/ Full proposal Application Form
Call: EACEA/34/2015
European policy experimentations in the fields of Education, Training and Youth led by high-level public authorities
Deadline: 13 October 2016 (12.00 noon CET)


(To be attached to the eForm)

Please note that each comment box in the DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION should contain maximum 1000 words, except if stated otherwise above the comment box.

PART 1. Call priorities themes

Please identify in the box below, which priority theme this application addresses (Proposals addressing priority themes other than the ones below or not addressing any priority theme will not be considered for funding). Please tick only one box.

Education and Training
Priority 1 - Promoting fundamental values through Education and Training addressing diversity in the learning environment
Priority 2 – Employment and Skills: validation of informal and non-formal learning in Education and Training
Priority 3 - Strengthening teacher training and education by using the opportunities of new technologies (School education)
Priority 4 - Towards more innovative and entrepreneurial higher education institutions through institutional change (Higher education)
Priority 5 - VET teachers and trainers in work-based learning/apprenticeship (VET)
Priority 6 – Implementation of a framework for the assessment of the effectiveness of adult learning policies
Priority 7 - Reaching out: developing capacity for tackling and preventing marginalisation and violent radicalisation among young people

PART 2. Role and operational capacity of partners

*Please insert the following roles for each partner, as relevant: Public Authority, Association/Network of public authorities, Delegated body of Public authority, Researcher, Stakeholder, etc.

**Please insert the Coordinating organisation first

Overview of partnership (add lines and roles as necessary)
Partner Nr / Role* / Organisation name / Country / Coordinator**

This part must be completed separately by each applicant in the project (coordinator and partners).

Partner number - P x [P1 – Pn]

(please ensure that the numbering follows the same numbering as in Part A of the eForm and the partner numbering of the detailed budget table)

Organisation name

2.1 Aims and activities of the organisation

1.  If you are a public authority, please describe in which way you are responsible for the specific field in which the experimentation is going to be carried out. You are welcome to provide relevant evidence of it (such as official policy or administrative acts in the area covered by the project) through freely accessible web references).

2.  If you are any other type of organisation, please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area covered by the project, and explain how your expertise is related to the role and responsibilities you will have in the project. Provide information on the operational and financial management of the project within the organisation.

3.  If you are a researcher, in addition to what requested under 2) above, please provide documented evidence (list of references) on your experience in evaluating the impact of large scale policy actions through field trials.

4.  If you are a legally established network or association of public authorities, or a delegated body, in addition to what requested under 2) above, please indicate the name of the public authorities you are representing and provide the information requested under 1).

2.2 Role of the partner in the project

Please describe the role of your organisation in the project and how the organisation will contribute to the operational and financial management of the project.

2.3 Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project

(Please add lines as necessary)

Name of staff member / Summary of relevant skills and professional experience / % of dedication to the project
(100% = 1 full time person/year)

2.4 Operational capacity: Involvement in previous projects

Please list the projects connected to the selected priority theme of the call implemented by your organisation or department in the last three years and provide a short description of the project's impact and achievements.

(Please add lines as necessary)

Programme or initiative / Reference number including year of award / Project title / Project impact and achievements

PART 3. Award Criteria

3.1 Quality of the project design and implementation

Investigation of the field (state of the art)

Please provide documented evidence that corroborates the potential of the policy measure to be tested to produce effective results.

Experimentation Methodology

Please identify and describe in detail the experimentation methodology, its rationale and implications, including definitions of success/failure criteria, and its theoretical approach.

Description of the Protocol

Please describe the protocol that will be followed in the experimentation providing details of:

·  the size, type, and features of the sample, the rationale and the procedures for identifying and selecting the sample;

·  the typology of field trials, their timing;

·  the entities that will be responsible for developing and implementing the field trials and for evaluating their results and the role that each entity will play in these contexts;

·  national, trans-national, internal, external and peer evaluation plans;

·  the evaluation benchmarks and qualitative and quantitative indicators;

·  the monitoring and quality control measures;

·  ethical guidelines

·  definition of intellectual property rights

·  any other relevant information regarding the protocol.

Project design

Please describe schematically and chronologically the main phases of the project (planning, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination) highlighting the major milestones and deliverables/outputs/results.

Project management

Please provide a description of the management plan, what resources are allocated, how cooperation and exchange of know-how and information will be ensured, as well as how the decision process is going to be managed and emphasise how public authorities are going to exercise their strategic leadership.

