Directions to Perseverance Wild Blueberry Farm from Skowhegan

421 Campbell Road (mobile home)

and 84 Preble Lane (barn)

Kingsbury Plantation, Maine

207-314-3937 or 207-745-4572

Take Rt.150 north to Athens, and then Rt.151 north through Brighton. Proceed with extreme cautionat the intersection--you will be going straight north but traffic approaching on a curve from the right will have the right of way. In Brighton, there will be a beautiful old white church with a tall steeple on the right. On the left you will see the last utility pole until you come back out of the Northwoods. Continue to the end of Rt.151, thenturn right onto Rt.16 and go approximately 2 miles.

You will come to the Kingsbury rest stop at Kingsbury Pond on the right. Just past the rest stop turn right (south) on Hilton Road (beside the large 2-story white house).

Immediately after crossing Kingsbury Stream, bear left and travel up the hill on Campbell Road. You are now approximately 2.4 miles from the farm. When Campbell Road begins to curve to the left, you willslow down to make the curve. On the left there will be a renovated red farmhouse with a large addition. [Seriously,“slow down.” One of our rakers lost her car on this curve about 25 years ago, and she hit the big sugar maple tree on the right.]

You will go past the former Ray Leavitt camp and blueberry field on the left,which is now owned by a fellow who is a hunting guide.On the right, you will pass a new camp obstructing a great view of Wellington Bog, and beyond that there is an overgrown blueberry field on the left. There will be a small A-frame type camp in the woods on the right and then a slight hill. About half way up this wooded hill is where Perseverance Wild Blueberry Farm begins.

At the top of the hill, blueberry fields open up on both sides of the road. On the right, our mobile home is at the end of Sidell Lane. Proceed a couple hundred yards and see an old, one-room schoolhouse that has been converted to a camp painted red. Across from the school, turn left (north) onto Preble Lane. Drive past a field on the left, through some woods surrounding a beaver pond [look for moose], then past another blueberry field with ferns and a lone apple tree. The lane takes a sharp elbow to the left to the old Preble house and a barn. This is the heart of the farm.

Check in at the barn, and then park behind the old house. Don’t slam your car door. If you do, the old house is liable to collapse from the shock wave--just the wallpaper is holding it together.