DFOA Area Director

Candidate Information Sheet

(Information needed by September 15, 2016)

So you are going to run for an area directors’ position? That’s great! Please respond to the following questions so that this information can be distributed to the membership. Voting will begin via Survey Monkey on Sept 20..

For the 2016 election, one area director opening will be available. Each candidate will be running for a three year term. The three year term will be for 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Please use another sheet of paper if more space is needed.

Area Directors Responsibilities:

1) Serves as liaison between DFOA membership and the CFOA State Board.

2) Develop and devise chapter budget.

3) Maintaining records of attendance, test scores and any other bookkeeping items.

4) Assist State Leadership with the master clinic.

5) Determination and discipline of any member not abiding by CFOA Guidelines/DFOA procedures and policies.

6) Conducting and education of the members with the latest NFHS and CHSAA rules/mechanics.

7) Attend monthly meetings February - June and bimonthly meetings July – November.

8) Recruitment and retention of new members - assist in the training of the new members.

9) Facilitation and implementation of a strategy plan for the DFOA.

10) Work in conjunction with CHSAA to determine playoff officials based on members minimum requirements.

11) Attendance at two State CFOA board meetings - December and June.

12) Supply information to CHSAA by April on meeting dates, test dates, books needed, etc.

13) Any duties which the Denver CFOA members determines to be appropriate for the chapter.

14) The directors will divide the following duties among the four directors each year in the month of January. They will run for the term of the director for consistency.

CHSAA Liaison, CFOA Liaison, Rules Interpreter, Crew Chief Liaison, New member/Apprentice Coordinator and technology.


Section 1. To foster a high standard of ethics through the encouragement of fair play, good sportsmanship and better understanding among officials, coaches, and the general public.

Section 2. To maintain and improve the standards of officiating within the Colorado Football Officials

Association by the maintenance of a membership consisting of capable experienced officials and by the

development of promising new officials.

DFOA Area Director Candidate Information Sheet

Name: Jon Schappacher Phone: ______Cell: 513-405-9755

Address: 2374 W 118th Ave Westminster, CO 80234

Years as a High School Varsity Official: 5

Personal Information:

1. When and why did you become an official?

I became an official in the summer of 2012. Originally, I wanted something to keep me busy that I enjoyed doing. As a former player, I love the game of football and wanted to be as close to it as I could. As of late, this has evolved into a pursuit of perfecting a highly criticized position. I love the challenge associated with officiating and the work that’s required to perform at a high level. There’s nothing better than being in the middle of the action, regardless of level, and I want everyone involved with the association to feel the same way.

3. What has been your involvement since you became a member?

I have attended a couple of events (Broncos concession, summer social) in the 3 months I have been with the association. Coming from Oklahoma City, I was heavily involved with OKC Metro Official’s association where I was nominated by the president to be treasurer before moving to Denver. If I do something, I want to immerse myself in it as much as possible and I see myself being much more involved as I gain experience and friends within the association.

4. What can you contribute to the associations’ purpose and future?

I can contribute my desire for continuous improvement. Whether it be mechanics and rules interpretations, social events, recruitment or relationships with CHSAA, things can always be better than they are. As a younger official, I can provide a point of view that many of the members don’t have and to have that different perspective can help improve this association. As far as hard skills, I work with technology and budgeting on a daily basis as a finance professional. I’m responsible for communicating to product managers and senior management about financial performance; whether its good news or bad news, I know how to work with others and work towards an end goal.

5. Your goals for or your observations about the Association?

My goals are to 1) increase participation, which includes new members and getting others already in the association more involved. 2) Work with the schools to better accommodateofficials and 3) Make the current members excited about what they do and make it feel as if this is not another job, but instead something that is a privilege to do.

6. Why do you wish to serve as an Area Director?

I want to have purpose it is in whatever I do. My wife always complains because I walk twice as fast as she does, but I call it “walking with purpose”. I don’t like starting a task at work unless I know what the deliverables are. I don’t want to sit idly by when I could be making a difference in this association. It’s only my first year, but the ADs have done so much for me already and I want to return the favor. I’m capable of performing this position at a high level and having that purpose is something that I want and something that the other members deserve.

7. List any challenges you believe DFOA will face in the future?

The obvious answer is membership numbers; we’re losing members at a quicker rate than we’re attracting new ones. While it’s important to attract new members, we can’t neglect those currently in the association. We need to better accommodate schedules and we need to provide the incentives to officiate. People are taking on more tasks and filling their schedules up more with work, family, and social events; all three of which people will put ahead of officiating. We need to cultivate an environment where people want to be involved without it feeling like a chore.

8. If elected as an area director, at what priority level will you place this commitment? How do you deal with time conflicts?

This will be a high priority commitment. Aside from work and family emergencies, this takes the top spot because I’ll treat it like a job. Knowing that we have meetings and events to attend, I’ll be able to get my work done that will allow me the time to commit to this position. I’ll lay out the schedule with my wife to make sure she knows the time commitment and we’ll make it work like we have with everything else.

9. Closing Comments:

There’s great potential with the Denver association and it’s important to recognize that we need to adapt to a changing external environment. Being the largest association, we need to set the example for how other associations in the state work. I’m not the most experienced, I’m not the smartest, I’m not the prettiest, but I do want to make a difference and have a purpose in addition to the desire to be the greatest official I can be and an asset to the CFOA.

Please email this information to Jim Altman by September 15, 2016.