – With the new board and slate of officers in place, Danny Vines made Roll Call and called the meeting of the incoming board to order. Danny thanked David for his service and welcomed the new board.

  • Date for 2019 Texas State Championship – Danny Vines gave a brief report on the status of the 2019 Texas State Championship to be held at NSC in San Antonio, indicating the need to approve the date. Dany reported that the current proposed date, the last weekend of May, present some concern, in that, temperatures in Texas that time of year have started to rise and makes it difficult on both the shooters and the workers of the event. He recommends moving the shoot back to the end of April. After a brief discussion, determining whether this date change presents no conflict with Regionals shoots, Dwight Lumpkins made a motion and Grady Gibbons seconded the motion to set the date of April 24-28, 2019 for the 2019 Texas State Championship. The motion carried unanimously.
  • Development of new TSCA Website – Danny Vines gave a brief report regarding the current TSCA website, indicating that there exist some limitations and concerns regarding continued maintenance. Jim Schaefer has started research and is working toward making recommendations on a go forward strategy on a new website. Jim gave a brief report regarding the limited use of ScoringPro by Texas clubs and that if any of the board members are interested in this initiative to contact him.
  • Update on target proposal – Danny Vines gave a brief report on the status of an initiative he present to the Board in May 2018 regarding the possibility of going out to bid (statewide) for targets. He reported that he has spoken with over 50% of the clubs in Texas (reporting that NSC and Windwalker were not interested in participation) and that the current consensus supports a statewide bid process. Further, Danny reported that TSCA would have no financial responsibility under such a proposal and/or contract. He reported that his next step would be to send a letter to all Texas ranges/clubs requesting information and receiving feedback on such a proposal. He opened the floor for discussion. There was considerable discussion, first being Desirae Edmunds. Desirae stated that she was not in support of the proposal, as it presented a conflict of interest for her, and that she could not support a letter from the Board going out. Accordingly, Danny Vines reported the letter would not go out from the Board rather that it would go out from him personally. After continued discussion, primarily concerning what roll the TSCA board would play in this proposal; that we should have no financial risks at all, no contractual obligation by the board, it was agreed to continue researching the possibility. Danny Vines to provide status at next meeting.
  • 2019 Texas State Championship improvements, to include updating our minimum standards requirements to limit the number of overlays on a single course to a maximum of two (2) overlays – Danny Vines gave a brief report concerning the need to review and most likely amend the current Minimum Standards. Specifically, it was brought to the board’s attention that the current Minimum Standards do not prohibit multiple shoot event overlays on a single shooting course. Allowing this to occur often contributes to delays in shooting the event(s) and causes many shooters to simply withdraw from the event due to time constraints. Danny Vines asked John Calandro to review and participate in developing revisions to our Minimum Standards to prevent this. A report is to be forthcoming at the next board meeting.
  • Incentive(s) to increase Out-of-State participation at the 2019 Texas State Championship – Danny Vines gave a brief report on the need to increase Out-of-State participation at the Texas State Championship. He is reviewing possible incentives, such has a separate pool of dollars for award to out of state shooters. A follow-up report is forthcoming.

Executive Session – no executive sessions was needed.

Adjournment – Danny Vines thanked everyone for attending and for their participation in discussions items. He specifically thanked Ben McAnally for the trophy program and awards for the 2018 Texas State Championship. There being no further discuss, Grady Gibbons made a motion to adjourn. Tommy Jackson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:20PM. The next meeting will be August 14, 2018

* Advance notice given for no attendance