Digital Business Growth Programme
– Leicester City and Leicestershire
Invitation to Tender
Provision of service to:
Develop and deliver a Social Media, Business Blogging and Video Marketing themed programme of seminars, strategic workshops and business advice
Date: 10 April 2017
East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire)
Commerce House
Millennium Way
Dunston Road
S41 8ND
0333 320 0333
Table of Contents
- Introduction – page 3
- Description of Services– page 4
2.1.Awareness-raising seminars
2.2.Strategic action-planning workshops
2.3.Theme 3: Social Media, Business Blogging and Video Marketing description
2.4.Courseware Requirements
- Tender requirements – page 5
- Terms of service – page 6
- Period of Contract – page 6
- Price – page 7
- Tender Evaluation - 7
7.1.Tender Process – Stage 1
7.2.Submitting Stage 1 Proposals
7.3.Tender Process – Stage 2
7.4.Presentation and evaluation scoring
7.5.Selection of providers
- Tender Questions – page 9
- Tenders Excluded – page 10
- Freedom of Information - page 10
- Timeline for Submission – page 11
Annex A – Proposal and Standard Details Questionnaire Template – page 12 - 16
The £7.2mLeicester and LeicestershireDigital Growth Programme(DGP) will deliver a bespoke and structured programme of support to encourage at least 2,380 new and established businesses, with real growth aspirations to explore and introduce new and emerging digital technology based business models to drive performance.
The project is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund(ERDF) and the following delivery partners:
- Leicester City Council
- Leicestershire County Council
- East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire)
- LLEP Business Gateway
It will be delivered across the whole Leicester and Leicestershire area and will run until 30 June 2019.
The Programme aims to intensively assist 595SMEs and new start businesses through the delivery of:
- At least 48two-hour awareness-raising seminars, hackathons and demonstrators
- An annual Digital Conference
- 240full-day strategic action-planning workshops covering the following themes:
- Website Planning and Developing Content for the Web
- Online Marketing
- Social Media and Blogging
- Ecommerce
- Paid Digital Advertising
- Email Marketing, CRM and Big Data
- Video development
- International Ecommerce
- Cloud Computing and Cyber Security
- Mobile marketing and mobile working
- Dedicated digital business advice linked to a c£1.8m technology grant fund (matched at 60% by SMEs)
- Dedicated workforce development skills advice and support brokered to local training provision
This project will build on the success of the Transformational ICT project delivered through East Midlands Chamber’s eBusiness Club team which supported 1,300 local businesses and led to the creation of more than 150 new jobs and generated £54,000,000 of economic benefits over its two-year lifespan.
2.1Awareness-raising seminars
The two-hour seminars aim to introduce new and developing technologies to an audience of between 20 to 60 business delegates in a cabaret style setting by means of multi-media presentation.
Delegates will leave the seminar with a clear understanding of the subject matter to reach an informed decision with regards to the introduction or further development of this new technology within their organisation.
Presentations may be streamed live to reach and engage a new audience. All delegates will be provided with an electronic copy of the presentation materials.
2.2Strategic action-planning workshops
The full-day workshops aim to equip business delegates with the knowledge and skills required to plan and implement selected digital technologies and for the transfer of knowledge and skills to key personnel within the business.
Workshops will attract eight to fifteen delegates and delivered in a boardroom style setting using a multi-media presentation of case studies demonstrating examples of best practice to facilitate the development of an action-plan by the delegate relevant to their organisation.Delegates are provided with lunch, and refreshments throughout the day and will receive Theme 1 workshop courseware which consists of slides, associated slide narrative and an ‘action plan’ template. Throughout the delivery of the workshop the format must allow for the recording of the action plan relevant to the subject matter.
