The DAVA WAY Association
Minutes of the Committee Meeting: 17thApril 2012
Venue: The Hub, Forres Meeting opened 19:40
Item /Minute
/Action by
1 /Welcome:
J Thomson, chaired the meeting and welcomed members2 / Present: David Binney, Jim Thomson, Peter Mitchell, Norman Thomson, Paul Barron, Bill Bullock, Neil Sinclair, Greg McAulay.
Apologies: None
3 / Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.
Proposed: P Mitchell Seconded: D Binney
4.7 /
Matters arising:
Re Dog Bin. JT reported it is now resited.Re 28 April. NT reported that the newspaper publicity was in hand, email to scouts had not yet received a response, CNP had been contacted but due to holiday no response. About 6 posters are displayed around Grantown. DB said further efforts to contact CNP would be made asap.
Re Cycle Survey. PM said 25 April date had been agreed by potential riders.
Re New Leaflet. PB reported the funding appeal to PFA had been submitted.
Re Moray Walking Fest. JT reported Forres Walk would be in Benromach Scottish Week Programme. NT reiterated that the Festival was well funded and our only funding liability was for bus hire and we can re claim any loss from the Festival Organisation.
Re Dallas Dhu Spirit of Speyside Walk. DB pointed out that as it was not on the programme or web page it could not be booked, therefore could not take place.
Re LDR Oatridge Visit: NT said it was very informative, learnt that all organisations had 3 concerns: volunteers, funding and events. Afternoon programme explained path construction and how to facilitate horse riding access. / David
5.5 /
Treasurer’s report:
A balance of £3918.6 was in the account, with outstanding invoices from PB for travel expenses of £119.60, and £ 33.06 plus £22.86 for tool and material purchases.The treasurer appealed for prompt submission of travel expense or gift aid donations as the tax year had ended.
NT was asked to submit the Gift Aid claim and do so in conjunction with NS and PB so they would be familiar with the process.
The Treasurer said Edinkillie have still not submitted a bill from last year.
The treasurer said he had found an error of 20p in the value of a cheque value and its credit. This small error would have to be highlighted to the auditor. / Paul
Paul, Neil
6.6 / Working Party 28 April
PM had emailed volunteers the probable arrangements but a tow vehicle is still required. The Sec said a dumper would probably be available from B McRitchie as an alternative, NT said hire was another possibility. It was agreed that we had a moral duty to assist if any damage to vehicles was caused by work on behalf of the DWA.
PB pointed out the imperative we use our own sub base for this project. This found ready agreement. PM said he expected 12 tons of our own stock to be used.
The Chairman said he would contact B McRitchie for use of a whacker plate.
PM said he proposed lunch be at 12:30pm and it was agreed to finish at 3pm.
Sec suggested we need more protective clothes if more volunteers were expected.
Sec has contacted owner of Lady Caths Halt re work and he reminded the meeting to bear in mind that this section of the Dava Way is on private property. / Pete
Neil Pete
7.4 / Budge Foundation
NT reported a meeting held with DWA Chairman, Sec, himself and James Chitty, a local artist, to discuss the enhanced signage and creative input. Our aim was to draw up a brief to guide local artists, if commissioned, to supply suitable way -markers. NT circulated a sheet listing the locations and concepts for development. When finalised, these can be forwarded to our patron and used to gain match funding from Leader.
The Sec said we had to decide if the priority was information and content or something else. He felt it important as the budget was finite and may not allow everything we desire. PB proposed we score the suggested locations and topics. This was done and the committee views made concrete and passed to NT to tally.
NS asked about payment, at what point do the designers want to charge a fee. When will Mr Chitty expect we start to pay for his time and effort. A discussion around having to fund a site visit for an artist before they submit work took place. NT answered that no financial commitment would be made until Budge Foundation agreed to fund the approach. Asked how he envisaged fee payment NT expected 20% of the budget to be spent on design work and saw problems in obtaining the 3 quotes needed for Leader funding, but felt this could be resolved.
The Sec suggested the planning was the most important phase and thorough planning is essential therefore the proposed brief should be circulated for comment. NT agreed to do this. / Norman
8.1 / AOCB
Due to lack of time the Chairman held over discussion on Dava Car Parking and any other subject until next meeting
Meeting closed at 21.40 Next meeting: 19.30 15th May 2012 at The Hub