2014 Rules and Regulations (Updated 2-17-11)
A.S.A. rules will apply with the following additions:
- Players must attend the church that they play for at least 2 Sundays a month in order to be eligible to play.
- Softball is meant to be outreach. If a potential softball player does not attend your church and wants to be a part of your team, he will be given three weeks from the time he first makes his intentions known until the above rule will be enforced.
- There can be exceptions to the above guidelines. However, every player who does not meet the above criteria must be approved each year by the coaches and listed with the league officers before he will be eligible to play. Exceptions should be made if they are based on the spirit of outreach mentioned above. The vote requires 3/4 approval – one vote per church (not one vote per team).
- Players must be men and at least 14 years of age or who will turn 14 during the season.
- No obscene language, alcohol use, or tobacco use will be permitted on the grounds where the games are being played.
- A team must have a minimum of 8 players to play. Teams who cannot field at least 8 players by 6:15 forfeit the first game of the double-header. Teams who cannot field at least 8 players by 6:30 forfeit the second game. If a team can field only 8 players the opposing team must provide a catcher for them. This catcher is for defensive purposes only and is not responsible for covering the plate when there is a play at the plate. If a team can field only 9 players, the team must play with 9. The opposing team cannot supply a catcher.
- Acceptable bats for use in all league games shall be limited to single wall aluminum or wooden bats. Coaches should inspect their own bats before the game begins and remove questionable bats. Unless there is evidence of willful intent the player using an illegal bat should be allowed to continue the game. Other ASA rules governing use of illegal bat would be applicable. Bats that are prohibited for use at any time:
- Multi-wall bats to include double wall, triple wall, etc.
- Sleeved bats
- Shell bats
- Composite bats
- Hybrids and/or Multi-piece e.g. composite handle, aluminum barrel.
- A mat will be used to determine strikes. If the ball comes in contact with home plate and the mat it is considered a strike. The count will begin at 1 ball and 1 strike.
- A DH may be used in place of a fielder. An EP may be used to allow additional team members to play. Both a DH and an EP may be used if players are available.
- All re-entry players must play the field first. Re-entry is limited to one time per player/per game. Exception: Injured players may be replaced by anyone on the bench.
- A foul ball on the third strike will be considered an out.
- The in-field fly rule applies with less then two outs and runners at first and second or the bases are loaded.
- Both the offensive and defensive players involved in a play must attempt to avoid aggressive and excessive contact.
- By definition on a non-force play, there will be contact. So contact is to be expected.
- The offensive player has the right to the base path and to attempt to achieve a base. The defensive player cannot block a base or a basepath.
- The defensive player has the right to defend his basewithout fear of hard contact. The offensive player must try to achieve a base without making hard contact with the body of the defensive player.
- The offensive player does not have to slide. However, even if the offensive player slides, he cannot slide across or through the base into the body of the defensive player.
- The offensive player cannot impede the throw of a defensive player.
- A 10 run lead after 5 complete innings will be considered the end of a game. This rule is not to be applied to the second game of a double-header. Also, 4 innings constitute a complete game in case of rain or darkness.
- Certificates of Liability Insurance must be in league files before the first league game.
- Disagreements (regarding an umpire’s call or an interpretation of the rules) during games will be discussed by the coaches only. If the coaches cannot come to an agreement, they should bring the matter to the Rules Committee within 24 hours of the game.
- The Rules Committee (league officers + one member at large) has the right to modify or create new rules as deemed necessary by a majority vote of its committee members.
- A player who breaks the above rules can be removed from the game (both head coaches must agree). If both head coaches cannot come to an agreement, the coach who questioned the player’s behavior can bring the matter to the Rules Committee. The Rules Committee has the right to suspend a player from league play.
- The base coaches will serve as umpires. The first base coach will make the calls at first base and home plate. The third base coach will make the calls at second and third base. The catcher will call balls and strikes as well as fair or foul balls.
- A team will not be required to take an out in a batting position vacated by a player who is forced to leave the line-up due to injury or other important circumstances even if that player cannot be replaced by another player from the bench. Should a team drop to 9 or less players, rule number 4 above will immediately take effect (including forfeit if less than 8 players).
19.The maximum height of a pitch will be required to be between six (6) and twelve (12) feet. If the pitch is outside this zone, the first or third base coach can call the pitch illegal. This call must be made when the pitch is at the maximum height of its arc. The batter has the option of attempting to hit an illegal pitch, play will continue as normal. If no attempt is made, the pitch is automatically called a ball.
Playoffs and Tie-breakers:
- The top six teams will make the playoffs. The top two teams will earn a bye. See schedule for details as to which team plays which.
- In case of a two-way tie: head-to-head competition, run differential (head to head), fewest runs allowed (all teams), run differential (all teams), flip a coin.
- In the case of a three (or more) way tie: Record vs. teams in the tie, run differential against teams in the tie, fewest runs allowed against teams in the tie,fewest runs allowed (all teams), run differential (all teams), flip a coin. When a team is eliminated at a certain stage in the process, it is still considered to help break the tie between the remaining teams. eg. Suppose there are three teams tie and team A and team B have 2-2 records vs the other teams in the tie, while team C is only 1-3. Team C is eliminated but is still used to help break the tie between teams A and B at the run differential stage.
Ground Rules for the various fields:
New Cumberland’s Field:
1.Any batted ball is all you can get.
2.Out of play on the right field line - follow the fence down to the end by first base then draw a diagonal line to the closest corner of the pavilion.
3.Out of play on the left field line - follow the fence down to the end by third base, then draw a diagonal line to the corner of the high weeds.
Grantham’s field:
1.Out of play down the left field line is defined as follows: From the corner of the backstop to the front corner of the benches. Along the benches in a straight line to a point at the edge of the parking lot. Follow the edge of the parking the back to the flowerbed, to a point at the top of the bank.
2.Out of play down the right field line is defined as follows: From the corner of the backstop to the bottom of the bank. Follow the bottom of the bank all the way down to the edge of the property.
3.Any batted ball, which lands in fair territory, then travels out of play before being touched is a ground rule double.
4.Any batted ball, which on the fly either hits an evergreen tree along the outfield or lands beyond the tree line, is a homerun. (This will be the base umpires’ judgment call.)
5. Any ball that rolls beyond the tree line and down the bank is still in play.
6. Any ball which rolls under the rock in right field is out of play and is ruled a ground rule double.
7.After game we need two players to stay and help with the following:
a. hand rake around the bases, the pitcher’s mound and home plate.
b. help to put the drag on the tractor before the field is dragged; help to remove and put away the drag after the field is dragged.
c. After the field is dragged, replace the tarp over home plate