January 19, 2010
Design plans ready for the New American Embassy in Oslo
Today, representatives from The U.S. Department of State presented a revised design for the new American Embassy to be constructed in Huseby to the Architectural Review Committee of the City of Oslo Planning and Building Authority. The committee will deliver its comments on the design within the next few weeks.
The new design has been developed in specific response to input from the Planning and Building Authority, and is much improved. The U.S. Department of State and its partners have been diligent to craft a design that meets the functional requirements of a modern American embassy, responds to the character of its site, represents an open and free democracy, and illustrates the intersection of American and Norwegian cultures.It will be both a significant civic building and a pleasant place to work and visit - a building that the United States, Norway and the City of Oslo can be proud of.
U.S. architectural firm Einhorn Yaffee Prescott Architecture & Engineering, PC (EYP) has been working with the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Overseas Building Operations (OBO) since 2005 on the project. Carol R. Johnson Associates (CRJA) is the landscape architect and Spor Arkitekter, of Oslo, is local consulting architect.
The Planning and Building Authority stated four specific goals for a revised design. One was to retain and make evident the landscape character of the seasonal stream. A second was to manipulate the site topography more naturally, especially where the landscape continues over the roof of the underground parking garage. A third was to allow the entire site, and specifically its edges, to be more naturalistic. Finally, a fourth goal was to improve the scale, massing, and architectural character of the main Chancery office building. Each of these objectives has been accomplished.
The new American Embassy in Oslo will be comprised of a Chancery office building, a Marine Guard Residence, three Entry Pavilions, and an underground Support Annex. The design of the Chancery has been developed to respond to site conditions and to accentuate those areas of the building that have public significance. The landscape topography above the Support Annex has been designed with a natural appearance that is organic to the site. In the surrounding garden, a seasonal stream bed will be restored to its natural riparian character. Planting materials will be indigenous species, including maple, birch, and aspen, taking clues from the tree species and meadow grasses that already exist on the site.
The cooperative dialogue between the project owner, the design team, and the local planning and building agency has resulted in adesign of outstanding quality.
Tonight, January 19 2010 at 18.00, there will be an information meeting for neighbors and others interested at Bydel Vestre Aker, FO-bygget, Sørkedalsveien 148. Representatives from the U.S. Embassy as well as EYP architects will be present. Press is welcome to attend.
For further information, contact the Public Affairs Office as the U.S. Embassy in Oslo:
Marit Andersen, / 21308662
U.S. Embassy Oslo, Henrik Ibsens gate 48, 0244 Oslo, Norway. (+47) 22 44 85 50,