Your ref: / School Funding Team
Future House, Bolling Road
Bradford BD4 7EB
Telephone 01274 385702
Fax 01274 385695
To Headteachers and School Finance Managers
Maintained Bradford Schools
21 October 2013
Dear Colleague,
Subscription to HCSS School Budgeting Software from April 2014 – New 3 Year Deal
The current deal in place with HCSS Education, to provide budgeting software for maintained schools in Bradford, runs out at the end of this current financial year. The Authority, working through the Sprint II Government Procurement Framework, has carried out market testing and has negotiated a new deal with HCSS Education. Recognising that the Software has been developed by HCSS in partnership with the Authority and with our schools over a number of years, this Software continues to represent the best option and secures value for money. 86% of our maintained schools currently use the Software.
The new deal is available for all maintained schools for delivery of the Software for the next 3 financial years; 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17. The purpose of this letter is to ask you to confirm whether or not you wish to subscribe to this offer. The cost, in each of the 3 financial years, is £397 (a total cost of £1,191 across the 3 years).
Please note that, as previously, schools are asked to commit to the full 3 years in order to realise the benefits of a reduced price per unit, compared against the cost of annual renewal. We have negotiated with HCSS however, that where a maintained school signs up for 3 years, converts to academy during the subscription period and then purchases the academy version of the HCSS software, the academy will only be charged the differential in price between the two versions rather than the full cost of both versions. If a school subscribes for 3 years, does not purchase the academy version and, for any other reason, does not wish to use the Software during the subscription period, the school (or academy if the school converts) will still be charged for the cost for 3 years.
The new deal is for the delivery of the web based version of the Software. This version replaces the old CD format. The web version delivers significant improvements, including:
· The Software is always available, including in locations out of school, and avoids the need to install a CD on different PCs
· Different users e.g. governors, SLT members, department budget holders can be given different access levels
· The data is fully secure and avoids the need to transfer this via email or memory stick between locations
· The Software is updated directly on the website, so there are no updates to install (or to miss)
· There will be a reduced ‘waiting time’ for the final version in March, as the Local Authority can revise the structure / formulae / data directly on the website and can do this quickly after the S251 Budgets have been published
· The Software can be updated by the Authority throughout the year to incorporate the latest funding information for future years. The impact of this updating on scenarios can be controlled at school level. This will be especially useful for schools in the movement towards a national funding formula from April 2015; the Authority will adjust the Software during 2014 as announcements on the national formula are made by the DfE
Further information on the web version, including access to a demo site, can be accessed by visiting the HCSS Education website. Go to In addition to accessing a demo of the website you can also download a factsheet and read about the features and benefits of the software.
Although there are some cosmetic differences with the web version, schools will be very familiar now with the Software’s functionality and terminology. A group of business managers from Bradford schools met with HCSS in 2012 to look at the web version, and the Software has been further developed since to respond to their feedback e.g. in the way staffing information can be inputted. We will be looking to develop opportunities for schools to access further training on the web version, subject to this being required by schools.
You are asked to complete the attached subscriptions form, to confirm whether or not you wish to purchase the HCSS Software. I would be grateful if you could please return the attached form as soon as possible, but by Wednesday 13th November 2013 at the very latest. Responses by this deadline will support us working with HCSS to have the web version for 2014/15 available for February 2014.
If you have any queries, or would like to discuss the content of this letter further, please do not hesitate to contact a member of School Funding Team.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Redding
School Funding Team
City of Bradford MDC
Attached – HCSS Subscription Form
HCSS FPS.Web 3 Year Subscription Confirmation Form
School NameThe above named school wishes to purchase the HCSS FPS.Web software for the following 3 financial years; 2014-15 / 2015-16 / 2016-17. At a cost of £397 per year (£1,191 total cost across the 3 years)
Head Teacher Name(Block Capitals)
Head Teacher Signature
Please return this form to Dawn Haigh no later than Wednesday 13th November 2013.
Return via scan and email to:
Or by post to:
Dawn Haigh
School Funding Team
Future House
Bolling Road
Or by fax to:
01274 385695
Please indicate if you are interested in accessing further training on FPS.Web by ticking here: