Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Approval of Rules for Student Admission to Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
For the purpose of ensuring execution of paragraph 2.3 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1168 dated December 21, 2016 "On Amendments to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 156 dated September 5, 2009 "On application of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan" On Education " and based on the proposal of the State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan decides:
1. To approve "Rules of admission of students to higher educational institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan" (attached).
2. To abolish the Decree of the dissolved State Student Admission Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 16, 2012 № 2 "On Approval of the Rules for Student Admission to Higher Education Institutions and Secondary Secondary Education Institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan".
Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan ArturRasi-zade
Baku, February 8, 2017
No. 39
by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of AzerbaijanNo. 39
datedFebruary 8, 2017
of admission to higher educational institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan
1. General Provisions
1.1. These Rules are developed in accordance with Articles 26.2 and 26.4 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education" and determine the rules for admission to state, municipal and private higher education institutions as well as special purpose educational institutions functioning in accordance with relevant legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
1.2. Persons who have received a relevant state sample document about completing full secondary, secondary or tertiary education are eligible for higher education institutions.
1.3. Students of higher and secondary vocational education institutions (excluding those who are studying at the retraining courses) can not take part in the competition to enter higher education institutions.
1.4. Education at the undergraduate level is carried out on the basis of state order (at the expense of the state budget) or on a paid basis.
1.5. According to Article 5.4 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education", state provides the right of the students to free education only once for each level of higher education.
1.6. By ensuring the right of citizens to education, admission to higher education institutions is carried out on the basis of competition based on free choice of specialty and educational institutions of applicants who are better mastered in educational programs appropriate to adequate level of education, capable and well-prepared except the cases where except for the cases where the winners of world subject Olympiads, high-level international contests and competitions are admitted to the higher educational institutions of the relevant specialtiesout of competition. Student’s admission to higher education institutions is carried out by the State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter - the Center) according to the results obtained in the examination of knowledge in the relevant academic year of applicants.
1.7. The participation in the competition is paid.
1.8. Specialties admitted to higher education institutions, state standards of higher education in those specialties - compulsory minimum requirements for the content and level of bachelor's degree are divided into five groups taking into account the knowledge, skills and habits required to acquire these specialties(Appendix # 1),.
2. Acceptance of applications
2.1. Applicants completing their full secondary education in the Republic of Azerbaijan current year fill the "Electronic Application of Applicant” on the official website of the Center to participate in the competition for admission to higher education institutions and confirm themselves. By filling the "E-application of the Applicant" on the official website of the Center, graduates of the previous years submit personally the following documents for approval to the Admission Commission (hereinafter referred to as the SQK), established by the Center: [1]
2.1.1. Identification cards of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, foreign passports and / or permits, ID cards or permits issued to those who do not have citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan to move beyond the boundaries of their country of residence, ID cards of stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan, refugee cards of persons and their families members granted refugee status, travel documents issued to them, other documents or permits issued under international treaties;
2.1.2. the original of the complete secondary, secondary or higher education certificate (Applicants who have submitted the original of the secondary or higher education degree, as well as a reference in an established form issued by the educational institution in which they are graduated (Appendix #2); [2]
2.1.3. Certificate to the applicants who graduated from the higher educational institution of the Republic of Azerbaijan to confirm whether or not the higher education is state-funded by the same institution (Appendix # 3);
2.1.4. Military Ticket or Caller ID.
2.2. Foreigners and trainees, along with the documents listed in paragraph 2.1 of these Rules, shall also submit documents notarized and translated to Azerbaijani to the SSC.
2.3. Those wishing to be admitted to special-purpose educational institutions should submit a certificate of health and physical statuses to the SCC established at the relevant educational institution and provide personal information.
