Section 4: To be completed and
submitted to the Regional President.
(revised 7/30/00)
(Street Address, Apt. #)
______PHONE ______
(City, State, Zip Code) (Area Code & Number)
(Street Address, Apt. #)
(City, State, Zip Code) (Area Code & Number)
Social Security Number______When will be your first IHSA show?______
ALL OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED FOR BOTH HUNTER AND WESTERN DIVISIONS, EVEN IF YOU ARE ONLY COMPETING IN ONE DIVISION. Please refer to Rule VIII, 8100-8399 of IHSA Rules for exact class qualifications. The last division in which you answered "yes" will indicate a suggested rider placement.
Crossover Riders:
§ Riders with little or no experience in the opposite discipline but who wish to participate in that discipline may begin in classes not more than one level lower than the classes in which they are placed by this form.
§ Riders who have experience in both disciplines should be evaluated in both, but may ride in not more than one division lower in their weaker discipline than that in which they are placed in their stronger discipline.
§ Western riders with little or no jumping experience should practice over fences for some time and be evaluated by show stewards prior to attempting an IHSA jumping class.
§ Hunter seat riders may ride in reining classes only after qualifying for class 14, open horsemanship.
A "RECOGNIZED SHOW” is a competition of AQHA, AHSA, any of their affiliate organizations, or any national or breed association. “Recognized shows" do not include 4H or local, non-registered, or riding club shows.
Please keep in mind that eligibility for IHSA competition is limited to full time undergraduates at an IHSA member institution at the time of the show. Proper documentation must be on file with the President College PRIOR to the first competition.
References to “skill, proficiency, or experience” refer to objective competitive benchmarks based on specific accomplishments as described in IHSA Rules and in this form. Skill, proficiency, or experience is not intended to be a subjective measure.
Rule I, 1308: The falsification of the membership or eligibility forms may be cause for immediate expulsion of the individual, coach, or college from the IHSA, and any other penalty assigned by the Regional Standards and Ethics Committee.
Please refer to the IHSA Rule Book for full descriptions of class requirements. This form indicates suggested placement.
I have read and understand Rule I, 1200-1309 of the IHSA Rules and affirm that all submitted information is correct:
Coach's assignment of IHSA division:
Hunter seat flat______fences______western______
Rider's signature date______
Coach's signature date______
Class 1 -- Walk Trot Hunter Seat Equitation
Designed for the beginner rider who began riding less than two calendar years ago, for whom it is unsafe to canter an unfamiliar horse in a group. Rider has only 2 years eligibility in Class 1. Not open to new IHSA riders eligible for Class 12 or above.
Have it been less than two calendar years since you began riding in any style? YES NO
NOTE: If you canter in one IHSA discipline you MAY NOT start in the walk-trot division in the other discipline.
Class 2A -- Beginner Walk Trot Canter Hunter Seat Equitation
Designed for the rider in the first, second, or third year of riding, for whom it is safe to canter an unfamiliar horse in a group. This rider may not have competed in recognized shows or Pony Club, but may have competed in smaller, unrecognized shows. Rider has only one academic year of eligibility in this division.
Have you had two or more calendar years of total riding
in any riding discipline? YES NO
Have you competed in any shows, recognized or non-recognized, at a canter? YES NO
If you've never competed hunter seat…
Is IHSA Class 12A or 12B Intermediate I or II Western your appropriate western class? YES NO
Class 2B Advanced Walk Trot Canter Hunter Seat Equitation
Designed for the rider who has achieved a greater degree of proficiency at all gaits, but is not experienced enough to compete in the Novice division. This rider may not have competed in recognized shows, but may have competed in smaller shows, or IHSA Classes 1,2A,12A, 12B, or 13A. This rider should not be capable of safely jumping a 2'6" course on an unfamiliar horse.
Have you had four or more years of total riding experience? YES NO
If you've never competed hunter seat…
Is IHSA Class 12B or 13A Intermediate II or Advanced I your appropriate western class? YES NO
Class 3 -- Novice Hunter Seat Equitation on the Flat
Designed for the rider who has qualified out of Class 2B or who has a greater degree of riding proficiency than that of Class 2B. Riders may not have won six blue ribbons in equitation classes on the flat, or three blue ribbons over fences 3' or higher in recognized shows. Pony Club "C" or USDF riders may ride in this division if they meet other standards.
Have you completed a "recognized" horse trials, 2-day, or 3-day event
at the Novice Level or above? YES NO
Have you competed in recognized shows? YES NO
Have you earned a Pony Club "C" rating? YES NO
Have you competed in USDF dressage shows? YES NO
Are you capable of riding ANY course of fences 2’6” or higher on ANY unfamiliar horse? YES NO
If you've never competed hunter seat…
Is IHSA Class 13A or 13B Advanced I or II your appropriate western class? YES NO
(Page 2 of 6)
Class 4 -- Novice Hunter Seat Equitation over Fences
Open to riders with skill equivalent to at least IHSA Class 3, who have had at least six months continuous professional instruction over fences, and who demonstrate the skill to competently navigate a simple course at 2’3” to 2'9" height on an unfamiliar horse. Riders may not have won 3 or more blue ribbons over fences 3' or higher in recognized shows. Pony Club "C" may ride in this division if they meet other standards.
