Post Title: Deputy Manager

Post Salary: £13,500 - £15,000 (negotiable depending on subject & experience)

Hours of work: 40 hours per week

Responsible to: Nursery Manager

Key Areas Building positive relationships

Team working

Promoting positive interactions

Inclusive practice

Welfare and Safeguarding


To be an active member of the nursery team working in partnership with all children and their families to enable all children to fully access opportunities that will improve their health, safety and economical wellbeing, including working with other professionals.

Be able to manage day to day responsibilities in the managers absence, be familiar with database and software packages.

Provide a wide range of inclusive activities that can extend and challenge the children’s learning opportunities.

Work positively with the setting to provide continuous improvement, ensuring the services provided are to a high standard.

Knowledge of legislation, guidelines, policies to ensure the Children’s Act, London Child Protection procedures and the Early Years Foundation Stage Welfare Requirements are met at all times.

Description & Responsibilities for Deputy Manager

This document forms part of the employment contract for the position of Deputy Manager. It will be amended or altered by the Provider as required to facilitate the safe and effective running of the Nurseries.

The Deputy Manager is responsible for ensuring the effective Management of the room settings standard in their room and key group in the following ways:

  To manage and monitor the implementation of planning, profiles and records in the base room

  To lead in planning and delivering a full range of activities for the children to meet all their areas of need intellectually, physically and emotionally,

  To have their own key group

  To be an excellent model of good practice therefore being an excellent role model for other staff and children

  Leading by example

  To actively support all senior management decisions

  To understand and implement nursery policy and procedure and how these relate to the national standards.

  Planning and implementation of planning.

  Ensuring policy is adhered to and new policies are implemented.

The Deputy Manager takes joint responsibility for aspects of effective day to day running of the Nursery, specifically:

·  Having an understanding of the Care Standards Act and the Standards and helping ensure that requirements are met,

·  To take overall responsibility for the running of the Rooms and some responsibility for the smooth running of the Nursery

·  Supporting the Manager to help ensure that machinery is in good working order and to take appropriate steps to instruct repair or maintenance of any machinery that requires it,

·  Having an overview of the Room all times whilst on duty and the Nursery is in operation and relaying any concerns immediately to the Nursery Manager,

·  Acting as and being a suitable person as defined by the law

·  Ensuring that the Nursery is left tidy at the end of every day,

·  Changing shifts at a moment’s notice,

·  Maintaining a ‘Suitable’ Person on the premises at all times, this may require overtime and staying on the premises during breaks,

The Deputy Manager is responsible for staff management and teamwork in the Nursery in following ways:

  To give support to all other personnel within the Rooms and work as part of a team, particular support being offered to new staff and students,

  Being a strong and positive role model in the implementation of change and development within the Nursery

  Respecting and understanding the need for confidentiality

·  Ensuring that timekeeping is always at the highest standard, and ensuring that their own timekeeping sets a positive example

·  Pro-active and reactive approaches,

·  Leading by example,

·  Communication to explain, motivate and instruct,

·  Helping coordinate part time staff,

·  Monitoring and discussing staff job descriptions with the Manager to ensure that all staff are fulfilling their job descriptions,

·  Discussion and instruction, and discussing any areas of concern/change with the Manager,

·  Managing and directing of temporary staff in the room,

·  Encouraging and supporting staff to consider and undertake personal development if appropriate for their aspirations or the needs of the Nursery,

·  Supporting and encouraging staff with course work in particular NVQ Level 3,

·  Attendance at Staff Meetings.

The Deputy Manager shares responsibility with the Manager for having a working knowledge of Local Authority Child Protection procedures and:

·  Keeping abreast of any changes in the law or Local Authority Procedures,

·  Informing other members of staff as appropriate,

·  Arranging staff meetings in relation to training for the above,

·  Consulting with the Manager in the case of suspected abuse or non accidental injury,

·  Taking and recording agreed actions in relation to the above,

·  Recording suspected abuse and liaising with outside agencies,

·  Staff training and awareness,

·  Final decisions must always be made in consultation with Nursery Manager and the Director,

The Deputy Manager is responsible for the smooth running of the Nursery by:

·  A positive approach to everyday challenges,

·  Facilitating liaison and effective communication between all members of staff,

·  Helping ensure that at all times staff are directed to meeting/child adult ratios,