2.4. Applicants wishing to study in specialties requiring special abilities are eligible to participate in the admission exams held by the Center in the centralized order (V qualification group) after registering officially their electron applicatons. Applicants whose general score meet the terms of the competition are enrolled in a commission on specialty requiring special abilities which they have chosen on the official website of the Center. Registered applicants take part in the aptitude examinations on specified table. Conditions for holding competitions and aptitude examinations on relevant specialitiesare determined by the Center in consultation with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of the proposals of higher education institutions. The result of a qualifying exam is evaluated as score, as well as 'acceptable' or 'unacceptable'. [3]
3. Admission examination
3.1. Entrance examinations for higher education institutions are carried out on the specialty groups admitted to higher education institutions. Admission exams are held twice per year in the form of spring andsummer sessions. Applicants may only take one exams on any specialty they want in each session. Regardless of their participation in the I-IV specialization exam, the applicant can take part in the exam on the V specialty group. [4]
3.1.1. I specialty group - Azerbaijani language or Russian language, math, physics, chemistry and foreign language according to the language of admission exam. Applicantspassedthe admission examination inAzerbaijaniwill be eligible to study English, German, French or Russian as a foreign language, applicants passed the admission examination in Russian may choose English, German or French as a foreign language;
3.1.2. II specialty group - Azerbaijani language or Russian language, mathematics, history of Azerbaijan, geography and foreign language according to the language of admission exam. Applicants passed the admission examination in Azerbaijani will be eligible to choose English, German, French, Russian, Arabic or Persian as a foreign language, applicants passedtheadmissionexamination in Russian may choose English, German or French as a foreign language;
3.1.3. III specialty group - Azerbaijani language or Russian language, literature, mathematics, history and foreign language according to the language of admission exam. Applicants passed theadmission examinationin Azerbaijani will be elligible to choose English, German, French, Russian, Arabic or Persian as a foreign language, applicants passed theadmission examination in Russian may choose English, German or French as a foreign language;
3.1.4. IV specialty group - Azerbaijani language or Russian language, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology according to the language of admission exam;
3.1.5. V specialty group - Azerbaijani language or Russian language, math and foreign language according to the language of admission exam. Applicants passed the admission exams in Azerbaijani language are eligible to choose English, German, French or Russian as a foreign language, and applicants passed the admission examinations in Russian may choose English, German or French as a foreign language. Applicants who complete the full secondary education in the Republic of Azerbaijan in the current year do not participate in the admission exams to take part in the V specialty group competition. They take part in the competition based on results of the final exams.
3.2. The degree of preference of exam subjects on specialty groups for admission to higher education institutions is determined by the following sequence:
3.2.1. I specialty group - mathematics, physics, chemistry, Azerbaijan (Russian), foreign language. Mathematics and physics are considered as the main subjects;
3.2.2. II specialty group - mathematics, geography, Azerbaijan (Russian), foreign language, history of Azerbaijan. Mathematics and Geography are considered as main subjects;
3.2.3. III specialty group - Azerbaijan (Russian) language, history, literature, foreign language, mathematics. Azerbaijani (Russian) language and history are the main subjects;
3.2.4. IV specialty group - biology, chemistry, physics, Azerbaijani (Russian), mathematics. Biology and chemistry are considered as the main subjects.
3.3. According to Article 5.3 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the State Language in the Republic of Azerbaijan", during the admission to the higher educational institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani language must be tested. Applicants passed the admission examination in Russian will then pass the examination on the Azerbaijani language. The results of this exam are assessed as "acceptable" or "unacceptable" and those who have taken “acceptable” are admitted to the entrance examinations(the speciality selection of applicants of current year) for two (current and next) academic year competitions.
3.4. The content, form, and technology of the examinations, the duration of the exam, the place and the date of the examinations are determined by the Center. The content of exam questions is determined in accordance with the admission programs developed by the Center and approved by examinations with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
3.5. The Center creates favorable conditions for the participation of persons with disabilities in the admission exams. Applicants with visually impaired (group I disabled) are assigned individual supervisors and the duration of their examination is increased by 1 hour
4. Specialty selection
4.1. Specialty selection for admission to higher education institutions is carried out after the announcement of exam results for all specialty groups of applicants.
4.2. The applicants whose examination results meet the terms of competition determined by the Center with agreement of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan are allowed specialty selection.
4.3. Applicants choose the specialities of the higher education institutions in their specialty groups and enter them in the electron specialty application in desired sequence and confirm.
4.4. Applicants whose scores in aptitude exam meet the terms of the competition determined by the Center are allowed to show specialties requiring special abilities in their applications.
5. Holding the contest
5.1. The competition for the specialties included in the I-IV specialty group of higher education institutions is based on the total score collected by the applicants from the admission exams. If the applicants attend several admission exams during the same academic year, they will determine by which result of examinations they will take part in the competition.
5.2. Additional factors are taken into account to distinguish two or more applicants who have the same total score in the following sequences below:
5.2.1. the numerical average of the final grades written on the subject of education (attestata) on teaching language, literature, foreign language, mathematics, history of Azerbaijan, general history, physics, chemistry, biology, geography;
5.2.2. Final score (points) of aptitude examinations for specialties requiring special abilities;
5.2.3. total of relative scores on basic subjects of admission exam;
5.2.4. the total number of correct answers on the main subjects of admission exams;
5.2.5. the amount of relative scores collected separately from those subjects, taking into account the degree of preference of the admission exam subjects;
5.2.6. the total number of correct answers on all subjects of admission exam;
5.2.7. taking into account the degree of preference of the admission exam subjects, seperatelythe number of correct answers on those subjects
5.3. The competition for the specialties which are included in the V specialty group of higher education institutions, results of the aptitude examination are evaluated on score, require special abilities is based on the final score collected by the applicant fromaptitude examination.Additional factors are taken into account to distinguish two or more candidates who have the same total score in the following sequences below:
5.3.1. Total score collected by the applicant from the admission examination (final year applicants);
5.3.2. the numerical average of the final grades written on the subject of education (attestata) on teaching language, literature, foreign language, mathematics, history of Azerbaijan, general history, physics, chemistry, biology, geography;
5.3.3. examination score in mathematics subject;
