Assessment 6: Value Added Assessment

Description of the assessment:

The value added assessment is a way of analyzing test data to measure teaching and learning. Candidates are asked to read a scenario from an early childhood classroom. Candidates are then asked to complete a series of assessment questions based upon the scenario and integration of the Constructivist Philosophy.

Description of how the assessment specifically aligns with the standards:

This project aligns with standard 4:

4.1 Candidates participate in classroom and program evaluation and assess and utilize data to inform instruction

4.2 Candidates select, construct, and utilize a variety of formative and summative assessment strategies and instruments as part of the instructional process appropriate to the learning outcomes being evaluated

4.3 Candidates accurately define the characteristics, uses, advanced, and limitations of different types of student assessments, including, but not limited to, state value added dimension reports and data

A brief analysis of data findings:

Candidates are required to pass this assessment in order to complete the Internship course (18 ECE 243). As a result, students may submit multiple attempts until the assessment is completely passed. Data indicate that the majority of candidates pass the assessment on the first or second try, with few candidates needing a third attempt. Questions 2 and 3A seem to be the most difficult for students to pass on the first attempt, with approximately half of the students needing a second or third attempt. Candidates are able to answer basic questions about what the data mean and the educational decisions in relation to the data, but struggle with matching the data to the appropriate graph. After more instruction, students are able to choose the appropriate graph.

An interpretation of how the data provide evidence for meeting the standards:

These data indicate that students understand the varied uses of assessment and are able to use assessment to inform educational decisions. This meets Standard 4.

Assessment 6: Value Added Assessment Rubric

Value Added Assessment Questions / First Submission / Second Submission / Third Submission
Question #1-Candidate read “The About School” scenario / 2009: 33
2010: 41
2011: 38 / 2011: 11 / 2009:1
2010: 1
2011: 4
* Question #2-Candidate selected the most appropriate graph represented by this scenario from the Identified Gain Patterns in School Diagnostic Reports and wrote out the information under the description of the graph. / 2009:14
2010: 15
2011:25 / 2009:17
2011: 20 / 2009:3
2010: 6
*2009 and 2010 two needed a fourth submission each year; 2011 this item was not rated for three students
Question #3A-Candidate describes if the child would be a high, middle or low achieving child. / 2009:27
2010: 34
2011: 26 / 2009:4
2010: 5
2011: 20 / 2009:3
2010: 3
2011: 5
2011 this item was not rated for two students
Question #3B-Candidate discusses if the teacher’s interactions helped or hindered the child’s learning. If so, why or why not? / 2009: 32
2010: 39
2011: 41 / 2009: 2
2010: 2
2011: 8 / 2011: 4
Question #3C-Candidate discusses how the teacher assisted or adversely influenced the child academically. / 2009: 32
2010: 39
2011: 40 / 2009: 2
2010: 2
2011: 9 / 2011: 3
Question #4-Candidate discusses what the teacher could do to change the outcome. The candidate must include information on teacher directed instruction vs. child initiated learning and teacher facilitation. The candidate’s answer must be based on both theory and practice. / 2009: 31
2010: 40
2011: 33 / 2009: 3
2010: 2
2011: 16 / 2011: 4