A regular meeting of the Purgatory Metropolitan District and the Purgatory Metropolitan LaPlata, San Juan Sub-District was held Wednesday,May13, 2015 at Dalton Ranch. Directors Bill Rhoades, Bob Oswald, DeeDee Carlson, John Ogier and Jeff Watsonwere present.Also in attendance were John Reiter, David Smith and Frankie White.


Bob Oswald made a motion to approve the April 8, 2015minutes with a change. John Ogier seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Bob Oswald made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 18, 2015 meeting. DeeDee Carlson seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Manager’s Report

John Reiter gave a report on the meeting held in the Purgatory Community Centerfor the residents, guests and owners concerning the application submitted by Kinfolk Farms. LaPlata County will approve or disapprove their application to operate out of the old Best Western building. John Reiter is not sure if the District has the ability to provide water for a sprinkler system to that location. No decision has been made by the County at this time.

John Reiter updated the board on the status of the park. The final certificate of occupancy was issued last week. The rock wall has been built at the south end of the park, and it looks great. John will be meeting with a landscaper this week. John would like the District to host a homeowners bar-b-que on August 8, in conjunction with the grand opening.

The board discussed the entry road issues. John Reiter has walked the road with Matt Leeder to determine what the problems are. Leeder Construction put down the liquid road, and it did not perform as expected. The representative from the company has looked at the road also, and he and Matt Leeder have expressed to John Reiter that as the road is under warranty it will be fixed at no cost to the District.

John Reiter updated the board on the status of the sewer plant analysis. Rick Johnson has been able to get data off the old computer from the SCADA system. Review of that data with current data has shown that the amount of infiltration is greater than was originally thought. Additionally, the length of time of runoff has a greater impact on our system than the amount of snow fall. Rick and John feel that the portion of the sewer line that is under water year round, south of the entrance on the west side of the highway. There is a possibility that this is related to the Xcel pipeline leak, that line is expected to be fixed this summer. The SCADA information showed that flows in the sewer line are the same in April and December, however, April flows are from ground water, which the system is not designed to treat, and December flows are from true wastewater that the system is designed to treat. Rick and John recommend admitting to the state that we have an infiltration problem, and asking for time to see if the Xcel repair reduces our flows. If the repair does reduce our flows, it may decrease the size of the new plant.

CDOT striping of the highway is lined up and will happen after the bike race on Memorial Day weekend.

Rick Johnson has reviewed the SilverPick water system. The SilverPick water tank is 7 feet below our tanks, which creates other issues in joining with our system. Rick feels that these issues, plus the needed renovations to that system, don’t make it cost efficient to accept their water system at this time.

John Reiter reported that San Juan County is working with DMR for a new agreement between them that will allow SJ County to be removed from the current Development Agreement. John expects the District will be involved in the discussions over the summer as the agreement evolves.

John Reiter announced his resignation from his position at the District. John is available to work for the District through the summer, into September to help train a new person. The Board expressed their regret at losing John. John will draft a job description for the Board to use in finding a replacement.

Finance Report

Frankie White presented the financial information for the prior month.

The meeting adjourned.

Next meeting:

June 10, 2015