Quality control

Please provide a quality assurance plan referring both to the project management and outputs. Please describe how challenges and risks will be identified and which mitigating actions will be proposed.

Budget and cost effectiveness

Please describe the strategy adopted to ensure that the proposed results and objectives will be achieved in the most economical way. Explain the principles of budget allocation amongst partners. Indicate the arrangements adopted for financial management. Please argue how your proposal offers value for money.

3.2 Quality of the partnership and the cooperation arrangements

Rationale of setting-up the partnership, cooperation arrangements, translation of results to policy making

Rationale for the setting-up of the partnership

Please explain why the selected partners are best suited to participate in this European project and how the partnership will ensure achievement of the objectives of the call with due regard to the priority theme.

Describe responsibilities in terms of strategic leadership, policy development and implementation, innovative and/or complementary skills, expertise and competences within the consortium directly relating to the planned project activities, in particular impact evaluation expertise.

Cooperation arrangements across the partnership

Please describe the cooperation arrangements across the partnership, the responsibilities for decision making, conflict resolution, reporting, monitoring, communication and other relevant issues.

Translation of results to policy making

Please outline the partnership's capacity to translate results into policy actions and to reach a large number of stakeholders and target groups.

3.3 Impact, dissemination, and sustainability

Expected systemic impact of the project

Please describe what kind of systemic change the proposal is aiming to achieve in strategic, qualitative and quantitative terms, and how the results are expected to lead to systemic change in the countries involved in this proposal, as well as its potential impact at European level in the education, and training and youth fields.

Dissemination and Communication

Please outline the dissemination strategy providing qualitative and quantitative indicators, and specifying:

·  The strategy, channels and modalities used for reaching and involving the target groups, stakeholders, and the specific population samples before, during and after the field trials and beyond the project,

·  The strategy and channels used for communicating the on-going work of the project and its final results to national and European policy-makers, stakeholders and public at large;

·  If the project produces educational materials, documents and media, clear indication of how these will be made freely accessible through open licences and do not contain disproportionate limitations.


Please explain through which kind of policy actions and reforms the positive results will be up-scaled, mainstreamed and multiplied and which funds (e.g. European Structural and Investment Funds, The European Fund for Strategic Investments, national funds, etc.) will be activated to sustain up-scaling and mainstreaming in the longer term. Please explain how the results will contribute to peer learning of the partner authorities involved and feed into the Open Method of Coordination in the fields of education and training.


Please explain a strategy for long-term monitoring beyond the end of the project and describe follow up activities that would concretely use the project results for systemic improvement, including through Erasmus+ actions.

PART 4. Work plan and work packages

Please enter the different project activities you intend to carry out in your project. Duplicate and complete for each work package.

Work package activities:

Work package No.
Work package type / Planning
Experimentation Protocol
Field trials
Dissemination and Communication
Quality Assurance (quality plan)
List of activities/tasks
Estimated Start Date
(mm-yyyy) / Estimated End Date
(mm-yyyy) / Duration:
Country of activity
Lead Partner
Contributing partners
Deliverables / Please list the nature and describe briefly the content of all deliverables produced in the work package (reports, analyses, guidelines, statistics, scientific articles, interviews, questionnaires, etc.) highlighting the language versions (see annex B) and the media(s) (paper, web, video, etc.) used.
Due date
Dissemination level / Public
Restricted to other programme participants (including Commission services and project reviewers)
Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including EACEA and Commission services and project reviewers)
Explanation of work package expenditure / Please explain what costs will be associated to each work package (subcontracting, travel, and other costs).

Title of the project/ Acronym

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Overview of partners involved and resources required

Please add lines as necessary according to number of work packages and partners involved.

Indicative input of partnership staff- The total number of days per staff category should correspond with the information provided in the budget tables.

No of Work package / Partners involved / Country / Number of staff days / Role and tasks in the work package
Category / Category / Category / Category / Total
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1 / Lead partner / P(n)
2 / Lead partner / P(n)
3 / Lead partner / P(n)

Overview of project expected results

Please add lines as necessary according to number of work packages and results (deliverables, outputs or outcomes).

No of Work package / Start date / End date / Result(s) (output(s) or outcome(s)) / Medium that will be used (publication, electronic, online, other (specify)) / Languages / Dissemination level (Public, Restricted, Confidential) / Target groups/potential beneficiaries

Title of the project/ Acronym

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Title of the project/ Acronym

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