Descendants of Jonathan Dominy

of Laurens County, Georgia

Born ???? Died 1826

Compiled By

J.E. (Edd) Dorminey

923 Dorminey-Doss Rd.

Tifton, Georgia 31793

September 2000


Reading This Book...... ii

C H A P T E R 1...... 1

Descendants of Jonathan Dominy of Laurens County, Georgia ???? - 1826 ...... 1

GENERATION NO. 1...... 1

C H A P T E R 2...... 3

GENERATION NO. 2...... 3

C H A P T E R 3...... 5

GENERATION NO. 3...... 5

C H A P T E R 4...... 13

GENERATION NO. 4...... 13

C H A P T E R 5...... 27

GENERATION NO. 5...... 27

C H A P T E R 6...... 55

GENERATION NO. 6...... 55

C H A P T E R 7...... 93

GENERATION NO. 7...... 93

C H A P T E R 8...... 109

GENERATION NO. 8...... 109

INDEX OF NAMES...... 111


Reading This Book

If, while reading the following pages of this book, the reader will keep these few facts in mind, a much clearer understanding of the contents will result. The format or style used in this book is known as the Modified Register System, which has been refined by the National Genealogical Society.

Three types of numbers are used: one to uniquely identify the individual, one to indicate the generation into which that person falls, and one to denote his or her birthorder within the nuclear family. The identification numbering system used in this book is called By Generation. The starting person is 1, his first child is 2. All the children are listed as generation number two, the grandchildren are listed as generation number three and so on. Each person is assigned an ID number in sequential order by generation.

When an individual is introduced in his/her separate sketch, the name appears in boldface letters with the surnames in all capital letters. The name is preceded by the identification number. The last given name is followed immediately by a superscript number indicating the number of generations from the starting individual in this book. In parentheses following the name is a list of direct ancestors back to the starting individual. Only the given name is listed, preceded by his/her ID number, and followed by the generation number in superscript. Blank lines are printed to indicate missing names, dates, or places.

When the list of children is presented, the plus (+) sign indicates that more about this child will be presented in his/her separate sketch. The ID number is printed, followed by M/F indicating the sex. Next a small roman numeral in front of the name designates birthorder. Next the name is followed by the birth and death dates.

The term "Spouse" may have several different meanings: husband, wife, partner, mate, parent, or significant other. The couple involved may not be legally married. The term "stepchild" may have several different meanings: the child may be a stepchild, adopted child, foster child, or just raised in the home. If there are any other children of the spouse, they will be designated as stepchildren.

The index is arranged alphabetically by surname. Under each surname, the given names are alphabetically arranged. The name is followed by the year of birth and death in square brackets. The number to the right indicates the page where this name appears.


C H A P T E R 1

Descendants of Jonathan Dominy of Laurens County, Georgia ???? 1826

Listing 654 descendants for 9 generations.



1. Jonathan1 DOMINY was born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He was the son of ______and ______. Jonathan died ____/ _____/ 1826 in Laurens County, Georgia, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______probably in Laurens County, Georgia but we don’t know or not. He think he married Elizabeth ______ ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. She was born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. She was the daughter of ______and ______. Elizabeth died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

They had 1 child:

+ 2. m i.James H. DORMINEY, born 4February 1813, died after ____/ _____/ 1870.

The book "Laurens County,,GA Legal Records 18071832" by Allen Thomas lists under "Inferior Court Minutes for Ord. Purposes 18221833, p. 109, 09001826 that a Benjamin Mims was appointed guardian of James H. "Dominny", orphan of Jonathan "Dominny". On p. 130, 9001827 Benjamin Mims, guardian of Dominy, was given leave to sell a lot of land in Henry, now Dekalb County,,GA. In Admin. & Guard. Bonds 18191827, p. 63/64, 009001826, Benjamin Mims, Urian Kinchen and Charles S. Guyton gave $1000 bond for guardianship of James H. Dominy, orphan of Jonathan Dominy. Mims was the guardian.

In the 1840 census of Laurens County,,Ga there was an Elizabeth Domminey in Capt. Hill's Dist 157. Then in the 1840 census of Irwin County,, there is a James H. Dorminey, No. 003 in the 690th Dist.





C H A P T E R 2


2. James H.2 DORMINEY (1.Jonathan1) was born 4February 1813 in South Carolina, ______, ______James died after ____/ _____/ 1870 inIrwin County, Georgia. and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He married Nancy HESTER approximately ____/ _____/ 1833 in ______, ______, ______. She was born ____/ _____/ 1814 in GA., ______, ______fter event.2 She was the daughter of ______and ______. Nancy died after ____/ _____/ 1870 in Irwin County, Georgia. and was buried after ____/ _____/ 1870 in ______, ______, ______.

