Diocese of Kerry
Work Plan 2013 – 2014
Priority Area Page
Working Together5
Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation7
Safeguarding Children and Young People8
Young People 10
Effective Communications 11
Management of Resources 13
Goal: To provide formation for all that they might have a greater understanding of Christ’s call and missionActions / Who is Responsible? / Timeframe
Objective 1 : Create opportunities to enrich people’s understanding and experience of faith
1 / Promote Lenten Programmes / Pastoral Team/APCs / Prepare programme in Autumn 2013
2 / Promote and facilitate training on Come and See for parishes / Pastoral Team / Autumn 2013
3 / Promote and pilot online adult faith programme / Pastoral Team / Spring 2013
4 / Create parish resource pack for churches / Pastoral Team / Autumn 2013
5 / Pilot the provision of resources for parish newsletter inserts / Pastoral Team / January 2014
6 / Further training, (Scripture), for those who completed the Pastoral Ministry Course / Pastoral Team / November 2013
Objective 2 : Provide on-going formation and support for clergy
1 / Organise two Study days / Council of Priests/Pastoral Team / Autumn 2013 & Spring 2014
2 / Priests’ Assembly / Council of Priests Working Group / January 2014
Objective 3 : Provide formation for parents with children who are preparing for the Sacraments
1 / Promote Do This in Memory and You Shall be my Witnesses / Pastoral Team, Parish Pastoral Councils / Autumn 2013, Spring 2014
2 / Provide training and support for parish facilitators / Pastoral Team / Sept. 2013,Ongoing
3 / Deliver Pre Sacramental Preparation programmes in identified parishes / Pastoral Team / Autumn 2013, Spring 2014
Objective 6: Provide ongoing support for faith development of young people at primary, post-primary and third level
1 / Promote the Catholic Ethos of schools / Diocesan Advisors for Primary and Post-Primary Education, / Ongoing
2 / Provide ongoing support and resources for faith development of young people at primary level / Diocesan Advisors for Post-Primary and Primary Ed. / Ongoing
3 / Promote and resource teachers and pupils to journey through the liturgical year in class / Diocesan Advisors for Primary Ed. / Ongoing
4 / Equip each class teacher with a planning and self assessment scheme for RE for the coming year / Diocesan Advisors for Primary Ed.
5 / Continue to support the pilot schools who engaged in a whole school approach to Christian Meditation last year. / Diocesan Advisors for Primary Ed. / Ongoing
6 / Resourceand provide ongoing support to the new schools committed to introducing Christian Meditation as a whole school during the coming year. / Diocesan Advisors for Primary Ed
7 / Continue to promote Missionary groups especially children Helping children. / Diocesan Advisors for Primary Ed
8 / Visit all second level schools / Diocesan Advisor for Post-Primary Ed. / Ongoing
9 / Develop Home- School-Parish links through Ceiliúradh na nÓg / Diocesan Advisor for Post-Primary Ed. / Sept 2013- March 20114
10 / Produce KART News: 4 issues in the school year / Diocesan Advisor for Post-Primary Ed. / Ongoing
11 / Organise and lead in-service for teachers / Diocesan Advisor for Post-Primary Ed. / October/November 2013
January/February 2014
12 / Provide daily pastoral care to staff and students in I.T. Tralee / I.T. Chaplain / ongoing
13 / Invite 3rd level students to various places of pilgrimage associated with St. Brendan to give them a sense of spiritual significance of these places / I.T. Chaplain / Ongoing
14 / Promote volunteerism with Catholic volunteer movements both at home and abroad / I.T. Chaplain / Ongoing
Objective 7: Support family life
1 / Provide training pack for Home is a Holy Place / Pastoral Team / Autumn 2013
2 / Provide training for facilitators to deliver Home is a Holy Place in parishes / Pastoral Team / Autumn 2013
3 / Provide resources for family prayer in the home / Pastoral Team / Autumn 2013
4 / Promote and organise Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock for Grandparents’ Day / Pastoral Team / Sept 8th 2013
Objective 8: Provide training and support for liturgical ministers
1 / Collate resources for parish celebrations during the year / Diocesan Liturgy Committee / Ongoing
2 / Provide liturgical music workshop for choirs and musicians / Diocesan Liturgy Committee / Autumn 2014
3 / Promote and Facilitate training session for Ministers of Prayer / Pastoral Team / Ongoing
4 / Facilitate 2 liturgy workshops / Diocesan Liturgy Committee / October 2013[November/Advent/Christmas]
February 2014 [Lent/Easter]
