Town of Branford
Parks and Open Space Authority
Minutes, Meeting of November 3, 2010
Ainsley Highman, Connie Drysdale
ChairmanJudy Miller
Pete DaRos Pete Peterson
Amos Barnes Kurt Schwanfelder
Joe Blumberg
- Warden’s Report
Pete DaRos reported that a man had been lost in the Stony Creek Quarry but was returned home unharmed.
- Pisgah Brook
There have been reports of ATV sightings at Pisgah Brook. The wardens will increase patrols in this area.
Ainsley brought up an email from Jane Dougherty pointing out that a section of the Lantern View trail needs to be moved because it presently encroaches upon a property that is being developed. He suggested that this might be a good Eagle Scout project. Pete estimated that the project would take about a hundred man hours, which is within the scope of such a project.
- Supply Ponds
Joe asked when the sediment pond had last been cleaned out and how much it cost. When Ainsley responded that it had been in 2008 at a cost slightly below $4000, the group agreed to accept Jim Boyd’s estimate for dredging the Supply Pond sed pond and improving/restoring the trail.He pointed out that the trail work can be paid from the Historic Trail grant. Cost: Sed pond dredging: $2250. Trail improvements: $ 2950.
This led to a discussion of chronic issues with regard to the Supply Pond. Pete reported that he had cleaned up both sides of the road. Public Works also mows the areas alongside the road periodically. Some feel that the wild growth along Short Rocks Road is unsightly and that erosion into the Supply Pond is occurring in several places. Discussion regarding a plan for regular maintenance of the Supply Pond roadside areas will continue at the next meeting. There was agreement that walkers should be directed to the trail above (south of) the meadow, that the old wood gate on this trail should be removed, and that the existing path through the meadow should be closed.
A pond depth survey of the upper (west) pond was done in the spring of 2006. Ainsley proposed that a depth survey be repeated in 2011 to assess the effect of sediment deposition..
Finally, the continuing problem of erosion at Pine Gutter Brook was discussed.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00
Minutes submitted by Judy Miller