Chawson First School Association

Registered Charity Number: 1092378

Minutes of Meeting

Tuesday 11thJuly 2017

School Staff Room, 6.30pm

Present:Claire Parmley (Chair)

Tonia Shadforth (Vice Chair)

Gemma Howes (Secretary)

Christina Bowden

Rachel Stevens

Ian Evans (Treasurer)

Mandy Eggington

Rob Fair (Teacher Representative)

Apologies:Nicola Pck

Rachel Howcroft

Helen Broughton

Meeting opened 6.33pm

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting

Summer Fayre

Update of finances and stall successes

Still awaiting a couple of receipts, but hopeful of approx. £2200 profit

Bouncy castle big success through Fortis

Fortis were really pleased with how the event went for them and definitely would like to be involved again and in more ways. They were very impressed with the numbers in attendance

St Peters are keen to ‘share’ an event – awaiting more details on what this could be and their intentions.

Wine game is always popular, variation idea for next event – more opportunity for profit.

Good feedback overall on fayre

Flash mob was good success

Thank you to everyone for helping

100 Club

Idea introduced by Christina. A type of lottery – flyer gives more info

Basically, people can buy a number and then a monthly draw is held with the chance to win a cash prize…. Called 100 club as there would initially be 100 numbers, but if more people wanted to join, this could be increased

The dates would need to be planned in advance so everyone knows when they will take place.

A random person on the playground will be asked to pick out the number with CFSA member present.

Rob suggested to facebook live the draw so those that don’t do school pick up could still see the draw – rules of filming, etc, would need to be taken into account.

Adults only can buy tickets

PTA constitution means currently we could only sell to parents of the school (no other relatives)

In order to be able to sell to a wider audience we would need to become a PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association). This can only be done by voting in an AGM (Annual General Meeting) or an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting). Once agreed it would need the chair signature and a witness.

Just needs to inform charity commission and PTA of change. No need to for name change.

Not possible to sell to wider audience under current lottery licence

Draws would follow the school year

In order to make this happen, an EGM could be called before the AGM to allow enough time to set up. An EGM requires 21 day notice period, so not possible to do straight away. Need to check status of Gemma Howes as Secretary, as of September no longer linked to school, but will not be replaced until AGM.

Nicola Peck stated the wording on the flyer needs to be clear that the £12 fee is an annual fee

Back at school 5th September

Could join throughout the year, but in all cases, payment must be upfront

Christina will run this – with advice of Ian regarding money matters and recording ok

Advertise this week to raise awareness ready for September

Big Spend

Year 3 chairs have arrived - £1500

2 playhouses have arrived - £1600

Letter to be put together with school year spends to raise more awareness. Claire to put together – Ian to support

Leavers Disco

This week – DJ ready to go

Sweets, biscuits and drinks supplied by CFSA

Possible ice pops – Need ice box

Leavers gifts arrived – pens need adding

Child leaving this week – will get his book – Give to Rob Fair

Need to sort out distribution as gifts as personalised this year

Fathers Day

Success – nice idea

Christmas Fayre

25th November – 1-3pm

Same as Droitwich light switch on – but that is evening

Possible theme – Polar Express

Conductor could take child to Santa rather than elf

Train tickets to go and see Santa


Idea – Polar Express t-shirt for winner of opening the fayre

More presents needed for Santa

Claire to check for Christmas Presents

Teachers Requests



  • Just Giving

Rachel trying to set up on Just giving page so CFSA charity choice, but needs monthly membership - £15+VAT per month

They also take 5% of money raised

Will look into Virgin pages instead

Possibly do on short term if event coming up

  • Charity Places

Rachel to look into London Marathon charity places

  • Hoodies

Look good – potential issues with lettering. Will look into embroidery for next year

Suggest to make hoodies available bit earlier next year as children enjoyed wearing them

  • Parents Info Evening

Good chats. 1 new member form received, few more possibles

Gemma is now leaving the CFSA as daughter no longer at Chawson. Thanks for the support and hard work over the years

Thanks to Rob Fair as the teacher representative for the summer term

Date of next meeting

AGM – Tuesday 19thSeptember, 6.30pm Staffroom

EGM to be arranged before this date - TBC

CFSA Social – 22nd July 2017

Submitted by

Gemma Howes

CFSA Secretary

Meeting minutes submitted by: Gemma Howes - CFSA Secretary