They had 11 children:

+ 3. m i.Wesley DORMINEY, born 14June 1834, died 8May 1912.

+ 4. f ii.Mary Ann Elizabeth DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1838, died ____/ _____/ ______.

+ 5. m iii.John Andrew Jackson DORMINEY, born 5December 1838, died after ____/ _____/ 1870.

6.m iv. James DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1842 in Irwin County, GA?, ______, died 6September 1862 in Near Petersburg, VA, ______, at the age of 20h, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

The Henderson-Whiddon Book said that James Dorminey was a Private in the Civil War and was wounded at Cedar Run, VA on August 9, 1862. Died of Wounds July 6, 1862 in Richmond Va. Hospital. Mr. T.N. Buckholtz said that James Dorminey C.S.A. died of Typhoid Fever. James Dorminy is listed in the Irwin County,GA Muster Rolls in the State Archives of Georgia as being in the 901st Georgia militia district. It also has a James Dorminy listed in the 49th Regimental Georgia Infantry, County, F.

+ 7. f v.Mahala (Judy) DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1845, died after ____/ _____/ 1870.

+ 8. m vi.Warren E. DORMINY, born 31March 1845, died 12October 1921.

+ 9. m vii.William R.(Black Bill) DORMINEY, born 12March 1847, died 8September 1912.

+ 10. m viii.James Caswell (Cas) DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1850, died 7July 1914.

11.f ix. Nancy A.M. DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1855 in Irwin County, GA?, ______. She married John ODUM 6October 1891 in Irwin County, GA, ______h. He was born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He was the son of ______and ______. John died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

There is a John Odum listed in the appraisement of the estate of John Bradford Dorminy of Irwin County after his death that indicates that John Odum owed John Bradford money.

Nancy died after ____/ _____/ 1870 in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.



12.f x. Nelly J. DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ 1857 in Irwin County, GA?, ______. She married Jack BARTON ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______; He was born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He was the son of ______and ______. Jack died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

Nelly died after ____/ _____/ 1870 in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

+ 13. m xi.Jacob P. DORMINEY, born 9April 1859, died 22April 1889.

There were a good many descendants of a Zachariah Hester around what is now the southern part of Tift County and northern part of Cook County,GA and I wonder if Nancy could be kin to them?

Event: Census: On ____/ _____/ 1870 in Irwin County, Georgia

Occupation: Farmer

James is not listed in the 1830 census of Georgia. However in the 1840 Census of Irwin County, when I inspected the microfilm of the original it shows him listed as James H. Dorminey. Even the index shows "James H.". I'm not sure why other people had him as James W. Dorminy unless they misread the writing. A script "H" looks like a "W" someti mes but not in this instance. Also on 7/26/1995 I went to the courthouse of Irwin County and inspected the deed books. In the deed book # 1 it lists other's, the deed record on page 364 of James H. Dormany buying from Hezekiah Walker 490 acres of land for $216 on February 9th 1838. I know that it is an "H" in his name as it is exactly written like the"H" in Hezekiah. (Hezekiah Walker is listed right next to James H. Dorminy in the 1840 Census of Irwin County,GA!) The 1870 census only lists him as "James" and no middle initial. However it states that he was born in South Carolina and he was a farmer who owned $300 worth of real estate and $464 worth of personal property. Also in deed record "D" page 338 of the Irwinville County, Georgia Records it shows that James "H" Dorminy sold to Warren Dorminy on 14 Jan. 1867 for $75 the lot of land being the South half of lot number Three hundred and three (303) containing two hundred and forty five acres more or less. James H. Dorminy did not sign his name on this document. He put his X (his mark) and the clerk wrote his name . Also on page 338 of the same record book it shows where James H. Dorminy sold to J.B. Pipkin, lot of land # 207 containing 490 acres in Irwin County for $300. It states that James H. Dorminy was residing in Irwin County,Georgia.

In 1821, James Dominy, orphan, Laurens County,Ga drew land in the land lottery. In a book on the Laurens' County court and legal documents, it lists the following:

1) James Domina 2/11/1820 Domina affidavit before JP, attesting sale of Bailey's land. (Probably another James)

2) Jonathan Dominny 9/1826 Benjamin Mims appointed guardian of James H. Dominny, orphan of Jonathan Dominny.

3) James Dominy 12/31/1829 Dominy, of Lauren's County, sold to Nathan Metts of Laurens. 2ndLD, LL# 243 $200.

