Your Postand Auxiliary Name & #
Your Post AddressCity, State ZIP
Date of Letter here
Reverend N.______N.______
Pastor of (insert name of Parish)
Address of Parish
City, State, ZIP Code
Dear Father:
The Catholic War Veterans and Auxiliary of the USA, Inc., (insert Post name & number)would like to conduct a New Member Recruitment Drive at your Parish the weekends of(insert dates you plan to recruit).
We are writing this letter to you seeking your assistance as the Pastor of (Insert Name of Parish). As the Commanderof Name of Post & # and President of the ______Auxiliary Unit # ______, we humbly beseech your cooperation to allow CWV and CWVA members at your Massesthe weekend of (insert dates you plan to recruit) to speak with potential members, as well as pass out brochures and applications. Announcements from the pulpit and in the Parish Bulletins would be gratefully appreciated. If you so approve, some of our members would be willing to address the congregation at some pre-approved time during Mass. Another important factor for us to stress is that this is NOT A CWV FUNDRAISING EVENT!
As Catholic War Veterans we are sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to preserve for posterity those rights and privileges contained within. We are leaders in the promotion of Democracy and citizen guardians of our Republic and loyal servants of Holy Mother Church. The Preamble to the CWV Constitution sums it up best:
“We American Citizens…members of the Catholic Church…under the spiritual authority of our Holy Father, the Pope, Bishop of Rome…and who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States…in order that we may be bound by a greater spirit of faith and patriotism…and that we may be of greater service to God, our Country and one another…and in order to perpetuate our ideals and ideas…establish a permanent organization.”
Can we count on you to help us in this endeavor? Our website has material available for additional information – If you should need any further information, please do not hesitate to call us at the numbers listed below. May God continue to bless, protect and guide you as His Chosen Shepherd for the parishioners of N. ______.
Respectfully yours in Christ,
(signature of Commander here)(signature of President here)
Name of CommanderName of President
Name & number of Your Post Name & number of your Auxiliary
Catholic War Veterans of the USACatholic War Veterans Auxiliary of the USA
(Phone number of Commander)(Phone number of Post Auxiliary President)