Meeting Agenda
May 1, 2016
7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
8th Grade Classroom / Mission:
St. Edith Catholic School “teaches as Jesus did” with love, care, and discipline, centering on the Eucharist,
and focusing on students: our gifts and our future.


/ 1.  To promote the ideals of Catholic education by fostering a better understanding of parental responsibilities in the spiritual and educational development of our children.
2.  Enhance the quality of education at St. Edith Catholic School by raising funds for school supplies, programs, or equipment that fall outside of the school projected budget.
3.  Foster positive relationships and school involvement among parents, students, and the community.
4.  Maintain and enhance open communication among parents, teachers, and school faculty and administration.


/ Present: Katie VanKoughnet, Kellie Schone, Nicole Paterni, Janet Godin, Christina Mood, Renee Billotto, Mary Beth Morand, Mrs. Wojciechowski, Alicia Lebsack, Lisa Aaron-Laco, and Mrs. Garcia (grandparent of incoming 4th grader).
Absent: Father James McNulty and Mrs. Endress.
Time / Agenda Item/Topic / Name / Follow up/Action
7:00 – 7:15 / Meeting Called to Order
Opening Prayer
Approval of past Meeting Minutes / Katie VanKoughnet
Mary Beth Morand
All / ·  Minutes approved by all board members.
7:15 – 7:30 / Principal Remarks / Mrs. Wojciechowski / ·  Terry Fields gave Mrs. Wojciechowski a technology update. Bright House has been acquired by Charter Communications. They are now Spectrum. She is in the process of finding out what programs are available and at what cost.
·  Sysco prices will be more than last year’s prices. Operating expenses for 2016-17 will be $3,333 vs. $2,000 in 2014-15 & 2016-16.
·  07/25/2016 is the anniversary date. Purchase orders need to be ready for end of June.
·  10 iPads that were previously ordered (prior to Wine Tasting Event) came in and she will work on setting them up. They will be fully operational before the next school year starts.
·  The Family Picnic will be Friday 6-3-2016 from 5:00-7:00 pm in the parish hall. Teachers and principal will help serve and clean up. Dan and Renee Billotto will be catering the event. The cost is $4.00 per person.
·  Wednesday, June 8, 2016 is the last day of school. Awards & report cards will be distributed at mass.
·  Mrs. Wojciechowski states that all teachers have signed their letter of intent. However, no contracts have been signed by teachers.
·  Sixteen children are registered for pre-school. Ten children are registered for Monday, Wednesday, Friday with a half-day session.
·  Enrollment is up to 185 registered children vs. this year’s 175. An additional 10 families are expected to register, thus bringing the total registered number to 195.
7:30 – 7:40 / Treasurer Report
·  Budget to date
·  30 day forecast / Nicole Paterni / ·  Mrs. Paterni addressed the board with regards to Treasurer Report (See attached for further details).
·  Closing reports are still needed to finalize Scrip.
·  Wine tasting numbers are still being tabulated.
·  A request from Mr. John Tregembo for 8th Grade Graduation party reimbursement (for additional expenses incurred) will be honored.
·  Elaine Johnston & Mrs. Paterni will need to close out and reconcile accounts before year end.
7:40 – 9:10 / Old Business
·  Event/Activity Updates
o  Wine Tasting recap
o  Grandparent Lunch recap
o  Field Day recap
o  Library updates / Kellie Schone
Tonya Wyroba/Renee
Janet Godin
Katie / Mrs. W / ·  Mrs. Schone addressed the board regarding the Wine Tasting event.
·  The event was a huge success. Figures are still being tabulated at this time.
·  215 tickets were sold.
·  There was a lot of positive feedback regarding the event and location (back at school).
·  She will follow up with CYO and Boy Scouts for purchase of iPads.
·  The Wine Tasting Committee will consider starting ticket sales later than last event.
·  TheGrandparent/Parent/Student luncheon was a success. A good time was had by all.
·  Field Day recap was given to board by Mrs. Godin. The day went off without a hitch. Everyone had a wonderful time.
·  Mrs. VanKoughnet gave an update regarding library updates. See attached summary for further detail.
·  Mrs. Schornack will not be returning as librarian for the 2016-17 school year. Mrs. Wojciechowski is currently looking for a replacement.
·  Mrs. Morand addressed the board regarding Dove hours. A total of 58 school families have met or exceeded the required amount of Dove hours.
·  Moving forward, event coordinators need to provide a list of Dove hours to Dove hours coordinator.
·  There was a discussion regarding volunteerism.
·  Events for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year will be scheduled in the calendar.
·  There was a request/suggestion from Mrs. Mood that the Dining to Donate funds be allocated for next year’s yearbook costs.
9:10 – 9:20 / New Business
·  Future Events/Activities
·  New Board Introductions
·  New Chair Remarks / All
Mrs. W
Kellie Schone / ·  Mrs. Lebsack addressed the board regarding the “Drive For Your School” fundraising opportunity offered by Ford Motor Company.
·  Administration has cancelled all future end of the school year “balloon lift-offs.” Thus, SEPA funds will not be required.
·  SEPA Summer Movie Nights will be scheduled. Details to follow.
·  The new SEPA board for 2016-2017 was introduced. They are: Kellie Schone (Chairperson), Megan Szczypka (Co-Chairperson), Janet Godin (Secretary), Nicole Paterni (Treasurer), Christina Mood (Communications Liasion), Lisa Aaron-Laco (Member-At-Large), and Lynn Laity (Member-At-Large).
·  Mrs. Schone addressed the board as new SEPA Chairperson and her vision for the next school year.
·  Next SEPA meeting will be in June. Schedule of meetings will follow.
9:20-9:25 / Round Table
Uniform Sale / All / ·  Stricter guidelines as to what will be accepted at uniform sale will be announced at a later date.
9:25-– 9:30 / Closing Prayer / Janet Godin
Parking Lot / Future Agenda Item / Name / Follow up/Action

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