Lawrence Memorial Board of Trustees
Meeting Minutes
December 20, 2017
Board Members: Caroline Engvall, Mary Yates, Anne Wallace, Jill Mackler, Lynn Camara
Staff: Nancy Wilson
Minutes from the previous meeting accepted unanimously, with the change from Bets Night to Best Night.
Librarian’s Report:
Nancy has submitted a written report.
Nancy has been approached by two community members about doing films at the library. Patty Lea would like to show current issue films and hold discussions. Nancy put her in contact with Sue Hawkins, who spoke to Nancy and contacted Mary about doing films a few weeks ago. Ian Albinson also told Nancy that a friend of his has a large collection of 16mm films and projector that he would use to show retro films at the library. Nancy sent both of them an outline of the film license rules for public libraries. She will wait to hear more from them.
The staff and volunteer appreciation dinner will take place on February 7th at 6:00. We’ll plan it more at the January meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mary found out at probate court that the Vera Cline fund started in 1985 and included two deposits, one of $25,000 and another of $75,000. This is considered the principle, which cannot be spent.
Discussion ensues about the transfer of investment money to the Vermont Community Foundation. Some questions remain so Mary will email Patrick Berry and ask him to clarify some things and to come to the January meeting to help with the transition.
Mary will let Doug Howes, from Sapphire Investments, current holder of the investments, about the change the library board has decided to make.
Ann makes a motion to ask the town for an appropriation amount of $137,872.00 for the 2081-2019 library budget. Jill seconded. Passed unanimously. Nancy will submit the budget to the town.
Jill has written a draft investment policy. It sounds good to everyone. She will send it out for final revisions before the next meeting.
Nancy was thinking of increasing the technology line in the 2018-2019 budget but noticed that this year’s budget is still not spent. She wonders about hiring someone to help Paulita with the website. It is decided that we can spend some of the current technology budget to hire a consultant to sit with staff and teach some new Word Press skills. Nancy will call Ben Allred, local web designer.
Caroline has a letter from the National Bank that informs us of an increase in our eCorps (online payroll) fees per month. We now pay $5.00 and it will increase to $10.00. Nancy mentions that our bookkeeper, Nancy, actually negotiated our fee down from $15.00 per month to $5.00 per month a few years ago. The increase does not seem excessive so Caroline signs the paperwork.
Old Business:
Jill will write a narrative for the town report. Nancy will send her the current stats and some annual highlights for inclusion.
Tryouts for the Ten Below Variety Show will be held at the library on Thursday, January 4th at 7:00 and at Holley Hall Sunday, January 7th at 2:00. Nancy and Jill volunteer to be judges. Caroline will ask the BES music teacher to be the third judge. Nancy will do a small handout for us to give out at Best Night to encourage performers to consider trying out for the Ten Below Variety Show. Nancy will post again on Front Porch Forum about the tryouts. Mary will post sometime next week.
We will do trivia all five Tuesdays in January. Nancy is preparing questions for the month and will read on January 2nd. Caroline will read on January 16th and 30th. Ann will read on January 9th and 23rd.
New Business:
Caroline has heard from a new community member who would liketo direct a children’s play. She will go to a Gateway Players meeting to discuss it further. The play would be a joint production with the library.
Adjournment:Meeting adjourned at8:20
Agenda for the next meeting (January 17, at 6:30)
- Review agenda
- Visitor’s business
- Review of and acceptance of meeting minutes
- Librarian’s report
- Treasurer’s report—budget and investments
- Old Business
- New business
9. Summary
10. Next meeting date