
CAUTION!!! Green Colored responsibilities must memorize to deliver in the interview


1. Change Password

2. Create Requirement folder in the Requirement section (Parent requirement)

3. Create Child Requirement folder in the Parent Requirement section

4. Enter Requirements in the Child Requirement folder

5. Install Excel Ad-ins

6. Prepare excel sheets for Requirements to export in the Requirement field

7. Export Requirement using Excel in the Requirement folder

8. Convert Requirements from the Requirement section to test in the Test Plan section

9. Develop Design Steps or Test Cases in the Test Plan section

10. Attach the Screen Shot / Documents for the steps, if necessary , for instance- Test Data needed like userid,password, doc, gif, jpg, jpeg, pdf, png, txt, zip, rar, exe.

11. Create Template for the common steps

12. Call Template to the tests

13. Calling a manual test with parameters

14. Perform Requirement Coverage / Traceability or Linking Test to Requirement in the Test Plan section.

15. Prepare MS Excel sheets for design steps to export in the Test plan section

16. Export Design Steps to export in the Test Plan section

17. Create Test Sets in the Test Lab section

18. Import test cases in the Test Set

19. Execute Test Sets in the Test Lab section

20. Log Defect in the Test Lab section

21. Log Defect in the Defect section

22. Attach the Screen Shot as an attachment for the Defect

23. Attach the Screen Shot using snapshot for the Defect

24. Track / Filter Defect in the Defect section

25. Enter comments in the comment section after re-testing the Bug like ‘Re- test passed’ recommending to close this Defect or Re-test Failed, recommending to R-open the Defect.

26. Bug Life Cycle

27. Generate Graph and Reports in the Requirement section

28. Generate Graph and Reports in the Test Plan section

29. Generate Graph and Reports in the Test Lab section

30. Generate Graph and Reports in the Defect section-copy the graph and use it in the TAR-Test Analysis Report document

31. Schedule automated test to execute or running automated test scripts in batch mode

32. Create and automated QTP scripts using TD or QC

33. Test using QTP (Quality Test Professional)


34. Installing Quality Center/ALM Software

35. I Created Domain-PIIT_TRAINING

36. I Created Project- PIIT_FORUM

37. I Activated Project

38. I Created Users for Quality Center/ALM

39. Assign Users to the Projects

40. I Created Project Admin or making user as Project Admin for the Projects

41. I Imported Users from Network Group

42. I Created Password for the Users

43. I Deleted User

44. Create a User as a Site Admin

45. I Configured Wait_Before_Disconnect features. For example: I configured the time interval in minutes that the TestDirector / Quality Center/ALM client can be inactive before it is disconnected from the TestDirector / Quality Center/ALM server. Disconnecting the client enables the license to be used by another TestDirector / Quality Center/ALM user. By default, the value is set to 600 minutes. I set it for 60 minutes it means a user could maximum be idle for 60 minutes. Note that if you set the value to –1, TestDirector/Quality Center/ALM will not disconnect, regardless of how long the client is inactive.

46. I Configured Mail Interval - The time interval in minutes for sending defect e-mail according to our mail configuration settings. By default, the value is set to 10 minutes. This applies only if we select "Send defect e-mail messages automatically" in the Site Projects tab.

47. I Configured Mail Format - The format Quality Center/ALM uses to send e-mail. By default, the format is set to "HTML". To instruct Quality Center/ALM to send e-mail as plain text, change the value to "Text".

48. I Configured Version Control Settings - If this parameter is set to "Y", version control is enabled. If you enable version control, you can create a version control database for any project. If it is set to "N" (the default), version control is disabled.


49. I Changed Password

50. Setup / Assign User to the Project

51. Created New Users for a Project

52. Assign default Role / Privilege (TD Admin, Developer, Project Manager, QA Tester and Viewer) to the user.

53. Set-up Groups / Create New Group role like Test Manager, Business Analyst, Test Lead, Configuration Manager, Program Manager etc.

54. Changed permission of the New Role

55. Add Users to the New Role

56. Customized Project Entities- Defect field customization i.e. making a field as a required field like making ‘Assigned to:’ field as required field

· Making ‘Status’ field as required field and adding statuses like ‘Fixed- Ready For Retest’, ‘Deferred’, ‘In Development’, ‘Retest Passed’, ‘Retest Failed’, ‘Works As Designed’ etc.

· Create new Project Lists i.e. Test Environment (DEV, ALPHA, BETA, PROD, QUAL, UAT) in defect window.

· Create new user field i.e. Test Environment (DEV, ALPHA, BETA, PROD, QUAL, UAT) in defect window.

· Create new Project Lists i.e. Putting Issue Type (Defect, System Change Request, Suggestions/Comments) in the Defect section.

· Create new user field i.e. Putting Issue Type (Defect, System Change Request, Suggestions/Comments) in the Defect section.

d) Adding new items in the Project Lists i.e. add new sub-items in the Software item of Requirement Type field (Functional, Non-Functional, Software Change Request, Performance and UAT) etc.

e) Configuring Auto Mail

f) Set Traceability Notification/Alert Rules

Traceability Notification Rules:

Rule#1: When a requirement changes, notify the Designer(s) of the associated test(s).

Rule#2: When the status of a defect changes to ‘Fixed’, notify the Responsible Tester of the associated test instance.

Rule#3: When a test runs successfully, notify those ‘Assigned to’ the associated defects.

Rule#4: When a requirement changes, notify the Designer(s) of the associated test(s) and all users.