Screen Tasmania
Templates for Project
Development Applications
Digital Media Fund

TemplatePage No.

  1. Digital Media - Market Overview ...... 2
  2. Digital Media - Next Stage Notes ...... 4
  3. Digital Media - Script Analysis ...... 5
  4. Digital Media - Project History …………………………………. 8

1. Digital Media - Market Overview
There are no prescribed lengths for each answer. Be as succinct/detailed as you feel the question requires.
Project title
Applicant name
Give Details of your Target Audience
(A variety of target audiences are acceptable but applicants are encouraged to be specific in each case - identify your market in terms gender/age/social groups/communities/cultures of interest)
What strategies have you developed for realising the production budget?
(Include such things as government funding, market investment, corporate sponsorship, private equity, in-kind support, deferrals)
What forms of distribution have you explored for this project?
1. Digital Media- Market Overview… cont’d
What strategies do you have for reaching your target audience once the project is made?
(How will distribution platforms and marketing opportunities be utilised?)
List at least three projects that your project can be compared to in terms of subject, style, genre, distribution and audience
Include any other key details that relate to this project’s market strengths
2. DigitalMedia – Next Stage Notes

Please analyse (in 1-4 pages) the current strengths and weaknesses of your project in terms of Story/Game Play, Technical Feasibility and Marketability. Outline the critical work you feel is needed to address the project’s story, technical feasibility and market weaknesses in the next stage. The strength and breadth of your analysis and insight at this development stage is critical to your project’s assessment for funding.

Story/Game Play:



3. Digital Media–Story Questions
Who is the protagonist of this story/game?
If there is more than one protagonist, explain what unites the group of protagonists (if the project is a first person game the player is the protagonist)
What is the goal of the protagonist?
What does the protagonist want to achieve or overcome in this story/game
3. Digital Media–Story Questions … cont’d
Who or what is the antagonist
i.e. who or what threatens to stop the protagonist from achieving his/her goal?
What are the stakes for the protagonist?
What does the protagonist stand to win or lose in this story/game?
3. Digital Media–Story Questions … cont’d
How is your story/game structured? (linear, non-linear, episodic, series arc)
Are there subplots developed in the story/game?
If “yes” how do these reflect/relate to the main story?
4. Digital Media – Project History
Where did the original inspiration for this story/game come from, and what drew the different members of the team to this material?
Please provide a brief history of the project’s development todate, highlighting any key changes
(e.g. changes in the creative team, structural/functional changes, introduction of new characters, changes in tone, genre or game-play)