Unit 01 3.1 – 3.3

Develop effective working relationships with film production team members

Name of candidate: Alex Preddy

Ask the candidate what qualities are needed to work well with others:
You have to be flexible, nice. You need to be open to different ideas and be able to collect the ideas and use that to shape the piece of work that you are making.
Ask the candidate how they felt they worked with others:
I think I worked quite well with others. I was flexible and nice! I was open to feedback and adapted ideas to the general consensus.I listened to others. I was polite but assertive.
Discuss an example of when the candidate interacted with others to encourage collaborative thinking and teamwork:
Alex discussed and agreed sound requirements for the Sunday shoot with the directing and camera teams and listened to others’ ideas and incorporated them into the sound design
Worked with others in the production team
Alex worked really well with others in the production team. He contributed creative ideas to the shotlist as well as working as an extremely efficient sound recordist and mixer on set. He always listened and responded to others, ensured good clean coverage for sound and was clear in communicating the needs of the sound team.
Effective interaction
Alex had very effective interactions with all the members of the production team. He was always courteous and acknowledged the contribution of others in a positive way. He asked questions when necessary and communicated well.
Using initiative
Alex used initiative to record necessary foley and music coverage for the film and came up with really creative ideas in mixing the sound track.
Alexwas always on time for sessions and on shoot days.
Alexwas a very reliable member of the team. He attended all sessions, worked to deadlines and carried out extra work including script development meetings in his own time.
Safe working
Alex observed safe working practice on shoot days. He attended the pre-shoot Health and Safety briefing, read and understood the Risk Assessment and wore appropriate clothing, including a high visibility jacket, when filming outdoors.
Coped with pressures of working “on set”/long hours
Alexcoped really well in the “on set” environment always remaining cheerful, focused and happy to pitch in where required. Alex had a fantastic attitude throughout and was a pleasure to have on the course.
TUTOR: S.Belfield DATE: 26.2.15