5 / Facilitate workshop for Baptism team training / Pastoral Team / Autumn 2014
6 / Facilitate workshop for leaders at Family Mass/Children’s Liturgy of the Word / Pastoral Team / Autumn 2014
Objective 9: Engage with communities of other churches and faiths
1 / Promote Week of Prayer for Christian Unity / Diocesan Liturgy Committee / Spring 2014
Working Together
Goal: To foster and support collaboration among laity and clergy at parish, pastoral area and diocesan levelActions / Who is Responsible? / Timeframe
Objective 1:Develop structures at parish, pastoral area and diocesan level to facilitate collaboration between laity and clergy
1 / Provide on-going support for PPCs, APCs and DPC / Pastoral Team / On-going
2 / Provide support for pastoral areas where there is a parish without a resident priest / Pastoral Team / On-going
3 / Organise a networking day for parish secretaries / Pastoral Team / October 2013
4 / Update database of, parish and pastoral area level, contacts. / Pastoral Team / September 2013
Objective 2 : Provide guidelines and support to parishes for the recruitment and induction of ministers and volunteers
1 / Provide resources for recruitment, support and acknowledgement of parish volunteers / Pastoral Team / Autumn 2013
Objective 3 : Develop guidelines for Parish Pastoral Councils, Area Pastoral Councils and Diocesan Pastoral Council
1 / Revise and develop guidelines for PPCs, APCs and DPC as necessary / Pastoral Team, DPC, APC, PPC / Ongoing
Objective 4: Provide pastoral leadership training for members of all Pastoral Councils
1 / Provide leadership training and support, (with a particular focus on reflective practice), to PPCs, APCs and DPC / Pastoral Team / Agree dates with each Pastoral Area in September 2013
Objective 5: Provide pastoral leadership training for those involved in ministry
1 / Deliver 20 week training Course in Pastoral Ministry in two venues in the diocese / Pastoral Team / Sept 2013 – April 2014
2 / Provide support and resources for participants on the course / Pastoral Team / Ongoing
Objective 6: Evaluate the work of PPCs, APCs and the DPC
1 / Develop an evaluation tool for pastoral councils in order to support good practice / Pastoral Team / Spring 2014
Objective 7: Provide guidelines, training and support for finance committees
1 / On-going support for finance committees / Diocesan Finance Committee / Ongoing
Objective 8: Establish supports for pastoral ministry groups at diocesan and parish level
1 / Create awareness of the work of ministry groups in the diocese / Pastoral Team / Ongoing
Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation
Goal: To promote an awareness of our Christian responsibility to work for justice, peace and the integrity of creationlocally and in the wider world.Actions / Who is Responsible? / Timeframe
Objective 1 : Promote awareness of Catholic Social Teaching
1 / Provide resources on Catholic Social Teaching on web site / Pastoral Team / Ongoing
Objective 2 : Work towards a sustainable global environment by promoting care for creation
1 / Promote and resource Diocese of Kerry Earth Week / Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee, Pastoral Team / Oct 4th – 13th
2 / Promote Diocese of Kerry Earth Week in schools / Diocesan Advisor for Primary and Post-Primary Ed.
JPIC Committee / Sept. 2013
Objective 3 : Create awareness of and respond to issues of exclusion and poverty locally, nationally and in the wider world
1 / Promote the work of Trócaire / Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee, Trócaire representative / Ongoing
2 / Promote Mission month / Mission Committee, Pastoral Team / October 2013
3 / Create awareness of the work of St. Vincent De Paul / Pastoral Team / Autumn 2013
Objective 4 : Increase awareness and understanding of issues of migration
1 / Promote Migrant Sunday through the Sunday liturgy / Diocesan Liturgy Committee / January 2014
Safeguarding Children and Young People
Goal: To provide maximum safety for children and young people through the implementation and monitoring of clear policies and proceduresActions / Who is Responsible? / Timeframe
Objective 1 : Implement policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people
Standard 1: A written policy on keeping children safe
1 / All Church organisations must have a written child protection policy and all church personnel are required to comply with it. / Parish Priest and Safeguarding Children parish representatives / Ongoing
Objective 2 : Promote awareness of policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people in every parish
Standard 2: Procedures – how to respond to allegations and suspicions.
