—Hebrews 12:18-24; Ex. 5:1, 2
Moses came and told Pharaoh that God said let my people go that they may go and hold a feast to me. Pharaoh said who is the Lord that I should let His people go? I know not the Lord. Neither will I let His people go. But what he didn’t know was that he couldn’t stop what God had already started. Today you’ve got to tell your Pharaoh the same; that he can’t stop this! The Exodus is profound and didactic, whereby it makes us to understand how God causes His children to escape out of bondage. It also helps us to understand that there is no jail or prison manufactured by the enemy that is such a fortress that God cannot bring His people out.
You must understand that Israel had been in Egypt for 400 years. Tied up in idolatry, separated from their culture, not able to worship the God of their salvation. They lost their religious freedom due to the pressure put on them by the Egyptian lords. The less they worshipped the true and living God, the more enslaved they became. After 10 generations of oppression and generational curses being passed down, and stress and strain economically, socially, physically, and spiritually they finally came to the realization that something had to be done; so they cried unto God. So God told Moses to go down to Pharaoh and tell him to let my people go. We don’t have physical Pharaohs but we have all kinds and types of Pharaohs that are fighting against us worshipping God in Spirit and Truth.
Mount Sinai/Mount Sion:
They went to Mount Sinai, a place that couldn’t be touched and burned with fire. They waited to hear God speak and when He spoke His voice was so intimidating that they didn’t know how to handle what they asked for. The writer in Hebrews references what happened to these people. How they squirmed and fought and pulled against Pharaoh to go to a mountain that they couldn’t even touch. The writer says you have not come to that mountain. You have come to Mount Sion, a place of intimacy with God Himself; and this a filling station.This is more than clapping, dancing, and speaking in tongues.I’m talking about having a vibrant, thirst quenching, mind renewing, gully washing, devil chasing, Holy Ghost outpouring that showers everyone around you; a delue of power that falls on you and changes your life.
Real Worship:
Out of the millions of church goers that go to church every Sunday, very few of them actually have had a real worship experience. I’m not talking about goose pimples, high notes, or an emotional uproar. Real worship opens up another world. The Spirit world, which is more real than the world we live in. Real worship will translate you like star trek (beam me up Scotty—escape from trouble). What that was in the movie is what worship is to us. Worship will translate you to another dimension. Real worship will break you down to pieces and put you back together again in another place. When you worship God no prison, disease, or affliction can hold you.
God will give you the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. In worship your problems cannot follow you there. They will always be with you until you start to worship. Troubles and worry, and afflictions can’t go in God’s presence because they are not allowed. I’ve found a place where the devil can’t find you, it’s in Real worship(Psalms 91). Real worship saturates you will power and endows you with glory.
I’m Not Alone:
Sometimes in worship you become aware that you are not alone. You have to be a real worshipper to understand that. You can be in the house by yourself, and nobody is in the house but you. You start praising and worshipping God and it feels like someone else is praising God with you. There is a place in God that is so holy that the angels flap their wings in your living room.It’s because you have translated into another dimension where the general Assembly of God have already convened in worship, you just join in the chorus and come into agreement with the social order of heaven.
You see there is praise going on in heaven continually. Not just on Sunday morning at 11:00 but on Friday night at 4am they are blessing the name of the Lord. That’s why when you get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom but you couldn’t get peace until you wound up praying. Once you prayed you got a calm and peace that passed all you understood. It was because the angelic hosts were praising, and you stepped into another dimension. God used your troubled to translate you; once He does the search is on; have you seen Him? (Dee falling out of the bed).
I Saw The Lord:
Isaiah writes in the year king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord, high and lifted up and His train filled the temple. He wrote about when he stepped into something that wasn’t normal. There was glory all over the place, and His train filled the temple.He said I saw the cherubim and seraphim singing holy, holy, holy, the Lord God of Hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory.I fell on my face and started to worship Him.He worshipped God because the atmosphere was set;everything in there was worshipping God. When was the last time you worshipped God like that? Nothing mattered except getting in His glory. Some of you can’t have a real worship experience because you’re sitting beside the wrong person. Every time you get ready to have a real worship experience they say something random. Sometimes you’ve got to get up and move from that Pharaoh whose trying to keep you from God.
The Posts Shook!
Isaiah peeped into the social order of heaven. When they worshipped God the door posts shook. That means that stuff that they said couldn’t be moved will be moved when you start praising God. When you start praising God the posts in your life will have to move. God will move stuff out of your way.
Praise Him till the posts move, the house fills with smoke, till you catch on fire. Satan wants to keep you too busy and distracted.But tell the devil you can’t stop this. I will bless the Lord at all times….out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water, as God delivers you it wont be a sputter but rivers. Ezekiel said out of the foundation of the temple a river came forth. At first it was ankle deep but when we kept on going it came up to our knees then to our waist. And after a while we were swimming into the glory of the Lord. This river comes from the praises of the people of God. Water is Holy Ghost praise. Pharaoh is a type of devil in your life, but Pharaoh drowned in the Red Sea. So if you would praise your God you will drown your Pharaoh.