Department of Bible
BI101 – OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY I: A Survey of Genesis through Ruth, with special emphasis given to the characters and God’s plan for their lives. (3)
BI102 – OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY II: A study of the kingdom of Israel and its restoration, including First Samuel through Song of Solomon. (3)
BI111 – NEW TESTAMENT SURVEY I & II: A study of the major characters, stories and teachings of the New Testament. BI111 covers the four gospels; BI112 covers Romans through Jude. (3); (1)
BI201 – ESCHATOLOGY: A study on end time teaching, including the eternal state of man and the second coming of Jesus. Revelation and Daniel will be included in this study. (3)
BI210 – ACTS AND THE LIFE OF PAUL: A careful study of the sole history book of the New Testament, with special attention to the life of Paul. (3)
BI211 – MINOR PROPHETS: A survey of the theme, plan and practical applications found within each book. Historical, theological, and prophetical considerations are also examined, Hosea through Malachi. (3)
BI212 – MAJOR PROPHETS: A survey of the theme, plan and practical applications found within each book. Historical, theological and prophetical considerations are also examined, Isaiah through Daniel. (3)
Department of Business
BU101-102 – GENERAL BUSINESS I & II: This course is designed to familiarize the student with general business language and practices that will be of help in the ministry. (1); (1)
MA101 – CONSUMER MATH: Basic fundamentals of math. (3)
Department of Communications
SP211 – HOMILETICS: A development of the skill of preaching. The course covers basic issues of sermon construction, communication and preaching. (1)
Department of English
EN101-102 – ENGLISH COMPOSITION I & II: This course covers basic grammar, sentence structure and basic composition development. (3); (3)
Department of History
HI131 – HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH: A survey of the history of a church form the beginning to the present, with emphasis on ideas, individuals, movements, congtroversies, and doctrine. (3)
Department of Pastoral Ministries
PM101-102 GUEST TEACHERS I & II: A class, which exposes the student to a large variety of ministries or subjects. (3); (4)
PM103 – GENERAL MINISTRY I: Includes a study on practical ministry, supernatural ministry and methods of studying the Bible. (3)
PM104 – GENERAL MINISTRY II: Includes a study on church government, prayer and basic theology. (3)
PM112 – GENERAL COUNSELING: A study of general scriptural principles involved in counseling, including various areas of problems and scriptural answers. (1)
PM216 – THE ART OF TEACHING: A study of the fundamentals of teaching, including study, preparing lectures, audio-visual aids, testing, etc. (1)
Department of Prayer
PR111-112 – FAITH I & II: This class covers the subject of faith throughout the Bible, and is designed to emphasize to the student that he has faith. Emphasis is placed on how to use the faith that God gives and to receive His results. (3); (3)
Department of Theology
TH205 – SPIRIT, SOUL, AND BODY: A course that examines the three-fold nature of man, and God’s dealings with each area. (1)
TH211-212 – GOD’S PLAN FOR MAN I & II: a course designed to cover the basic theological viewpoints of the Christian faith, with an emphasis on dispensational teachings. (3); (3)
TH213 – BIBLE DOCTRINE: and in-depth study of Bible Doctrine with emphasis on the doctrine of revelation, the doctrine of God, the doctrine of man, the person and works of Jesus Christ, and the doctrine of salvation. (4)
TH219 – THE TABERNACLE OF MOSES AND HEBREWS: A study of the Tabernacle of Moses and its furnishings, as related to the service and worship of God today, and an in-depth study of Hebrews. (3)
TH222 – WORSHIP: A study of the various aspects of worship as depicted throughout scripture. (1)