Directions: Use your Friendly vs. Mean Teasing Cue Card to complete this activity sheet.
Read each of the situations below. If the person who gets teased follows one of the rules correctly,
write CORRECT and the number of the rule that was followed. If the person who gets teased does
NOT follow one of the rules correctly, write INCORRECT and the number for the rule (or rules) that
should have been followed.
______1. Ben was thinking about how much he loved to tease Joe. Joe would always getupset and start to
cry. Not too many kids in middle school cried as easily as Joe, and that was why Ben never passed
up an opportunity to bug him. Just as Benwas thinking about him, Joe walked by. “Hey, tinsel
teeth! Have you brushedyour teeth yet today?” asked Ben. Joe tightly made two fists and got
that goofy look on his face that meant he was about to cry again. Ben loved it when Joe got that
goofy look. Just then a teacher walked by, so Ben left. He knew he could tease Joe later during
______2. Jeanne and all of her friends were sitting together at lunch. They had just finished gym class,
where they had danced with the guys. They were all teasing each other about different things
that had happened during class and they were all laughing. Jeanne was laughing right along with
everybody else until Beth teased her. Jeanne said, “Knock it off! There’s nothing wrong with the
way I dance!” Beth said, “OK, OK! You don’t have to be so touchy, Jeanne! I was justkidding
______3. Mark was out driving with his friend Kevin. Mark had just gotten his driver’s license and wanted to
take his buddy for a ride. They decided to stop at a store, but Mark had a hard time trying to
parallel park. He had to re-park the car four times. Kevin laughed and started to tease Mark.
Mark started laughing too. Finally, the car was close enough to the curb, so the guys got out and
went to the store.
______4. Craig was riding his bike down to the mall. He knew he would have to lock his bike in the rack
by the main entrance. He was worried because he knew all the bullies hung out there during
the summer. That crew of kids was always giving someone a hard time, and Craig wasn’t
looking forward to what he knew was coming. Sure enough, when he parked his bike, they all
came out and started to tease him. Craig pretended that they did not even exist and calmly
walked into the mall.
Developed by: Shauna Jones, WV Children’s Home School (2009)