Create a report of Active patients by Community

PCC – Patient Care Component

MGT or may be MAN - PCC Management Reports

RES – Resource Allocation Report/Workload Reports

ACC – Active Patient Count by Community of Residence

You can select one or more facilities: enter the A-SU-FAC for the Urban site.


You can select one or more service units: enter the A-SU for the Urban site. I would use this, because you may have more than one A-SU-FAC; entering the A-SU will pick up all.

Enter Service Unit: enter the A-SU

Enter Another Service Unit: return (no entry)

Do you want to include only patients living in these Service Unit’s? enter No, this will pick up any community for those patients with a community identified in Patient Registration.

Do you with to include only Indian patients? Answer yes, it will only pick up those Tribe codes identified as Federally-Recognized (including 997 Indian Non-Tribal Member). If no, it will include patients that are non-Indian.

** Patients are to be considered Active ‘as of ‘ what date: enter the ending date you wish to consider (report will go back 3-years from date selected); may want to consider GPRA reporting dates.

Which report type do you want: F// return to take the default of Full Report.

Do you wish to Sub-Total by Tribe? No. If you enter Yes, then this report can be fairly large; sorts by each community and within community each Tribe alphabetically.

Demo Patient Inclusion/Exclusion: E// enter to take the default of Exclude Demo Patients.

Device: HOME// enter the printer you wish the report to be run to.

Using the print out; USE the far right column for active users for creation of the taxonomy. Only enter the communities that contain a number and DO NOT enter communities that contain a ‘0’ (zero).

Create a Taxonomy for those communities on the list.

You can either create them in VGEN, PGEN or QMAN.

QMAN: hit enter until you get to “Attribute of Living Patients”.

Attribute of Living Patients: enter Community and return

Enter Community: start entering the first community and return

Enter Another Community: continue entering until you are done

Enter Another Community: return with no entry when you’re done

Want to save this Community group for future use? NO// enter Yes and return

Group Name: LR GPRA Communities for DEMO Urban and return (use your initials to identify who created the taxonomy and the other part is a description of what it is)

Are you adding ‘LR GPRA Communities for DEMO Urban” as a New Taxonomy? NO// enter Yes

Taxonomy Brief Description: optional free text entry (I skip this)

Extended Description: free text and I skip this; unless you want to add significant notes here.

No existing text Edit? NO// return

Back out of QMAN ^ (shift 6) to exit; ^ about three times at each level.

Go into GPRA parameters to set up the taxonomy of communities.

Run GPRA to see if the numbers are what they should be.

Patient Registration: State recognized Tribes use 997 Indian Non-Tribal Member; Tribal Enrollment Number: enter the name of the Tribe or their enrollment number. You need to identify which tribe like Lummi (LU-001-00004), etc.

Patient Registration: if the community in the Current Community field is not found, it does not exist in the Standard Code Book.

Requests must be submitted to your Area Statistical Officer.

What to send: Spreadsheet containing correct spelling of the Community, what State the community is within and the County it is in;

“Requesting a new Community Code” email.

·  Area Statistical Officer will submit via Team Track; will have to know the State code and County Code and the service unit that “owns” that county; A/SU.

·  Division of Program Statistics (Kirk Greenway) receives and electronic email from Team Track for review and approval.

·  Albuquerque: the staff responsible will receive a message to create a new ‘Community” code; patch created; Standard Code Book updated.

Each Area person(s) responsible for loading patches will distribute/upload into the RPMS systems for use.

Each Area Statistical Office will receive an email update outlining all Standard Code Book updates.

Ready for use as soon as the patch is loaded.

You can add more communities (as approved) to the already created Taxonomy, just name the Taxonomy the same and Yes to replace it.