5.3.4. Examination score in the Azerbaijani (Russian) language.
5.4. The competition for the specialties which are included in the V specialty group of higher education institutions, results of the aptitude examination are evaluated “acceptable", require special abilities is based on the final score collected by the applicant from admission examination (applicants of current year). Additional factors are taken into account to distinguish two or more candidates who have the same total score in the following sequences below:
5.4.1. the numerical average of the final grades written on the subject of education (attestata) on teaching language, literature, foreign language, mathematics, history of Azerbaijan, general history, physics, chemistry, biology, geography;
5.4.2. examination score in Mathematics subject;
5.4.3. Examination score in the Azerbaijani (Russian) language.
5.5. If it is not possible to differentiate two or more applicants with the same total score, all of them will be placed in the relevant specialization.
5.6. Applicants applying for special higher educational institutions are initially involved in the competition on the relevant specialty of these higher education institutions. Applicants may take part in the competition for specialties of only one special higher education institution. Applicants not passing the competition are allowed to participate in general order in the competition on other specialties included in that specialty group.
5.7. Placement of applicants is carried out according to the number of vacancies on specialties, taking into account the prognosis of student admission by the state order in accordance with the sequence of their chosen qualifications. Applicants are placed on the first specialty that they have passed through the competition.
5.8. As a result of admission exams, applicants who are eligible for higher education under the state order may choose any higher education institution involved in the preparation of specialists, regardless of the form of ownership.
5.9. After the announcement of the results of the competition, vacant places are announced,applicants are selected according to the paragraphs 4.2-4.4 of these Regulations and are placed on a competitive basis.
5.10. Following the announcement of the results of the competition, places of preparatory groups at higher education institutions and specialties determined by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan are announced, and applicants who are not admitted to higher education institutions are selected according to the paragraphs 4.2-4.4 of these Regulations, these places are placed on a competitive basis by the Center. At the end of the training, the Center conducts the final exams in accordance with the admission exams stipulated by these Rules and the students who have succeeded in final exams are admitted to the first course of higher education institutions.
6. Final provisions
6.1. Regardless of the form of education, an applicant placed in any specialty must register the required documents within 10 days by submitting to the educational institution where they are accepted. Failure to enroll in the educational institution during this period is considered as refusal of the admission to the specialty. These applicants are not allowed to compete for left vacancies.
6.2. The Appeal Commission is established by the Center for the consideration of citizens' appeals on the competition and results of higher education institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
6.3. The applicant must apply personally to the Appeal Commission by submitting the original identification document. Appeals Commission decisions may be appealed in administrative or judicial proceedings.
6.4. It is forbidden for the applicant to do the following actions:
6.4.1. to submit a fraudulent or other personally identifiable document, to send someone to the examination;
6.4.2. to bring to the examination or use mobile phone and other communication tools, calculators and other electronic devices, speech, vocabulary, table, reference books and other auxiliary tools during examination;
6.4.3. to enter the exam building with burnt, explosive, cutting, piercing, throwing and other similar items, to bring cigarettes;
6.4.4. to prevent the process of examination by shifting places in th exam room, walking around and standing up regardless of the reason, exiting the exam room within 2 hours after the announcement of the “Examination started!” and the last 15 minutes of the examination;
6.4.5. to influence someone's outcome, as well as to look at another person's answer card, questionnaire, or to allow someone to look at their answer card, questionnaire, ask or answer the question;
6.4.6. toapply to the supervisor or other person for assistance in solving tasks;
6.4.7. to damage the answer card and questionnaire, to leave the exam room without handing them over to the supervisor.
6.5. If the Center finds out that the applicant is permitted to take the actions specified in paragraph6.4 of these Regulations, the results of the competition (examination) are cancelled. This decision may be appealed in administrative or judicial proceedings.
Note. Applicants who have received “acceptable” mark from test on the Azerbaijan language for applicants passing admission examination in Russian in 2016/2017 academic year are allowed to take part in admission examination held by the Center without being tested in the Azerbaijan language in 2017/2018 academic year.
"Rules of Students’ Admission to Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
Addition #1
Specialty groups and specialties
Specialty groups
Name of specialties