The Bowmanstown Borough Council meeting was called to order by President Kara Scott at 7:00 PM, members present were Vice-President Pam Leiby, John Domant, Rob Moyer, Darren Thomas, Norman Engle, Jr, Burdell Steigerwalt, Mayor William Ravert, Secretary Tracy Burbage, Solicitor James Preston, and Engineer Jessica Rehrig.

q  Visitors

Channel 13 News

Times News – Paul Hoffman

q  Approval for

1.  Motion by Darren Thomas to approve the minutes of May 5, 2015 Borough Council Meeting, 2nd Pam Leiby, MC.

2.  Motion by Burdell Steigerwalt to approve the General Treasurer’s Report dated June 2, 2015 and payment of the bills listed, 2nd Darren Thomas, MC.

3.  Sewer Treasurer’s Report dated June 2, 2015 and payment of the bills listed will be further discussed.

4.  Motion by Rob Moyer to adopt Resolution 2015-08 authorizing submittal of the multimodal transportation fund grant, 2nd Norman Engle, Jr. MC

q  Correspondence

Subject / Date / Summary
PSAB / 2015 Annual PA Municipal legal Update Registration Information August 26 – 27, 2015
Audit / Borough Authority received & distributed copies of the 2014 audit
Authority / 5/19/15 / Borough Authority Meeting Minutes
Planning / 5/26/15 / May meeting, no quorum
Training / 06/26/15 / LTAP Chainsaw Safety Training Friday, June 26, 2015 8:00a. – 3p. New Ringgold

q  Solicitor

1.  Verizon Cell Tower permits have been issued June 1, 2015, per the agreement the lease payments will start after two (2) months. The first payment will be two (2) times the monthly lease payment.

q  Engineer

1.  Processed final application for payment documents with Borough and Carbon County. Hamilton Street project completed.

2.  Responded to action item from May council meeting regarding FEMA flood insurance information.

3.  White Street Safety Improvements Project has been advertised for bid by Carbon County. Bids will be opened on the County of June 18, 2015.

4.  Jaci Peleschak performed field view with electrical design sub-consultant in preparation of final plan details.

5.  Received notification that the borough was awarded $215,000.00 through the Local Shares Assessment Fund (Gaming Grant) towards the completion of Lime Street. The borough is applying for the multimodal transportation grant for the remainder amount needed to complete the Lime Street connection. If the borough is not awarded the multimodal grant, the engineer will revamp the project to do as much work that the $215,000.00 will cover.

Unfinished Business

1.  Per property & special committee, the office hired Tracy George to clean the borough office once per month for $45.00.

q  New Business

1.  UGI will be invited to attend the next council meeting to discuss the gas line upgrade within/through the borough. Discuss the upgrade, show the route, inquire to permits needed, discuss right-a-ways, easements & obtain permission and answer questions/concerns.

2.  Law Committee will review information on borough ordinance, whether one is needed for residential 25MPH signs, children at play, etc.

Committee Reports


1.  May report – 2 structure fires, 2 MVA’s, 1 brush fire, 1 automatic fire alarm, & 1 hazmat de con drill


1.  The committee requested council to review the Borough of Ephrata Ordinance sample in reference to Landlord/Tenant duties and submit comments back to the law committee.


1.  The time off requests submitted were approved.

2.  During Stephen’s time off, Norman Engle, Jr was authorized to call Scott in as needed.

Budget & Finance

1.  Received $249.49 State Police fines June 2015

2.  Received $195.24 from the Tax Claim Bureau April 2015

3.  Received $10.14 from the District Court April 2015

Property & Special

1.  The DEP application for the compost was submitted in May. DEP returned the application for some corrections to be made to resubmit, waiting on approval.

2.  Motion by Rob Moyer to authorize Computer Pals to install the central NAS device for storage, file access and backups as quoted price of $399.00, 2nd Darren Thomas, MC

3.  R. Moyer reminded council to keep the communication open when council receives reports of repairs or any work that needs to be completed within the borough to notify the proper committee.

4.  Received an updated quote from Pencor for the office entry in the amount of $4,350.00. The committee is reviewing the quote and has a few questions for Pencor on the quote.

Sewer, Sanitation, & Water Liaison

1.  Twenty-two thousand three hundred (22,300) bird balls had been bagged up and shipped back to the company for redeployment.

2.  Waiting to hear something on the electrical design for the screener project.

3.  Will continue with the previously approved insulation piping project.


1.  Discussion on whether to purchase two (2) replacement rechargeable batteries for the impact drivers or purchase the whole impact driver. N. Engle will get together with the crew to discuss the options; he was unaware of the need.

2.  Numerous complaints were received in regards to the condition of Craig Street, the crew will be instructed to patch

3.  Per discussion at from last month’s meeting, the stump at the monument has been removed.

4.  Three (3) storm drains along Apple Street have been repaired and raised up to street level.

q  Mayor

1.  The mayor stated that he will be in touch with the fire chief the end of this week in regards to the burn ban to see whether it would be safe to remove the ban.


While in executive session no decision or motions were made.

Motion by Rob Moyer to approve the Sewer Treasurer Report dated June 2, 2015 and payment of the bills listed, 2nd Pam Leiby, MC

Adjournment 8:29 PM

Respectfully submitted by Tracy L Burbage, Secretary