Student Senate Minutes

Wednesday, February10, 2010

Purple Rooms, Kryzsko Commons 5:00pm

Call to Order: 5:03PM

*Deviate to President’s Report: Item II

Roll Call:President Stene, Treasurer Lynne, Brignull, Bussee, Corrigan, Griffin, Her, Hiniker, Hughes, Killeen, Kruger, Linehan, Maki, Moy, Neumann, Samuelson, Saxman, Strauss, Tarzon

Excused Tardy: Zubair

Unexcused Tardy: Anderson, Wood

Excused Absence: Schromen

Approval of Agenda: (Without Objection)

Motion Passes

Approval of Minutes:(Without Objection)

Postponed until next week.

Comments from the Gallery:

  1. Guest Speakers
  2. Census Presentation- Mary Blank SMU Student Senate President.
  3. Census- will be about 10 questions
  4. Census plan: The plan is to send out one Census to everyone in March and hopefully everyone completes it. If the Census isn’t returned, we will send out another one in April. Finally, if that is not returned, we will send someone to retrieve it.

(*Anderson Enters 5:08PM)

  1. Would like to work with the Student Senate on distribution for the Census-
  2. Materials that need to be distributed:
  3. pens, highlighters, drawstring bags, flashlights, chip clips, etc.
  4. What can the Student Senate do to provide the most help?
  5. Mouth to mouth communication: take a leadership role and help clear up any questions about the census, be sure to explain how easy it is to complete.
  1. City Parking- Carlos Espinosa- Met with President Stene Chair Samuelson on the Residential Parking Permit-Need to have plan in action incase this is passed, and also in need a safety procedure.
  1. Technology- VP Janz- Update on two items:
  2. 1.Technology Fee- not asking for increase
  3. 2. would like to implement a printing cap, where should that cap be for the amount of pages need per student? Were a GO Green campus and it needs to be environmentally friendly
  4. Printing Cap: Double sided would be considered two pages, 2,000 page limit per student, per semester only saves WSU $1,400, but would help eliminate some of the waste.
  5. E-Warrior big decision: Strauss, Neumann, Lynne, Stene, and Corrigan all serve on the E-warrior Committee and will be making a big decision next week.
  1. Pre-Professional Club- no report
  • President Kyla is here to explain differences between pre-med and pre-professional club.
  • Pre-med is for students who are interested in attending med school after studies.
  • Pre-professional is for student who are interested in going to pre-dental, pre-law etc.
  • President Stene apologizes for trouble these two clubs have gone through.
  • Maki: Pre-med submitted a form and it got approved. Then Pre-professional club submitted one next week and it was the same exact thing as pre-med. Both clubs were questioned and audited. Maybe clubs should define purposes and probably sync together so that both clubs don’t get 6k.
  • Anderson: There is quite a difference in these clubs. There are multiple clubs in each department. Wouldn’t be fair to say that to them.
  • Saxman: main objection to consolidating the costs? Pre-professional pres- Premed are participating in club, dentists, optometry, podiatry are smaller are just coming together so there are; smaller and separate clubs will help with individual attention.
  • PresidentStene-There is no law stating that clubs do not have to merge, so there can be multiple clubs.
  • Brignull: Legally and on the papers, there is nothing in the papers that say they have to emerge.
  • Hughes: pre-professional and pre-med different issues. They have already missed enough and we should just fund them!
  • Strauss: Reread motion. We are showing petty, pathetic issues and we need to pass this today.

Call the question


MOTION: move to suspend by laws article 5, section 1, letter A.


Call the question

unanimous yes.

Maki, Neumann, Saxman Oppose

Suspension on by-laws passes.


Maki Opposes

Neumann Abstains

Motion Passes

  1. Committee Reports
  2. Community Affairs-Suggestion boxes
  1. Student Services- Paul Stern-bike rental programs and what we can possibly do on it. Trek, sponsored by WSU Alumni’s, might want to help us out. Will be speaking with Don Walski to work more on the Silence Witness program. Did not have a meeting last week due to the Open Forum.
  1. Academic Affairs- Would like to start Peer mentoring groups program. Also, if anyone would like to be an English partner for International students, it’s only 15 hours a semester.

Commencement Speaker confusion: the confusion will be solved: Senate is currently locked out of their web account and a new form will go out when we regain access.

  1. Organizational Reports
  2. UPAC- No report.
  1. RHA- No report.
  1. Greek Council- No report.
  1. All-University Committees-
  2. Search for Dean of Liberal Arts: (Hiniker) Thanks to everyone who attended, The committee will review information and return feedback.
  3. Parking Committee: Met today to look at permit costs; discussing a 5% increase.
  4. Food Service Committee: (Killeen) Chartwells is celebrating Black History month by doing a different ethnic food item every day. UPAC and Chartwells will sponsor an event with prizes on Saturday 2/13/2010; with a student band performing.
  1. MSUSA:(Hughes) Conference was great, thank you to everyone who attended. I appreciate it. Lobby core is coming up! Please sign up or re-sign up. And fill in availability after 2 PM. Member from MSUSA office will come down to WSU for training.
  1. Web Master: (Strauss) President Stene and I are going to meet with committee and make improvements and address those. Will go over prototype and present it to senate. Will release control to Senate soon after completing seminar.
  1. ASO: Meeting tomorrow at 7 PM in the SAC. Ran by Stene and former VP Galchutt.

* Deviate to Item IV. of Guest Speakers: Pre-Professional Club.

  1. President’s Report
  2. Consent Agenda-

MOTION: Move to approve the Consent Agenda.

