World History
Spring 2015
“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”
-Margaret Mead
Teacher: Mrs. Crook
Room Number: 308
Course Title: World History & Honors World History
Telephone: 455-1541 (school) (336) 689-3096 (cell)
Useful website: Class Edmodo pages
Course Description: “The World History course will address six (6) periods in the study of World History, with a key focus of study from the mid-15th century to present. The standards of this course are grouped in a way that reflects accepted periodization by historians. The learning standards of this course have been written to focus around a basic core of chronologically-organized periods and events in history in order to have a set of learning standards that can be reasonably taught and learned with some depth and not just memorization of facts, within the time available for classroom instruction.
Students taking this course will study major turning points that shaped the modern world. Students coming to this course are expected to have a firm foundation in the themes and tools of geography and early, ancient and classical civilizations from their K-8 experience.”
-North Carolina Essential Standards
Required Materials:
- 1:1 Laptops (all freshman have one)
- Three Ring Binder (1 ½- 2 inches)
- Blue/Black Pen or Mechanical Pencil for daily use
- Coloring material (marker or colored pencils)
- Different Colored Highlighters
- Notebook Paper
- Dividers w/ at least 5 tabs
- Other materials may be necessary for project purposes. (Poster board, etc...)
- Box of Kleenex & Clorox Wipes are appreciated to keep you healthy!
Class Rules:
1. Be on time.
2. Be respectful.
3. Be prepared.
4. Follow ALL White Oak High School rules.
School wide Cell Phone Rule: Phones are only allowed for EDUCATIONAL purposes. Students must have permission to use it.
Unauthorized use of cell phones- “See it, hear it, and take it.”
1st offense student may pick up their cell phone from the teacher
2nd offense a parent will need to pick up the cell phone from the office
3rd offense phone will be banned from school.
Levels of Consequences:
1. First Offense - Verbal Warning.
2. Second Offense - Chill out/Call home to Parents.
3. Third Offense- After school detention/Call home to Parents.
4. Fourth Offense- Referral to Administration/Parent Conference
**Depending on the frequency or severity of the infraction, consequences may not necessarily be issued in this order.
Daily Protocol
- When the bell rings, students must have their homework, notebook, computer & writing utensils on their desk. All pencils must be sharpened before the bell rings.
- Students should be in their assigned seats before the bell rings and should begin working QUIETLY by the time the bell rings.
- Students should be prepared to work from the time the bell rings to begin class to the time the bell rings to end class. The bell does not dismiss class; it is only a signal that class time has expired, and I will dismiss the class.
- There will be 3 bathroom passes per 6 weeks for those students who MUST use the restroom during class time. (The only exception will be for those students who have written medical permission from their doctor.) Extra credit will be given to those students who do not use their passes. This is an incentive based system; students will not be penalized for using passes.
Grading System & Policy Course Requirements:
- Class work may include many different assignments. All classwork will be worth 15% of the student’s overall grade. It is the student’s responsibility to complete his or her classwork on a daily basis.
- Homework will be assigned as needed. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the homework and bring it with them to class every day. Homework will count 10% of the student’s final grade. I do not assign a lot of homework.
- Quizzes will cover material from previous goals and objectives that have been taught, as well as the current goal and objective. Quizzes will be worth 25% of the student’s final grade.
- Major assessments will be given upon completion of each unit; assessments may consist of multiple choice, short identification, essays, and/or projects.
Major assessments are 50% of the student’s overall grade.
Make up work policy: When a student misses a class because of an absence, he/she will adhere to County Policy & have three days to make up the assignments missed.
Late work policy: Each piece of work is given a due date. Students are expected to submit all assignments on time. If the student does not turn in the work, it is eight points off each day the assignment is late. The student cannot submit an assignment after its fifth day of being late unless previous arrangements have been made with the teacher.
Honor Policy: Cheating, plagiarism, and any other form of dishonest behavior are not tolerated in this course or in this school. If a student is caught, the student will not receive credit for the assignment, and will be given an opportunity to redo the assignment in a certain amount of time. If the student fails to resubmit the new assignment they receive a zero. All students are held to the highest standard and will be expected to do their own work, without the help from others and without the use of copy and paste.
White Oak High School Plagiarism Consequences:
1stOffense - parent conference, new assignment of work, and after-school detention with the teacher.
2ndOffense - parent conference and two days of ISS
Additional offenses will result in a parent conference and one day OSS.
Tutoring: Days designated for tutoring will be on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 2:30-3:30. However, I will stay for any student any day I can! Students should schedule the day at least 1 day prior to tutoring.
Student Notebooks:
Before Tab 1: Syllabus & Course Information
Tab 1: Unit 1 &2
Tab 2: Unit 3
Tab 3: Unit 4 &5
Tab 4: Unit 6 & 7
Tab 5: Test, quizzes, and projects
If you have more than five tabs you can do a tab for each unit.
Grade Breakdown
50%- Major Assessments
25%- Quizzes
15%- Classwork
I ______, have read and understand the terms of this syllabus.
Printed Name: ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Name: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______