The Renaissance Period

Read pages 192-211 silently and answer the questions below.

  1. Beginning in the late 1400’s the ______marked changes in people’s ______, ______, and ______.
  1. Renaissance means ______.
  1. People discovered the marvels hidden away in an old ______and ______classics.
  1. Since people became curious about themselves and their world, there was a renewal of the ______----of ______and ______.
  1. What is a “Renaissance Person”?
  1. When and where did the Renaissance begin?
  1. How long did it last?
  1. Name a Renaissance artist, explorer, and a scientist.
  1. What was the prominent religion during the Renaissance?
  1. Give a specific example of how many of the popes were patrons of the artists, architects, and scholars.
  1. Define humanism.
  1. By harmonizing two great sources of wisdom:______and ______, the humanists were aiming to use the classics to strengthen ______.
  1. How did the humanist accomplish their goal?
  1. Who invented the printing press?
  1. What did he print in 1455?
  1. Gutenberg’s printing press helped spread the ______, making more ______available to more ______.
  1. Who was the best-known Renaissance humanist?
  1. Thomas More, Erasmus’ friend, wrote a famous treatise on ______, called ______.
  1. What does the adjective utopian mean today?
  1. What is the play A Man for All Seasons about?
  1. What are the five major characteristics of the Renaissance?
  1. What was the Reformation?
  1. What made the break with the Roman Church possible?
  1. A monk named ______(1483-1546) founded a new kind of Christianity based on the personal ______of the ______.
  1. When did the conflict between the pope and the king of England come to a climax? Explain.
  1. What were Henry’s two motives for getting rid of Catherine?
  1. Upon receiving the pope’s refusal in 1533, Henry simply declared himself______and appointed a new ______.
  1. Why did Henry order Thomas More, now the Lord Chancellor of England, to be beheaded?
  1. What new Faith was born because of the protest against the Catholic Church?
  1. What idea is the foundation of most Protestant churches?
  1. In 1531, ______refused an ______by the ______, Henry VIII broke with the ______in Rome and declared himself head of the ______.
  1. This marked the beginning of the ______in England.
  1. When did the War of the Roses begin?
  1. Who was the rival between?
  1. ______seized the throne after the War of the Roses ended.
  1. He was a shrewd, patient, and stingy man who restored ______and ______to the kingdom.
  1. How many wives did Henry VIII have?
  1. Name each wife and their ultimate fate.
  1. Henry VIII created the ______which stopped ______and provided the means to spread its ______, ______, and ______all over the globe.
  1. Why would Henry VIII deserve the title of “Renaissance Man”?
  1. What were some of Henry VIII’s faults?
  1. Who were Henry VIII’s three children?
  1. Edward VI was crowned at the age of ______.
  1. Since he was sickly, he ruled in ______only while his ______actually wielded the power.
  1. After ______death, ______came to the throne, She was a devout, strong-willed ______determined to ______.
  1. She restored the ______power, killed the ______, and ______her father’s policies.
  1. Because of the executions, Mary earned the name______.
  1. Elizabeth became queen after Mary died of a ______.
  1. Elizabeth restored law and order, reestablished ______and rejected the ______.
  1. Elizabeth resisted ______and officially remained the “______”.
  1. Describe the dress of women during the Renaissance.
  1. Who plotted against Elizabeth? Why? What happened to her?
  1. ______execution was King ______- of Spain’s excuse to invade ______.
  1. In 1588, England’s ______destroyed the ______. This victory assured England’s ______from the powerful ______of the Mediterranean.
  1. After the defeat of the Armada, ______became a beloved symbol of ______, ______, and ______. She provided ______to scores of English ______.
  1. Literary works represented the Queen as characters or were ______to her honor.
  1. ______of Scotland was ______successor.
  1. James ______became James ______of England.
  1. Describe how James I was a different ruler from Elizabeth.
  1. Describe James’ good qualities.
  1. Describe the difficulties of James’ reign.
  1. The end of the English Renaissance is marked by the return of ______from exile in France in ______.
  1. Renaissance values gradually eroded and more political and secular values began to challenge the accepted doctrines of ______.