Name ______
Destiny Card Catalog and Online Search Skills Worksheet
Print this worksheet and fill it out. Use the Powerpoint, Websites, and Destiny to help you answer the questions. Please answer all the questions thoroughly. You may use this worksheet to help you on the quiz.
Destiny Card Catalog Search
(Answer this using the Destiny Card Catalog Jeopardy Powerpoint and the Library Catalog)
1. When searching for a book by its title, what two steps do you take?
2. What two steps would you take to search for a book by its author?
3. Where is the number of titles located on the screen?
4. Once you have located a book in the catalog, how can you find it on the shelf?
5. Where can you find the call number located on the screen?
6. What is the "visual" tab for? Give an example of how it may help a library patron.
7. How can the "sort-by" drop down box help you to locate books? (Remember the "sort-by" box is located at the top of the screen after you are given your search results in the library catalog)
8. Go into the library catalog and search for a book. Now look at the "Sort By" drop down menu. What are the seven categories you can sort books by?
9. How can you locate books by the call number?
10. Go into the library catalog and find the title of a book with the call number 326.
11. What is Destiny Quest? Name two useful features of Destiny Quest.
12. In Destiny Quest, what steps would I take to find similar titles for the book "The Hunger Games?" Name two titles that are similar?
13. In Destiny Quest, what is the "shelf browse" feature?
14. In Destiny Quest, look up "Gone with the Wind." Now using the "shelf browse" feature, what two books are on either side of Gone with the Wind?
Searching Effectively Using AND, OR, and NOT
(Answer these questions using the link "Searching Effectively Using AND, OR, and NOT)
1. Boolean searching is searching that uses what three keywords?
2. What does AND mean when using a search?
3. How can using AND help with searches?
4. What does OR mean when using a search?
5. How can OR help with searches?
6. What does NOT mean when using a search?
7. How can NOT help with searches?
Advanced Boolean Tutorial
(Answer these questions using the Advance Boolean Tutorial)
1. How can using parentheses to group words help with searching?
2. So how do parentheses help when you're doing a search in a database?
More Search Strategies
(Answer these questions using More Search Strategies link)
1. Should you use uppercase or lowercase letters when using a search engine? Explain
2. How are the (-) and (+) signs used when conducting a search?
3. When would you use quotation marks when searching?