Can you safely ride a 2'9"' fence course on any unfamiliar horse? YES NO
Have you won at least one ribbon in recognized shows over fences 3’ or higher? YES NO
Have you completed a recognized horse trials, 2-day, or 3-day event
at the Novice Level or above? YES NO
Have you earned a Pony Club "C" rating? YES NO
Class 5 -- Intermediate Hunter Seat Equitation on the Flat
Designed for the rider who has qualified out of Class 3, or who has a greater degree of riding proficiency than Class 3. Riders may not have won 9 blue equitation ribbons on the flat at recognized shows, or 3 blue ribbons over fences 3'3" or higher at recognized shows. Pony Club "HA" or "B" riders must ride at least in IHSA Class 5. Riders in this class may have competed in AHSA or USET Medal, or Maclay classes, or equivalent classes over fences 3’6” or higher, but may not have won such a class.
Have you won 6 or more blue equitation ribbons on the flat in recognized shows? YES NO
Have you won 3 or more blue ribbons over fences 3' or higher in
recognized shows? YES NO
Have you completed a recognized horse trials, 2-day, or 3-day event
at the Training Level or above? YES NO
Have you earned a Pony Club "B" or “HA” rating? YES NO
Have you competed in an AHSA or USET Medal or ASPCA Maclay or equivalent
3’6” equitation class? YES NO
If you've never competed hunter seat…
Is IHSA Class 14 Open Western your appropriate western class? YES NO
Class 6 -- Intermediate Hunter Seat Equitation Over Fences
Designed for the rider who has qualified out of IHSA Class 4, or is excluded from Class 4 by reason of skill or experience. Pony Club "B" must ride at least at this level. Riders may not have won 3 blue ribbons over fences 3'3" or higher in recognized shows. Pony Club “HA” must ride at least at Class 5, but don’t necessarily have to start in Class 6. Riders in this class may have competed in AHSA or USET Medal, or Maclay classes, or equivalent classes over fences 3’6” or higher, but may not have won such a class.
Have you completed a recognized horse trials, 2-day, or 3-day event at the
training level or above? YES NO
Have you won 3 or more blue ribbons in recognized shows over courses 3' or higher? YES NO
Have you earned a Pony Club "B" rating? YES NO
Have you competed in an AHSA or USET Medal or Maclay or
equivalent 3'6" equitation class? YES NO
(Page 3 of 6)
Class 7 -- Open Hunter Seat Equitation on the Flat
Designed for riders who are excluded from other classes by reason of skill and/or experience, or who have qualified out of IHSA Class 5. A rider who has evented Preliminary Level or Young Riders, or who holds a Pony Club "A" rating must ride at this level. A rider who has won an AHSA or USET Medal, Maclay class, or equivalent 3'6" equitation class must ride at this level.
Have you completed a recognized horse trials, 2-day, or 3-day event
at the Preliminary Level or above? YES NO
Have you completed a “Young Riders” horse trials, 2-day, or 3-day event? YES NO
Have you earned a Pony Club "A" rating? YES NO
Have you won an AHSA or USET Medal, ASPCA Maclay class or equivalent 3’6”
equitation class? YES NO
Have you won 3 or more blue ribbons over fences 3'3" or higher in
recognized shows? YES NO
Have you won 9 or more blue equitation ribbons on the flat in recognized shows? YES NO
Class 8 -- Open Hunter Seat Equitation over Fences
Designed for riders with an advanced degree of skill and experience making them ineligible for classes 1-6; or who have qualified out of IHSA Class 6. A rider who has evented at the Preliminary or Young Riders level, or who holds a Pony Club "A" rating must compete at this level. Riders who have won AHSA or USET Medal or ASPCA Maclay classes, or equivalent 3’6” equitation classes, must ride at this level.
Have you completed a recognized horse trials, 2-day, or 3-day event
at the Preliminary level or above? YES NO
Have you completed a “Young Riders” horse trials, 2-day, or 3-day event? YES NO
Have you earned a Pony Club "A" rating? YES NO
Have you won 3 or more blue ribbons in recognized shows over fences 3'3" or higher? YES NO
Have you won an AHSA or USET Medal Class, or an ASPCA Maclay, or an
equivalent 3'6" equitation class? YES NO
Class 11 -- Beginner Western Horsemanship
Designed for the beginner rider in the 1st or 2nd calendar year of riding for whom it is unsafe to lope an unfamiliar horse in a group.
Has it been less than two calendar years since you began riding in any discipline? YES NO
NOTE: If you canter in one IHSA discipline you MAY NOT start in the walk-trot division in the other discipline.
Class 12A -- Intermediate I Western Horsemanship
Designed for the rider in his first, second, or third year of riding, for whom it is safe to lope an unfamiliar horse in a group. Riders may have show experience in 4H or local shows, but should not have won blue ribbons in western horsemanship. Rider has one academic year of eligibility in this class.
Have you had two or more calendar years of total riding in any riding discipline? YES NO
If you've never competed western…
Is IHSA Class 2A or 2B Walk Trot Canter your appropriate hunter Seat division? YES NO
Class 12B - Intermediate II Western Horsemanship
Designed for riders who have not won more than five blue ribbons in western horsemanship in local or 4H shows, and not competed in recognized shows.
Have you had more than three calendar years of total riding in any riding discipline? YES NO
Have you won blue western horsemanship ribbons? YES NO
If you've never competed western…
Is IHSA Class 3 Novice your appropriate hunter seat division? YES NO
Class 13A - Advanced I Western Horsemanship
Designed for riders who have more extensive experience in western horsemanship in non recognized or local shows, or have competed in recognized shows. Riders should not have won more than 3 blue western horsemanship ribbons in recognized shows.
Have you won more than 5 blue ribbons in western horsemanship in 4H, local, or
non-recognized shows? YES NO
Have you competed in “recognized” shows? YES NO
If you've never competed western…
Is IHSA Class 5 Intermediate your appropriate hunter seat division? YES NO