2.3. Theme 3: Social Media, Business Blogging and Video Marketing description
Theme 3 will consist of at least four full-day workshops and Consultants, where necessary, may make use of the existing courseware established through the Transformational ICT programme:
- Social Media Part 1
- Social Media Part 2
- Business Blogging
- Video Marketing
The workshops are delivered as four separate days and should therefore not be interdependent on each other, due to the differing requirements of delegates.
Day 1 - Social Media Marketing Part 1
A session devoted to; understanding why social media is important, using social media for business, setting social media objectives, understanding the different types of networks, an overview of the different tools that increase productivity, writing engaging content and measuring success.
Day 2 - Social Media Marketing Part 2
This workshop should; explore the many ways social media can be used to benefit business acknowledging the benefits and pitfalls, using customer segmentation and demographics to create customer profiles, identifying and establishing a tone of voice, getting started on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn and Google +. Time saving tips, goal and objective setting and developing a social media strategy.
Day 3 - Business Blogging
Outlining what a blog exactly is and why businesses need them, the various platforms and hosting options that are available, blog forms and structures, exploring techniques to generate fresh content ideas, sourcing free and legal imagery, finding a style for a blog, writing effective headlines and how to promote a blog successfully.
Day 4 - Video Marketing
The workshop should deliver facts and figures about online video, a look at the different video platforms available including case studies of successful business use, setting up a business account on different video platforms including YouTube, best practices to get videos found on YouTube and other platforms, an overview of the analytics available to measure the success including YouTube analytics, tools to help with video creation.
2.3Courseware Materials
The Theme 3 Consultant is responsible for the development of:
- An A4 awareness-raising seminar outline.
- A PowerPoint or Prezi presentation of 90-minute duration. This will include slide narrative of sufficient quality to accurately explain the slide being shown.
- A4 action-planning workshop outline
- Workshop lesson-plans – these will be used as an aid for the workshop to be delivered by other Trainers to cover absence and to ensure any relevant content can be incorporated into complementary workshop themes.
- Workshop PowerPoint presentation with sufficient material to cover six-hours and leading to the development of an action-plan by the delegate.
- Courseware slide narrative of sufficient quality to accurately explain the slide being shown. The slide narrative will be used to form a printed workbook.
- A pre/post workshop ‘SME Diagnostic’ used by delegates to record their current knowledge and usage of the subject matter prior to attending and completing the workshop/s.
- An A4 ‘Action-Plan template’ to be completed by the delegate during the workshop.
3.1Details of tender
East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) is responsible for managing the awareness raising events, full-day strategic workshops, annual Conference and one-to-one adviser services.
This tender seeks to recruit a dedicated Consultant with the skills, knowledge and experience to lead the development and delivery of Theme 3: Social Media, Business Blogging and Video from June 2017 to 30 June 2019
The maximum value of the Theme 3 contract for LLEPis £56,160 and the successful Consultant will be paid on an agreed daily rate basis, by the Chamber to:
- Attend project planning meetings held in Chesterfield
- Develop Theme 3 two-hour seminar content as required
- Develop Theme 3 full-day action-planning workshop courseware as required
- Update Theme 3 seminar and workshop courseware as required to meet the fast pace of change within the digital technologies
- Deliver at least sixtwo-hour seminars across the Leicester and Leicestershire area
- Deliver at least 54 full-day action planning workshops across the Leicester and Leicestershire area
- Deliver one-to-one business advice, as required, across the Leicester and Leicestershire area
The schedule of Consultant activities, will be agreed in advance, on a three-month work plan basis with the Consultant and Jon Egley, Digital Growth Programme Manager.
Prospective suppliers should note that the Chamber is also seeking to recruit a dedicated Consultant to lead Theme 3 activities in the D2N2 area – this contract will be managed separately.
