1. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  2. When the whistle blows three times, all play stops and children freeze for several seconds. The next whistle signals that it is time to clean up and WALK to line up.
  3. No fighting or inappropriate language.
  4. No throwing sand.
  5. No throwing balls at other students/ No kicking balls.
  6. No hanging on the basketball hoop.
  7. If you are injured on the playground, let the teacher on duty know before you go to the appropriate area for treatment.
  8. No running on the equipment.

9. No running or playing next to the doors, and no peeking into preschool classrooms or offices.

10. Jump ropes are for jumping only. Using ropes for lassos or tying onto students or structures is not allowed.

11. Tag games are not allowed.

12. Hula hoops may not be tossed in the air.

13. No standing on the garden wall or picking flowers or leaves.

14. The Weather Station is for Pre-School only.

15. Do not bring balls, toys or any other play equipment from home for recess play.

16. No rock throwing.

17. No biting.


1.  Drinks and restroom needs are to be taken care of during recess – NO PLAYING IN THE RESTROOM AREA.

2.  Emergencies and special needs will be handled by the classroom teachers.

3.  Nutrition Break - Recommended snacks: fruit, vegetables, cheese and crackers. Absolutely NO GUM, CANDY OR SODA!

4.  Tables are used for eating. Do not sit on them. Benches are for sitting only; no standing. Please be sure to clear away all of your trash.


Appropriate behavior in the restrooms is expected. The following are not allowed:

·  Loitering

·  Playing with water in sinks

·  Clogging drains with sand or any other items

·  Putting inappropriate materials in sinks or toilets

·  Turning off lights while others are still in the restroom

·  Purposely blocking restroom doorways

·  Playing in and around the bathrooms



  1. Each person may slide one at a time. Stay seated, feet first, with your entire body between the sides of the slide.
  2. You may only go down the slide while seated.
  3. Do not walk up the slide.
  4. No sitting on the yellow tube.
  5. Do not use the slide if it is wet.


1.  Wait on concrete and count to “25” while waiting your turn.

2.  No jumping off the swings.

3.  No walking in front or back of swings while they are in use.


  1. The fire truck is for climbing only.
  2. Running on, jumping from, or hanging from the fire truck is not allowed.
  3. No playing or climbing on front poles.

CLIMBING WALL: Sitting on top of the rock climbing wall is not allowed.


  1. Bikes are for riding only – you must be seated at all times.

2. No speeding, bumping or standing on bikes is allowed.

3. No crashing into other bikes or the wall.

4. Bikes must be ridden within the red line.

DINOSAUR: Only two riders at a time and you must face forward at all times.