Paris Elementary School
SBDM Minutes
July 18, 2016
PES Library
Those Attending Meeting:Rachelle SchjollEric Lilly
Elizabeth WaughLeslie Morris
Mary Elam
Secretary: Lisa Sullivan
Those Not in Attendance:Michael JacksonBrandi Roby
Alison Lenhart
Meeting called to order at 4:00pm.
I. Public Agenda
a. Correspondence
b. Comment
II. Approve Agenda
Leslie Morris was first to approve the agenda. Elizabeth Waugh seconded the motion. Consensus was made.
III. Appoint Secretary
Principal Schjoll appointed Lisa Sullivan, school secretary, to serve as the SBDM secretary for 2016-17.
IV. Approve Minutes
a. May 23, 2016
Leslie Morris was first to approve the minutes. Elizabeth Waugh seconded the motion. Consensus was made.
V. Financial Reports
The allocated $27,440 amount for the year was reviewed. The activity accounts were also reviewed.
VI. Review
- Bylaws
- Homework Policy- 2nd reading
(a) Five committees were approved by consensus- see Appendix A in Bylaws. All bylaws were reviewed by the chair with the council. Leslie Morris made a motion to approve the Bylaws and Elizabeth Waugh seconded the motion. Consensus was made.
(b) The second reading of the amended Homework Policy was made. Leslie Morris made a motion to approve the policy. Elizabeth Waugh seconded the motion. Consensus was made.
VII. New Business
- Dress Code Amendment Considerations
(a) Principal Schjoll shared the new Board Dress Code Policy with the Council. The Council discussed e a few clarifications to the policy specifically for Paris Elementary to better define appropriateness and to improve school safety. Elizabeth Waugh made a motion to amend the district Dress Code Policy and Mr. Lilly seconded the motion. Consensus was made. See updates to the policy. (attached)
VIII. Other
a. Vice Chair Selection
- Meeting Dates
(a) Leslie Morris nominated Elizabeth Waugh as the vice chair of the council. No further members were nominated. All were in favor of Mrs. Waugh serving as vice chair. Consensus was made.
(b) The council tabled meeting dates until the August regular meeting so that those not present could have a voice.
IX.Closed Session
- Consultation on Dean/DPP
(a) The council went into closed session at 5:35 for the purpose of consultation on the Dean/DPP vacancy. The council came out of closed session at 5:40.
X. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 5:40.