The following are the instructions for filling out and completing the Risk Tree Evaluation form. Each step corresponds to a section on the evaluation sheet. It is important that all steps be followed in the exact order that they are presented here. By Following each step you will reach a final numeric hazard rating. This number can then be used to determine your course of action. Failure to not follow these directions in the order they are presented here will result in inaccurate results due to improper calculations.
Location:The overall area that the tree, or trees, to be inspected are located. This could be a city, town, campground, roadway, etc.
Date:The month, day and year of when the inspection occurred.
Inspector(s):The qualified individual, or individuals, that performed the inspection and assessed the tree’s condition.
Tree #:The unique identification number assigned to the tree. This can be a number that already exists from a previous inventory or it can be a newly created number specific to this evaluation.
Sp.Species code. A unique code representing the tree’s species. This code may be made up of numbers or letters. (i.e.: AR= Acer rubrum)
DBHDiameter at breast height. The tree’s diameter measured at 4.5 feet from the ground.
Location informationThe precise location of the tree being evaluated. It can refer to GIS/GPS coordinates, street address or the location on a map.
Defect Code(s)A designated code can be entered into the form to show what defect is present on the tree. The codes provide each user with a uniform method for entering defects.
Probability of FailureThe number represents different degrees of severity, pertaining to the amount and type of damage that exists on the surveyed tree. There are four classes in this category; they are low, moderate, high, and extremely high
Size of Defective Part(s)The size, in diameter, of the largest part that is defective. There are three size classes; less than 4 inches, 4 to 20 inches, greater than 20 inches.
Probability of Target ImpactThe number which represents the likelihood that the tree would impact life or property should it fail. The three ratings are based on the target areas level and frequency of use. The level of use ranges from occasional to intermittent to frequent.
Other Risk FactorsAn optional category that is available for professionals to use if they feel that the hazard rating should be further adjusted. For example, some risk assessment surveyors will use species as a guide to establish a rating in this category
Description of Risk FactorsHere you will be able to ad notes to add further description of the “other risk factors”
Hazard Risk RatingThe rating is the sum of columns one through four. This number value helps determine the course of action to be taken to remedy the problem
Corrective Action Code(s)A particular code that is entered into the form. This code corresponds to an action that is needed to correct the problem. This could include removing the defective part by pruning, removing the entire tree, relocating the target, or securing the area.
Action CompletedThe date of when the problem was corrected as well as the initials of the person responsible for insuring that was correction was made.