Motion Passes Unanimously

  1. Resignation- VP received State Position. Stene reads Ian’s letter of resignation. Pro tempor is supposed to step up: Brignull and Schromen will switch on and off. Stene will take care of Election Committee, office hours sign up at 8 AM Monday morning, and ASO with Ian. Applications will be on this Monday.
  2. “Let’s rise above this, think critically, show the student body that this lack of leadership is not going to dispel in this room.”-Stene
  1. Election Committee- Meeting following this Senate meeting.
  1. Meet & Discuss- Discussed: differential tuition-proposals will be going to facilities and finance, parking, budget-update by president on Friday, 120 credits to graduate, students on search committees-brought forth: what is the effective time to put students on search committees? Is it more important to have students read 500 resumes or have student voice on it? Will talk to Lori Mickel to redefine students on search committees.
  2. Hughes: 120 effects us right now or does it depend on certain grades? Yield to Gores: opt to take 120 or 128 and it also depends on the catalogue. Appeal to change catalogues.
  1. Vice President’s Report- No report.
  1. Treasurer’s Report
  2. Student Senate:
  3. $ 34,816.13
  4. Funding Requests:
  5. $ 10,611,05
  1. SAFC- Did not meet last Friday because left for St. Cloud for conference; will look at funding requests this Friday as well as audits and financial reviews
  1. SFMC-

COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation to increase 0% for Wellness Center Fees. Automatically tabled.

  1. Old Business
  2. Technology Fee-

COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:Move to approve a 0% increase for the FY11 Technology Fee.

Amendment: change 2000 sheets to 1000 sheets so we are going green.

Amendment passes unanimously

Call the question on motion-

Neumann Opposes

Motion passes unanimously

Amendment: Move to amend by addition “With the stipulation that per semester student printing allocation is 1,000 pages.”


Motion Passes

  1. Women’s Club Volleyball-

MOTION:Whereas supporting club sports increases student opportunities and whereas fielding a competitive team entails competing at a certain level, which is not always foreseen in budgeting, move to approve Women’s Volleyball Club for up to $1,503.58 from the Student Life Reserve, with the understanding that Women’s Volleyball Club submit a revised budget to SFMC.


Anderson, Killeen, Neumann Oppose

Maki Abstains

Motion Passes

  1. VOCES- Hispanic and Latino Club-

MOTION: Move to approve upto $3,100 for the VOCES annual dinner from the Student Life Reserve.


Maki and Neumann Abstain

Motion Passes

  1. WSU Dance Team-

MOTION:Whereas the WSU Dance Team has performed at a level of excellence commensurate with invitation to a national competition, and have performed their due diligence as it relates to fundraising move to allocate $2,500 dollars to WSU Dance Team from the Student Life reserve.


Call to question.

Anderson, Griffin, Saxman Oppose

Maki Abstains

Motion Passes

  1. New Business-

MOTION: Move to allocate $3,000 to the Paralegal Society’s trip to D.C.


Call the question-

Bussee and Neumann Oppose

Maki Abstains

Call the question- Motion

BusseeMaki, Moy, Neumann Abstain

MOTION:Budget to pass: MSUSA expenses JPS scholarship changed to $0 because by law we cannot support that according to MnScu.

Motion passes unanimously

MOTION:MnScu motion: “Whereas tuition has doubled at MnScu schools in the last 10 years; whereas MnScu has ballooned to an unmanageable bureaucratic entitle whose provided benefits are not commensurate with its allocated resources, and whereas, in the event of past budget short falls, tuition increases have been used as an expedient and simple solution to a complex issue that ignores the onerous issue of student debt. Be it resolved that WSUSA adopt the position that , in the event of future Budget short falls, funding cuts to MnScu central (and by extension, the office of the chancellor) be implemented.


  1. Strauss: MnScu administrations are cutting programs and increasing tuition but get paid a lot in their budgets. “Please be responsible by cutting costs, you shouldn’t go broke because you go to school, In reality if we don’t take a stance then we will be treated by chicken sh*t.”
  1. Hughes:I like this stance and we need to take it. We need to support it so other schools follow us. We aren’t a big school or a small school.
  1. Corrigan: A little more background- purpose of MnScu was to decrease amount of bureaucracy, right now it’s defeated its purpose. Employed by Bio department, got a safety and compliance check by MnScu conducted by officer and 6 MnScu officials—Why? Only one person is good enough. They ask us why Student Senate exists, we can also ask them the same question.”
  1. Brignull: This has been floating around, lets pass it.

Role call vote:


















  1. Comments from the Gallery
  1. Dean of Students Karen Johnson: Students on committees- really important that your voices are heard, thank you to the students on the Dean of Students Search Committee, you have the right to refuse being on a search committee. I really appreciate having students on all kinds of committees. A lot of fundraisers going on for Haiti: in Kryzsko go directly to this student who is trying to go to Haiti for Spring break and help his family.
  1. VP Gores: Congratulations to Ian, Schromen, Brignull. Encourage anybody to run for VP. Census: glad that Espionage stresses that it’s your civic duty to be counted. This is the first time you are able to participate. Assessment: save the date email was sent out, encourage you and others to fill out forms. Wonder if responses are read, yes they are and we closely look at these and pay attention to it. Tomorrow: camp internship fair: jobs are tight so this is a good opportunity. Job fair happening soon! Apply through career services then there is a discount. Thank you for eating the candy!
  1. Comments for the Good of the Order
  1. Hiniker: Tha Her is awesome and I love her!
  1. Adjournment: 7:42PM