Wildflower Middle School Date Application Received:

Statement of Interest

Please take the time to complete this application carefully for each child. Please note:

  1. Completion of this Application will place your child’s name on the wait list. It does not mean your child is registered in the program.
  1. Please consult the Wildflower information package for a full description of the Application process.

Child’s Name :

Child’s Birth Date: Age: Male: q Female: q


City: Postal Code: ______

Parent/Guardian Information:

Parent/ Guardian #1: ______Parent/Guardian #2: ______

Phone: Phone:

Email: ______Email: ______

1. Education History:

2. How did you hear about Wildflower?

3. What do you hope for from your child’s school?

4. Why are you choosing Wildflower?

5. How much ‘screen time’ does your child spend each week?

Television/movies: ______hrs Computer/Video games: ______hrs


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WildFlower Elementary School Statement of Interest Page 2

6. Please describe briefly, how you spend time as a family:

7. My child’s interests/hobbies:

8. 3 words that describe my child: ______,


9. 3 words that describe my child in a group setting: , ,


10. My philosophical belief and my approach regarding discipline for my child:

11. As with the younger Wildflower classes, the Wildflower Middle School program relies upon the involvement of each family in a myriad of ways to enrich and support a healthy atmosphere and provide rich opportunities for growth and learning.

With respect to the Friday home-schooling commitment, there are two main areas of responsibility:

a)  Organize one Friday activity/ workshop:

In order to support the community engagement focus of our mandate, we strive to encourage activities for the children where they can experience the wonderful natural environment as well as have the opportunity to connect with a variety of people besides our regular teaching staff. To this end, families are required to arrange one for Friday activity per year for the class, including planning, arrangement, and scheduling of this activity in conjunction with the other families in the program. Each student is requested to attend a minimum number of these activities (determined in September upon consultation with the families).

b)  Inquiry-based Portfolio Project:

This inquiry project is determined on an individual basis and in consultation with the teacher. Parents will support and monitor their child’s learning journey during the project, signing off in a journal each week to provide both accountability and a record of progress.

Thank you for expressing interest in Wildflower Middle School. Successful applicants will be contacted following meetings with families in April.