Here is a checklist to cover the required knowledge for IJI. This checklist is drawn from the 2016 IYNAUS Certification Manual at page 22. Knowledge of the asanas and pranayamas will be covered separately.
☐ Describe how to link from pose to pose.
☐ Describe how to link actions within a pose.
☐ Describe the endocrine system, including all organs associated with it.
☐ Describe the lymphatic system, including all organs associated with it.
☐ Describe the respiratory system, including all organs associated with it.
☐ Describe the digestive system, including all organs associated with it.
☐ Describe the circulatory system, including all organs associated with it.
☐ Describe the nervous system, including all organs associated with it.
☐ List the structure (all parts) and functioning (all possible movements) of the knee joint.
☐ List the structure (all parts) and functioning (all possible movements) of the shoulder joints - acromioclavicular, glenohumeral, and sternoclavicular joints.
☐ Give the Sanskrit name for, definition of, and significance of the 5 vayus.
☐ Know how to develop a sequence emphasizing specific categories of asanas.
☐ Give the Sanskrit name for, definition of, and significance of the 3 eternal principles recognized by yoga darsana.
☐ Give the Sanskrit name for, definition of, and significance of the 5 klesas.
☐ Give the Sanskrit name for, definition of, and significance of the paths - margas- of self-realization. See pp.79-80, Basic Guidelines.
☐ Give the Sanskrit name for, definition of, and significance of kriya yoga and its components.
☐ Name the ways identified in Samadhi Pada to still the fluctuations of the citta.
☐ Identify the components of citta.
☐ Prepare a short summary of the ideas presented in Pada 3.1-13.
☐ Prepare a short summary of the ideas presented in Pada 2.
☐ Prepare a short summary of the ideas presented in Pada 1.
☐ Gem: Read and take notes on Chapter IX, Mental Attitude through Manas-Mind.
☐ Gem: Read and take notes on Chapter VIII, first 2 pages.
☐ Gem: Read and take notes on Chapter III, What is Citta, 5-Faceted Mind and Control of the Fluctuations of the Mind.
☐ Gem: Read and take notes on Chapter II.
☐ Light on Pranayama: Read and take notes on Part One, Section II.
☐ Basic Guidelines: Read and take notes on Chapter VIII pages 105-06.
☐ Basic Guidelines: Read and take notes on Chapter VI, esp. pages 76, 79-80, 82-83.
☐ Basic Guidelines: Read and take notes on Chapter V.
☐ Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Read and take notes on III.1-13, Vibhuti Pada.
☐ Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Read and take notes on Part II, Sadhana Pada.
☐ Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Read and takes notes on Part I, Samadhi Pada.
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