1 / Step by step guidance, consistent with legislation, on what action to take on receipt of allegations or suspicions of abuse / Parish Priest and Safeguarding Children parish representatives / Ongoing
2 / A Designated Officer with a clearly defined role for Safeguarding Children at Diocesan level / The Bishop / Ongoing
3 / A process for recording incidents, allegations, suspicions, complaints and referrals and secure storage / Parish Priest and Safeguarding Children parish representatives / Ongoing
4 / Posters displaying contact details of Parish Representatives, Designated Officer, HSE and Gardaí / Parish Priest and Safeguarding Children parish representatives / Ongoing
5 / Update website / Diocesan Committee / Ongoing
6 / Designated person to attend meeting of the DPC once a year / Designated person / Spring 2014
Objective 3 : Support those involved in safeguarding children and young people
Standard 3: Preventing harm to children and young people
1 / Recruitment and vetting procedures / Diocesan Committee / Ongoing
2 / Organising safe activities for children and young people / Parish Representatives and Leaders of Church based organisations / Ongoing
3 / Code of behaviour for all adults who work with children and Codes of Behaviour for children. / Diocesan Trainers / Ongoing
Standard 4: Training and Education
1 / Training for all Church personnel / Diocesan Trainers / Ongoing
2 / Training programmes approved by the national Board / Diocesan Trainers / Ongoing
3 / Provide training for all parishes / Diocesan Trainers
Standard 5: Communicating the Church’s safeguarding message
1 /
- To children
- To parents and adults
- To other organisations
Standard 6: Access to advice and support
1 /
- Victim Support
- Respondent Support
- Support for Safeguarding Personnel
Objective 4 : Carry out an annual review of the implementation of policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people at parish and diocesan level
Standard 7: Implementing and monitoring the Standards
1 / Annual audit of parishes to monitor compliance with child protection policies and procedures / Diocesan Coordinator / Annually
Young people
Goal: To reach out and engage with young people enabling them to develop socially, spiritually and emotionallyActions / Who is Responsible? / Timeframe
Objective 1 : Provide young people with an opportunity to participate at parish, pastoral area and diocesan level
1 / Liaise with parishes and those who completed the youth ministry programme to establish projects in parishes / Pastoral Team / Ongoing
3 / Organise YouthFest, in order to celebrate the work of youth ministry / Pastoral Team / Spring 2014
Objective 2 : Promote out-of-school programmes, resources and events that enable young people to grow in faith
1 / Promote the work of Teen SpiriT in each pastoral area / Pastoral Team, Diocesan Advisor for Post Primary Ed. / Ongoing
2 / Promote involvement of parishes with Ceiliúradh na nÓg / Pastoral Team, Diocesan Advisor for Post Primary Ed. / Ongoing
3 / Co-ordinate the Diocesan ‘faithfoto’ project / Pastoral Team / Ongoing
4 / Promote Youth Events on the diocesan web site / Pastoral Team / Ongoing
5 / Develop Post Confirmation Programme / Pastoral Team / Autumn 2013
Objective 3 : Develop formal links between the diocese, parishes and KDYS
1 / Establish formal links between Board of KDYS and the DPC / Pastoral Team / Autumn
2 / Establish a Youth Ministry working group in conjunction with KDYS / Pastoral Team / Ongoing
Objective 4: Provide training and support for those involved in youth ministry
1 / Develop support network for participants from Youth Ministry Course / Pastoral Team / Sept 2013 – June 2014
2 / Explore the possibility of delivering a youth ministry course in Autumn 2014 / Pastoral Team / Spring 2014
Effective Communications
Goal: To develop and implement a strategy that facilitates clear communication for the dioceseActions / Who is Responsible? / Update
Objective 1 : Developand promote the use of technology to enhance communications at parish, pastoral area and diocesan level
1 / Provide training and support for parishes in the use of parish page on / Director of Communications / Ongoing
2 / Maintain communications through computer and e-mail at diocesan/parish level / Director of Communications with Administration staff Bishop’s House / On-going
3 / Review the value and cost of live church streaming for interested parishes / Director of Communications , Parish Pastoral Councils / Ongoing
Objective 2 : Develop effective communications between pastoral ministry groups and parishes
1 / Create awareness of ministry groups through Horizons, website and gatherings / Pastoral Team, Ministry Groups, Director of Communications / Ongoing
Objective 3 : Maintain a user-friendly website to provide news, information and resources
1 / Maintain Face book / Director of Communications / Ongoing
2 / Develop Youth Page on the diocesan website / Pastoral team & Director of Communications / Ongoing
Objective 4 : Develop effective communications between diocesan office and parish personnel
1 / Review communication practices / Director of Communications with Diocesan Administration and Diocesan Secretary / Spring 2014
Objective 5 : Provide training in communications for clergy, diocesan and parish personnel
1 / Promote training in communications for diocesan personnel / Director of Communications, Radio Kerry / Sessions in Pastoral Ministry courses on Communications
Objective 6 : Develop clear communications with the media
1 / Maintain PR strategy for the diocese through a flexible publicity calendar and prompt effective responses to media queries / Director of Communications / Ongoing
Objective 7 : Maintain Horizons, Just A Thought on Radio Kerry
1 / Produces weekly Horizons for Radio Kerry / Director of Communications / Ongoing
2 / Produce daily Thoughts for Radio Kerry / Director of Communications / Ongoing
Objective : Provide materials and resources in Irish as appropriate
1 / Maintain Irish language page on the web site / Pastoral team / Ongoing
Management of Resources
Goal: To manage responsibly the gifts and resources entrusted to us as a dioceseActions / Who is Responsible? / Timeframe
Objective 1 : Establish and implement policies and procedures in human resource management at parish, pastoral area, and diocesan level
1 / Support parishes and pastoral areas in relation to their HR need / Diocesan Administration / Ongoing
2 / Update, information technology, policy / Diocesan Administration, Director of Communications
3 / Implement policies and procedures at diocesan, pastoral area and parish level / Diocesan Administration / Ongoing
Objective 2 : Establish and implement policies and procedures for financial management and
accountability at parish, pastoral area and diocesan level
1 / Implement policies and procedures for parishes / Finance committee / Ongoing
2 / Prepare Diocesan Budget 2014 / Finance committee / December 2013
Objective 3 : Establish and implement policies and procedures for property management and development at parish, pastoral area and diocesan level
1 / Update property file of each parish / Parish priests and property manager / Ongoing
Objective 4 : Develop more efficient structures for administering the diocese
1 / Facilitate communications between DPC and Priests’ Council / Pastoral Team / Ongoing