Directions to get into Google Classroom:

1. Go to Google Classroom:

2. Click on the blue ‘Classroom’ button

3. Sign into Google with your 6 digit student ID #

Your password is your 8 digit birthday

4. Sign into DPS with your 6 digit student ID (no this time!)

Your password is your 8 digit birthday

5. Agree to the terms of service

6. Identify yourself as a student

7. Click on the plus button in the top, right-hand corner that says join your first/new classroom

8. Enter the class code that can be found on your syllabus

9. You’re in!

Directions to get into Google Classroom:

1. Go to Google Classroom:

2. Click on the blue ‘Classroom’ button

3. Sign into Google with your 6 digit student ID #

Your password is your 8 digit birthday

4. Sign into DPS with your 6 digit student ID (no this time!)

Your password is your 8 digit birthday

5. Agree to the terms of service

6. Identify yourself as a student

7. Click on the plus button in the top, right-hand corner that says join your first/new classroom

8. Enter the class code that can be found on your syllabus

9. You’re in!

Directions to get into Google Classroom:

1. Go to Google Classroom:

2. Click on the blue ‘Classroom’ button

3. Sign into Google with your 6 digit student ID #

Your password is your 8 digit birthday

4. Sign into DPS with your 6 digit student ID (no this time!)

Your password is your 8 digit birthday

5. Agree to the terms of service

6. Identify yourself as a student

7. Click on the plus button in the top, right-hand corner that says join your first/new classroom

8. Enter the class code that can be found on your syllabus

9. You’re in!