Ridge Point High School
World Languages Department
Spanish IV AP Language and Culture
Course Syllabus 2016-2017
Course Overview:
This course follows the guidelines of the College Board® AP Spanish Language and Culture course and provides opportunities for students to demonstrate their proficiency in the modes of communication from the Intermediate to the Pre-Advanced range as defined in the learning objectives in the Curriculum Framework. The three modes of communication (Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational) defined in the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century are foundational to the AP® Spanish Language and Culture course.
The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is conducted exclusively in Spanish. Central to the course is the overarching principle as stated in the Curriculum Framework:
When communicating, students in the AP Spanish Language and Culture course demonstrate an understanding of the culture(s), incorporate interdisciplinary topics (connections), make comparisons between the native language and the target language and between cultures (comparisons), and use the target language in real-life settings (communities).
Course Organization:
The course is divided into thematic units which are further based on recommended contexts and guided by essential questions. Corresponding cultural elements are integrated into the study of the units, and activities are directed with those cultural connections in mind. Discussion of the topics completely in Spanish is a requirement for this course. It is assumed that students have previously been exposed to advanced language structures in the courses leading up to the AP Spanish Language and Culture course; however, review of the mechanics is done within the contextual framework of each unit as needed.
Week to week, the course is organized loosely around a plan to dedicate each day to a particular function or purpose, as below:
Explore: Vocabulary (and more). Investigate authentic sources related to the theme. Includes comprehension strategies for texts.Interpretive – Reading: Explore authentic resources specifically with strategies to analyze and synthesize sources within written arguments.
Interpretive – Listening: Explore authentic resources specifically with strategies to analyze and synthesize sources within oral arguments.
Interpersonal: Discuss the current theme, especially comparing issues to the student’s own life experiences and home culture. Also, complete practice interpersonal speaking exercises. Includes strategies to negotiate meaning for effective interpersonal communication.
Presentational: Plan, explore strategies for, and/or deliver an oral comparison or a persuasive essay based on authentic sources from the current unit and personal experiences and knowledge.
Ongoing Assignments:
- Vocabulario: Students are required to keep a vocabularytab in which they will write down new vocabulary that they come across during in and out of class readings.
- La noticia de la semana: Once a week, students take turns giving a short presentation about a relevant news story, summarize it for the class, and ask questions to create opportunities for open-ended discussion. Each student will present once during the year, one student per week, excluding Test Weeks, will be randomly selected to present their Current Event. This is a Major Grade which will be included in Term 4.
- Conexión Cultural: Students are provided with a cultural comparison question once per progress report and must record their response to the question.
Course evaluation:
Grades will be based on the student’s performance on all activities in the course. This includes, but is not limited to, recorded speaking samples, essays, listening and reading comprehension activities, tests, projects, formal writing assessments, formal speaking assessments, class participation and homework. Students will be given significant written/and or oral feedback on all their work. Feedback and evaluation will be guided by the use of the most recent rubrics from AP Central’s web site. Students will also receive a grade for the quality, quantity and enthusiasm of their class participation.
Grading Scales:A = 90% - 100%Outstanding
B = 80% - 89%Above Average
C = 75% - 79%Average
D = 70% - 74%Below Average/Poor
F = 0% - 69%Failing
At least three major exams will be given per term. These exams will contain a variety of questions which will strive to measure the level of student comprehension of grammar concepts, advanced vocabulary skills and reading and listening passages. These exams will be made up primarily of free response, fill-ins and multiple choice questions, presented in the format of the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. In addition, at least one formal project per six week period will be weighed in the students’ grade as an exam score.
At least one formal writing assessment will take place each term, during the second semester, which will be weighted as an exam grade. This formal writing assessment will be a Persuasive Essay, presented in the same format as the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. Students will be given both an auditory source as well as two written sources to include in their response. They will be encouraged to not simply summarize but rather to analyze and synthesize these sources with the background knowledge and opinions that they themselves hold to persuade the reader. Students will have the opportunity to review their essays with a partner, and in turn, receive guidelines for corrections from the teacher, prior to presenting their final product. The final product will be assessed using the AP Spanish Language Exam guidelines rubric.
At least one formal speaking assessment will occur per term through AP practices in the language lab or with Google Voice, in which the students will be presented a cultural topic. The student will then prepare a 2 minute oral presentation in which they will make cultural comparisons. This work will be scored according to the scoring guidelines for presentational speaking: Cultural Comparisons of the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. These will be weighted as exam grades.
Interpretive Writing will be assessed through frequent journaling activities and email communication, as well as through AP practices in which the students write emails or brief messages within a real world context.
Important Note: This class outline is an overview only and does not include all aspects of the course. The instructor reserves the right to change, add or remove any of the activities, topics, literary selections, videos and any other aspect listed in the course outline at any time, without notice.
Overall Grading:
Based on the above listed class activities, the following weights will be assigned:
- 50% for major grades:At least3 per term period. These will consistof tests, Formal Writing Assessments, Formal Speaking Assessments and Projects.
- 50% for minor grades: At least 11 per term period. These will consist of quizzes (oral and written), oral presentations, literature assignments, class participation, homework, daily work, listening and speaking exercises and weekly forums.
Student expectations:
- Assignments:
Assignments must be turned in at the beginning of the class on the day they are due. If they are not turned in when they are due then they will be considered late and will follow FBISD’s late policy. In case of extenuating circumstances and more time is needed to complete the assigned work, the student must discuss his or her needs with the instructor prior to the due date to negotiate extended time.