·  Helping ensure that staff float between the Nurseries to meet ratios,

The Deputy Manager is responsible for ensuring high quality educational environment for all the children in the Nursery by:

·  Taking responsibility for ensuring that all children are involved in worthwhile activities in her room in her role as room leader,

·  Planning, providing and delivering key group activities that develop children to their full potential,

·  Facilitating Key Group work and maintaining key group records,

·  Helping ensure that a variety of activities are planned in advance for everyday/week/month,

·  Helping ensure that a full programme of activities are undertaken every day,

·  Helping ensure that the resources are used with care avoiding breakage and waste,

·  Having an understanding of equal opportunities and the Nursery’s equal concern policy and being able to share this with other staff and parents/carers,

·  Putting the equal concern policy into practice,

·  Setting up, being involved in and clearing away any activity including meals and snacks,

The Deputy Manager is responsible for ensuring the health and safety practices are adopted and adhered to in the Nursery:

·  Bringing to the attention of the Deputy or Manager any health and safety issues urgently,

·  Ensuring that equipment is safe and in good order, and immediately removing any equipment that is not,

·  Ensuring that all equipment meets British safety standards,

·  Ensuring that safety practices are understood and adhered to by all members of staff in relation to bodily fluids,

·  Ensuring that accidents involving bodily fluids are dealt with immediately according to policy,

·  Attending to duties such as cleaning or cooking should the need arise,

The Deputy Manager is responsible for developing and maintaining positive relationships with parents in the following ways:

·  Regular informal communications with parents as required,

·  Co-ordination of and attendance at formal Parents Evenings twice a year,

·  Encouraging all members of staff to communicate with Parents of their Key Group children on a regular basis,

·  Encouraging parent participation on Nursery outings,

·  Helping ensure that planning and timetables are displayed for parents,

·  Collecting and explaining fees,

·  Discussing and describing Nursery Policy,

·  Having an excellent knowledge and understanding of the Prospectus the Nursery and the procedure for enrolment,

·  Showing new parents around,

·  Helping ensure that all members of staff treat parents with courtesy and understanding, and a high level of professionalism,

The Deputy Manager shares responsibility with the Managers for Security, specifically:

·  Maintaining a secure environment whilst the Nursery is occupied at all times,

·  Unlocking the premises at the start of the day,

·  Ensuring at the end of the day that the doors, the side gates and all the windows are secured,

·  Ensuring that the photocopier and computer is correctly turned off before the premises is locked,

·  Ensuring that children’s records are secure,

·  Ensuring that no child is collected by an unknown person as per policy.

Any reference to ‘Provider, Owner, Nursery Coordinator’ shall mean Nursery Director.

I understand the job description as described above and will fulfil the job description and contract.

Person Specification:

Attributes / Essential / Desirable / Assessed by.
1 Qualifications
Educated to level 3 or equivalent in a relevant industry qualification / X / Application/Certification
2 Skills and abilities
Possess a high standard of communication skills – verbal & written. / X / Application / Interview
Ability to communicate effectively at all levels / X / Application / Interview
Excellent organisational skills, flexible approach and able to work on own initiative / X / Application / Interview
Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines, prioritising effectively when these conflict. / X / Application / Interview
Ability to work as a team / X / Interview/practical
Able to plan and evaluate / X / Application / Interview
3 Knowledge
Sound Understanding of EYFS welfare requirements / X / Application / Interview/ practical
Sound understanding of Development Matters / X / Application / Interview/ practical
Sound understanding of Characteristics of effective learning / X / Application / Interview/ practical
Child protection legislation / X / Application / Interview/ practical
Health and Safety principles / X / Application / Interview/ practical
Whistle blowing / X / Application / Interview/ practical
4 Experience
3 years post qualifying experience of working in a similar environment. / X / Interview/practical
Experience as a key worker / x / Interview/practical
Experience of tracking and assessing children’s development / X / Application / Interview
At least 1 year experience of working in a deputy or supervisory role. / X / Application / Interview
5 Other
Pediatric first aid / X / Interview/certification
Food Hygiene certificate / X / Interview/certification
Safeguarding training / X / Interview/certification
Willingness to undertake personal development/training / X / Application / Interview

Essential Attributes are those without which a candidate would simply not be able to do the job. Any candidate unable to meet these requirements would normally be rejected at the short listing stage.

Desirable Attributes are those which would be useful for the post-holder to possess.

All skills, abilities and experience will be tested at interview unless otherwise stated.

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