3.2Theme 3: Workshop delivery plan June to September 2017
To meet existing demand for the programme, the June 2017 to September 2017, Phase 1 workshop delivery is scheduled and bookings are being taking for the following workshops:
18 July 2017 Social Media Part 1Leicester City
20 July 2017 Business BloggingOadbyWigston
25 July 2017Social Media Part 2Leicester City
02 August 2017 Business BloggingHarborough
03 August 2017 Social Media Part 1Leicester City
10 August 2017 Social Media Part 2Leicester City
30 August 2017 Video MarketingLeicester City
07 September 2017 Social Media Part 1Leicester City
14 September 2017 Social Media Part 2Leicester City
20 September 2017 Social Media Part 1North West Leicestershire
21 September 2017 Business BloggingHinckley and Bosworth
27 September 2017 Social Media Part 2North West Leicestershire
Prospective bidders are asked to confirm the availability of the Consultant on the above dates.
The Chamber is inviting applications from named individuals within an organisation. Additional individuals from the same organisation may apply to deliver this contract however, a separate proposal with associated documentation must be submitted. All proposals will be scored independently against the scoring criteria relating to the individual consultants’ skills and experience to deliver the relevant theme.
If a supplier wishes to use subcontractors, to deliver part of the contract separate documentation relating to the Consultant must be presented and will be scored independently against the scoring criteria.
The Chamber will expect the lead supplier to be legally responsible for the performance of the contract and to manage its supply chain to meet the requirements of the contract.
This contract will run from 20June 2017 to 30 June 2019.
The Chamber may secure additional funding to extend the delivery of the service and new activities will be tendered independently.
If the demand for the delivery of Theme 3 is significantly high the Chamber reserve the right to recruit additional Consultants throughout the lifetime of the contract period.
The Chamber is keen to ensure best value for money and the price per day represents 20% of the total tender score. Consultants will be paid the same rate for development of materials, delivery of seminars and workshops, delivery of one-to-one business advice.
The maximum value of this contract is £56,160 + VAT and the day rate will be no more than £600 per day + VAT, inclusive of all travel costs across the Leicester and Leicestershire area. Section 7 provides an overview of the daily rate scale.
Organisations may submit proposals to deliver additional Digital Growth Programme themes for delivery across Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire however, the maximum value awarded to a single organisation will not exceed £200,000 + VAT.
7.1Evaluation process
The tender evaluation process is in two stages:
Stage 1: Proposal and Price (50 points)
Stage 2: Presentation (50 points)
Tender responses will be scored by a panel consisting of three Chamber representatives based on the following scoring principles:
- Scoring Principles
Required Data
Required Data /
- All questions must be answered unless there is an acceptable reason for its omission. The data will be scored as pass or fail
- Pass / Fail
Pass /
- The information has been assessed and judged to be acceptable
Fail / • No information evidence has been provided
•The standard of the information is unacceptable or does not comply with the minimum acceptable standard
Scored (0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5)
0 / Unacceptable /
- The information is either omitted or fundamentally unacceptable to the Chamber.
1 / Poor / •The information submitted has some omissions or demonstrates only limited technical, ability and/or capacity.
2 / Satisfactory / •The information submitted just meets the Chamber’s expectations in demonstrating technical experience, ability and/or capacity to deliver the services. There are significant reservations, but not sufficient to warrant rejection.
3 / Good / •The information submitted meets the Chamber’s expectations in demonstrating technical experience, ability and/or capacity to deliver the services.
4 / High Standard / •The information submitted meets the Chamber’s expectations and provides strong evidence of technical experience, ability and/or capacity to deliver a quality service.
5 / Excellent / •The information submitted exceeds the Chamber’s expectations and provides evidence of high quality technical experience, ability and/or capacity to deliver a quality service.
The highest scoring three proposals will be invited to stage two presentation.