It is the responsibility of the student to get any work missed due to an absence. Due to the intensive nature of the AP Spanish Language course, attendance is essential for success.
All work must have first and last name, assignment name, date and class period in the header. When assignments are returned, each student is responsible to file it in his/her class binder. Keep all assignments in your classroom binder.
- Make-up work procedures, absences and tardies:
It will be the student’s responsibility to look up the assignments when absent and to ask a classmate for any written notes.
Students will get 1 day for every day missed to make up daily assignment if they are absent. For long term absences, the student must meet with the instructor as they will be dealt with on an individual basis.
Since the AP Spanish Language course is conducted exclusively in Spanish, the entire class period will be used for practicing the target language, so that the instructor can observe the students, answer questions and make corrections. In-class assignments can be in either written or oral form or a combination of both. Therefore, students should write legibly and put forth all their effort, as the instructor reserves the right to collect and grade any work done during the class period. In class assignments will count toward the student’s participation grade. Should a student be absent when an in-class assignment is collected and graded, the student will have the opportunity to make up the assignment.
Do not be tardy! Tardies will be administered according to the policy stated in the student handbook.
Work assigned prior to an absence will be due on the first return day, including tests and projects.
- Academic Honesty:
The student will be expected to do his/her own work at all times. This means no copying work from public or private sources or using another individual’s work, or presenting another individual’s work as their own. The students may NOT use translation services or programs. All of these constitute acts of dishonesty and will be considered plagiarism. No credit will be awarded for plagiarized work. Students caught plagiarizing will be subjected to the consequences specified in the school handbook’s academic honesty policy.
- The “Spanish Binder”:
All students will be expected to provide one 1 1/2 inch, 3 ring binder for the class, complete with a packet of college ruled notebook paper, and 8 dividers. The binder will be used to keep all of the materials that will help the student prepare for the AP Language and Culture Exam in May. There will be frequent binder checks for a grade. Each student will be responsible for filing his/her work in the binder and keeping it organized. It will be the responsibility of each student to make sure this binder and its content does not get lost or damaged, as its contents will be utilized for future assessments.
- Dividers:
- Vocabulario
- Resúmenes
- Actividades
- Correos
- Presentaciones
- Ensayos
- Noticia de la Semana
- Recursos AP
- Bathroom Passes:
Students will receive 2 bathroom passes per 9-week period. Each pass is worth 1 extra credit point. For a total of 4 extra credit points at the end of the semester, to be used on any major grade or final exam. Students will not be allowed to go to the restroom during timed assignments.
Classroom expectations:
- Arrive to class on time and be prepared with all required materials
- Use polite speech and body language
- Listen to others and participate in class discussions
- Do your assignments
- Follow directions and instructions immediately
- Respect yourself, respect all people and respect all property at all times
- Always do your best, be your best and take pride in all you do
If a student chooses to break the rules, the following will be the CONSEQUENCES:
- First Offence: Warning and teacher conference with the student.
- Second Offence: Parent contact.
- Third Offence: Parent/teacher conference and Principal referral.
Note: Immediate classroom removal and Principal referral will occur for severe offenses, disruptions or repeated infractions.
Classroom procedures:
- Enter the classroom quickly and quietly.
- Be seated in your assigned seat.
- Begin Warm-Up activity.
- Make sure all the area around you and under your seat are clean and your desks are straight before the bell rings.
- Remain in your seats until dismissed by the instructor. Remember, the bell does not dismiss you at the end of class, the teacher does.
- Raise your hand when answering/asking questions.
- Do not speak when instruction is being given. If you have a question or comment, raise your hand.
- Speak in Spanish at all times! If you need to, use your “Survival List”, refer to it.
Important: Any work or item not associated with Spanish or being utilized for the class activity will be confiscated, so put everything away to avoid it being collected.
Electronic Devices: All electronic devices are to be turned to silent during the entire class period and put in the student’s backpack or purse. If the electronic device makes a sound or if a student uses the device during the class period, it will be collected by the teacherand the RPHS Campus procedures for confiscated items will be followed. Electronic devices will be used some days for instruction, or with the teacher’s permission.
Retesting Policy:Students have the opportunity to retest any major grade below 75% for a maximum of 75%. In order to have this opportunity, the student must schedule and attend a tutorial session with me and complete the reassessment within seven days of receiving his/her non-passing grade. You must tell me at least one day in advance on which day you plan to reassess. Semester exams, and student projects/presentations are not eligible for retesting. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY!
Class supplies:
Blue and black ink pens
Large 1 1/2”, 3 ring binder (with 8 dividers and a packet of college ruled notebook paper)
- Triángulo Aprobado
Publisher: Wayside Publishing Copyright: 2013
Work Books:
1. AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Exam
Diaz, Jose
Publisher: Prentice Hall Copyright: 2013
In addition, the following websites can provide you with very useful online tutorials:
Authentic Listening Sources:
Authentic Viewing Sources:
Authentic Print Sources:
Internet Resources:
- resource centers
Take advantage of these resources! The student will be able to access audio, video, podcasts, grammar exercises, vocabulary lists and cultural information through these sites.
2016 - 2017 Spanish IV AP Student/Parent Signature Page
(to be returned to instructor)
Student/Parent Signature of Acknowledgment:
Name of teacher: __Srta. Andrea Pizzolo___
Class Period:______
Date: ______
I have read, understand, and will be responsible for following the FBISD policies and procedures
Print Student’s Name:______
Student’s Signature:______
Print Parent Name:______
Parent Signature:______
Daytime Phone Numbers:______
Email address:______