Creating an Operational Definition

Step 1: Complete this statement in your own words:

To be _________________ means

Step 2: Exchange your paper with a partner.

1) read their definition

2) circle any parts of their definition that are the same as yours

3) underline any parts of their definition that you ‘like’ or agree with

4) cross out any parts of their definition that you do not agree with

Step 3: work with partner to write 1 definition (an agreed upon combination of both beginning definitions)

To be _________________________ means

Step 4: Exchange paper with another partner group.

1) read their definition

2) circle any parts of their definition that are the same as yours

3) underline any parts of their definition that you ‘like’ or agree with

4) cross out any parts of their definition that you do not agree with

Step 5: work as a group of four to write 1 definition (an agreed upon combination of both beginning definitions)

To be _________________________ means

Step 6: Exchange paper with another group of 4.

1) read their definition

2) circle any parts of their definition that are the same as yours

3) underline any parts of their definition that you ‘like’ or agree with

4) cross out any parts of their definition that you do not agree with

Step 7: work as a group of four to write 1 definition (an agreed upon combination of both beginning definitions)

To be _________________________ means