7.2Tender process – stage 1 (50 points)
To apply for the tender, you must:
- Complete the ‘Standard Details Questionnaire’and ‘Proposal’ at Annex A
- Provide a copy of the nominated individuals CV
- Provide an example A4 workshop outline
- Provide an example 15-minute themed PowerPoint presentation with slide narrative of sufficient quality to accurately explain the slides being used
- Upload the above information to the tender portal by the agreed closing date
To qualify to Stage 2 proposals must:
- Satisfy the required data in the Standard Details Questionnaire
- Score at least 22 points
- Be one of the three highest scoring bids
The Chamber is seeking evidence of the Consultants’ suitability to deliver the requirement of the content and the courseware materials will be scored as follows:
- Do the presentation slides utilise an appropriate font and paragraph style to be viewed easily within a workshop environment?
- Do the presentation note pages contain narrative of sufficient quality to accurately explain the slides being shown?
- Has the master PowerPoint template been employed correctlyie. have slides been created utilising style sheets to create pages with bulleted lists, images, video etc.?
- Does the workshop outline represent a framework for presenting to a potential delegate why they should attend and what will be gained by doing so?
Price (4-20 maximum points)
The same consultancy day rate will be paid for all activities throughout the lifetime of the contract and the day rate will range from £400-£600 per day. Tender price scores are based on the following:
£400 per-day – 20 points
£450 per-day – 16 points
£500 per-day – 12 points
£550 per-day – 8 points
£600 per-day – 4 points
7.3Submitting Stage 1 proposals
Completed Proposals including all the documentation should be uploaded to by the noon on 31 May 2017.
Please ensure that all the required documentation is completed and any supporting documentation is uploaded. Hard copy proposals are not required.
Potential providers should note that if a bid is fundamentally unacceptable on a key issue, regardless of its other merits, the bid will be rejected.
Tenders submitted after the stipulated time and date will be rejected.
7.4Tender Process – Stage 2 (50 points)
The highest scoring three proposals will be invited to the stage two process which will take place at the Chamber’s offices in Chesterfield. Stage two will involve:
- Delivery of the 15-minute Theme 3 presentation submitted at stage one
- Answer three questions relevant to theSocial Media, Business Blogging and Video Marketing theme designed to test the applicant’s subject knowledge
7.5Presentation and Interview Evaluation Scoring Process
The following scoring method will be applied based upon the following criteria:
- Presentation (maximum 20 points)
- Was the presentation delivered with confidence, passion and poise?
- Was the presentation delivered at an appropriate level for the target audience (business start-ups, though to small and medium sized enterprises) to understand?
- Was the presentation completed within the 15 minute time allocation?
- Did the presenter ‘connect’ with the audience?
- Did the presenter provide a satisfactory answer to question 1? (weighting 2 points)
- Did the presenter provide a satisfactory answer to question 2? (weighting 2 points)
- Did the presenter provide a satisfactory answer to question 3? (weighting 2 points)
7.6Selection of Provider
The highest scoring tender will be selected based on the combined scores at stage 1 and 2.
Successful and non-successful providers will be notified in accordance with the timetable for submission.
If you require further information about the requirements of the contract or the tendering procedures,please use the open question and answer facility on the tender website which is viewable by all applicants. No questions will be answered that provide a competitive advantage to any party tendering.
Should questions arise during the tendering period which are significant we will inform all providers to explain the nature of the question, and our formal reply. All providers should then take that reply into consideration when preparing their own proposals, and we will evaluate proposals on the assumption that they have done so.
Please do not contact the Chamber staff directly.
It must be recognised that the Chamber reserves the right to withdraw this tender document and all funding contained within it without notice.
- No tender will be considered for acceptance if the potential provider has indulged or attempted to indulge in any corrupt practice or canvassed the tender with a member of staff employed by the Chamber
- If the successful provider has indulged or attempted to indulge in such practices and the tender is accepted, then grounds shall exist for the termination of the contract and the claiming of damages from the successful provider
- It is unlikely that any tender will be accepted which (a) is incomplete or inaccurately or inadequately completed or which purports to impose conditions other than those provided in the contract documents and (b) is delivered out of time or in a manner other than specified in the specification
In submitting a tender against this contract, the potential provider confirms that he has not fixed or adjusted the amount of the tender by or under or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person.