The Plymouth Airport Commission held a Workshop Commission Meeting on August 22, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. in the Airport Conference Room. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick, Vice Chairman Douglas R. Crociati and Commissioners William D. Burke, Thomas G. Hurley, Kenneth L. Laytin, Dennis R. Smith and Paul G. Worcester. Also present were restaurant consultant Tony Penta, owner of Metro Food Services, and Airport Manager Thomas Maher.
Disclosure: These minutes are not verbatim – they are the secretary’s interpretation of
what took place at the meeting. - Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A§22.
Restaurant Planning & Request for Proposal (RFP)Workshop – Manager Maher advised that the purpose of this meeting was to develop greater detail regarding ashort term lease and to explore the various options and compliance for a long term lease.
At a recent MassDOT Aeronautics meeting Mr. Tom Mahoney indicated that there may be funding for the New Administration Building in FY’18. The process is estimated to take 8 months. Manager Maher estimates that actual occupancy will be closer to 24 months. The Commission discusseda Request for Proposal (RFP) or an extension of the current lease forthe short term (24 months) with the option to extend in 3 month intervals to accommodate the construction of the New Administration Building subject to compliance with Chapter 30B. Manager Maher will request a legal determination from Attorney Galvin.
After a general discussion on expectations for any restaurant and then more specifically for an airport restaurant Mr. Penta pointed out some considerations for the Commissionto keep in mind. The right business model for the location, a detailed plan of how they propose to run the restaurant, proof of financial ability to sustain slow days and winter operations, services to be offered and by whom, proposed menu and pricing including accommodations for catering by business jet companies, a proposed floor plan for the inside and outside areas, and ideas for promoting and advertising the restaurant both locally and to the aviation community. He also suggested that the Commission involve the prospective occupant in planning the restaurant layout.
The Commission discussed concerns for the current tenants in the Administration Building and in particular the restaurant during construction. Mr. Penta suggested that depending on the disruption, if any, that an incentive to remain open could be in the form of discounted rent.Commissioner Worcester would like the Commission to develop a preconstruction plan to minimize disruption and identify alternative access. Elements of the plan could include strategically placed pavement to the existing building,prior to construction, to ensureaccess during the different phases of construction and various parking considerations.
Another topic of discussion was equipment ownership. Mr. Penta advised that it’s not unusual for various pieces of restaurant equipment to be owned by the property owner. This arrangement allows some of the key pieces of equipment to stay in place which can be beneficial when seeking new tenants. This also has the benefit of
allowing tenants to purchase equipment specific to their needs without having to purchase everything. The Commission expressed a willingness to be flexible regarding equipment ownership. Mr. Penta suggested that the RFP include specific equipment that the Commission would be willing to purchase and own, if requested, andthat the proposed tenant provide a plan of equipment that would be purchased and owned by the tenant.
Lastly, the Commission discussed that a new long term lease would include new rules and regulations, require quarterly financials in addition to quarterly meetings with the airport manager, require the restaurant to be open 7 days a week and that the menu should be American food. Additionally, the Commission would like to seek input from the current stakeholders,prior to an RFP, as to what qualities they would like in a restaurant. Mr. Penta also suggested that the airport have a process for customers to log their compliments and concerns. This information would be beneficial for gauging what is working and what needs improvement and can be discussed at the quarterly meetings with the restaurant to exemplify positive experiences to support a successful operation.
The Commission requested that Manager Maherconsult with Attorney Galvin and the Town of Plymouth regarding the various facets discussed and determine what requirements are necessary to comply with all regulations.
As there was no further business at this time the meeting adjourned at 12:15 P.M.
Kenneth E. Fosdick