List of Eponyms
This is a list of about fifty common eponyms. For each eponym you'll find a definition, two example sentences, the origin and a quick quiz question.
Adam's apple
the lump of cartilage surrounding the larynx (voice box) at the front of the human neck - most noticeable on adult men
a book of maps
a police officer (informal, British English)
the withdrawal of support, or the refusal to buy or use something, as a form of protest or activism; (also a verb)
a writing system composed of raised dots that represent letters. It allows blind or visually impaired people to read.
Caesar salad
a salad made with romaine lettuce and croutons, with dressing usually made from olive oil, garlic, raw egg and parmesan cheese
a jacket-like, woollen sweater that opens at the front and may have buttons that are often left undone
a temperature scale based on two fixed points with water freezing at 0°C (zero degrees Celsius) and boiling at 100°C. It is used in temperatures for weather, cooking and so on in most countries.
a sporting event involving horse-racing, usually with young horses; some other kind of race, for example bicycle derby
a temperature scale in which the boiling point of water (212°F) and freezing point (32° F) are 180 degrees apart (today used mainly in the USA)
Ferris wheel
an amusement park ride (for example, the London Eye) consisting of a giant vertical wheel that revolves slowly as riders sit in passenger cars suspended on its outer edge
graham cracker
a light, square-shaped baked cookie that is often today sweetened with honey
a small type of fish that breeds quickly and comes in many colours. They are often kept in fish bowls and aquariums.
a vacuum cleaner; a machine for cleaning house and car interiors; also a verb
a small indoor or outdoor whirlpool with massaging jets; a hot tub
something that is very large; also used as an adjective
a form-fitting, one-piece garment that covers the torso. It may or may not have sleeves, and is often worn by acrobats, dancers and skaters
an experienced and trusted guide or advisor; also a verb
Morse code
a message system in which letters and numbers are represented by dots and dashes or long and short light or sound signals
Murphy's law
the idea, a supposed law of Nature, that anything that can go wrong will go wrong
photographers who work independently and follow celebrities to get photographs of them, often in an intrusive way
a Mexican plant with specialized bright red leaves called "bracts" surrounding small yellow flowers. It is a popular houseplant at Christmas.
extreme luxury | more commonly used in its adjective form: ritzy
two slices of bread with some other food between them, such as meat, cheese or peanut butter
a brass musical instrument of the woodwind family, often used in classical music and jazz
a person who doesn't like to share his or her money; a person who doesn't like celebrating Christmas
fragments of metal from a bomb or shell
the outline of a dark shape on a light background; often the profile (side view) of a human face
teddy bear
a soft toy bear filled with stuffing
a standard unit of electromotive force that drives current | abbreviation: V
a standard unit of power | abbreviation: W
wellingtons | wellies
knee-length waterproof boots made of rubber or plastic
an electric-powered machine with a driver that resurfaces ice on an ice-rink by shaving it, clearing it and flooding it