4) James H. Dominy 9/1827 Benjamin Mims, guardian of Dominy, given leave to sell a lot of land in Henry, now Dekalb County, 5) Jonathan Dominy 9/1826 Benjamin Mims, Uriah Kinchen, and Charles S. Guyton $1000.00 bond for true guardianship of James H. Dominy, orphan of Jonathan Dominy. Mims was guardian.

In 1860 Census of the United States of Irwin County, James H. Dorminy and his wife Nancy are listed as being born in South Carolina. He is 47 and she is 45. He is listed as a farmer who has a worth of $600 of real estate and $1070 of personal property. His oldest son Wesley is listed as being born in Georgia so the family was in Georgia at least by 1834. In the 1870 Census of the United States in Irwin County (after the Civil War) James H.'s worth was down to $300 in real estate and $464 of personal property.

In talking with T.N.Buckholtz who has done research on this line of Dorminey's he said on 12/8/1994 that he was born in Sumpter County,S.C. he believes and was a cousin some way of John Dorminy who came to Irwin County,GA but he has no proof. James H. Dormany, Irwin County,GA. is listed in the 901st Georgia Militia District during the War Between the States. This is filed under Irwin County in Muster Rolls by County in the Georgia Department of Archives and History.

Event: Census: On ____/ _____/ 1840 in Irwin County, Georgia

Event: Census: On ____/ _____/ 1860 in Irwin County,Georgia

Event: Census: On ____/ June 1870 in Irwin County, Georgia



C H A P T E R 3


3. Wesley3 DORMINEY (2.James2, 1.Jonathan1) was born 14June 1834 in Irwin County, GA(Now Wilcox Co, ______hWesley died 8May 1912 in Wilcox County, Georgia. at the age of 77, and was buried ____/ May 1912 in Bethlehem Bapt., Cmt.Ben Hill County, Georgia He married Saphronia HUNTER 22July 1866 in Irwin County, GA, ______. She was born 20February 1844 in Irwin County, GA(Now Wilcox Co, ______. She was the daughter of Elijah A. HUNTER and Penelope COX. Saphronia died 9November 1928 in Wilcox County, Georgia. at the age of 84, and was buried ____/ November 1928 in Bethlehem Bapt., Cmt.Ben Hill County, Georgia h

They had 11 children:

+ 14. f i.Arlie Virginia DORMINEY, born 8May 1867, died 30August 1935.

+ 15. m ii.Monroe J. DORMINEY, born 20December 1868, died 15November 1898.

+ 16. f iii.Sibbie B. DORMINEY, born 31December 1870, died 25April 1941.

+ 17. f iv.Alice DORMINY, born 17March 1873, died 21October 1942.

+ 18. m v.Zary Azor (Zary) DORMINEY, born 17July 1875, died 4October 1918.

+ 19. m vi.Wootson Romless DORMINEY, born 16November 1877, died 29March 1940.

20.m vii.Marion V. DORMINEY, born 28October 1880 in ______, ______, ______, died 11November 1918 in ______, ______, ______, at the age of 38, and was buried ____/ November 1918 in Bethlehem Bapt., Cmt. Ben Hill Co, Georgia.

21.f viii. Cordia (Cordelia) DORMINEY, born ____/ March 1884 in ______, ______, ______. She married Eddie SELPH ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______; He was born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He was the son of ______and ______. Eddie died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

Cordia died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

22.m ix. Elijah L. DORMINEY, born 16February 1885 in ______, ______, ______. He married Mabel VANZANT ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______; She was born 4February 1895 in ______, ______, ______. She was the daughter of ______and ______. Mabel died ____/ _____/ ______in Ben Hill County, Georgia. and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in Bethlehem Bapt., Cemetery, , ______fter event.2

Elijah died 3August 1956 in Ben Hill County, Georgia. at the age of 71, and was buried ____/ August 1956 in Bethlehem Bapt., Cemetery, , ______

Certainty Assessment = Direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of th



23.m x. Leigh DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

24.m xi. Clarke DORMINEY, born 16February 1888 in ______, ______, ______. He married Cornelia McKITCHEN ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______; She was born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. She was the daughter of ______and ______. Cornelia died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

Clarke died 17March 1947 in Ben Hill County, Georgia. at the age of 59, and was buried ____/ March 1947 in Bethlehem Bapt., Cemetery, Ben Hill County, Georgia

Certainty Assessment = Direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of th

Saphronia also married (2) Holiday MOORE 22January 1861 in Irwin County, Georgia . He was born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He was the son of ______and ______. Holiday died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

Wesley Dorminy, Private March 4, 1862. Wounded in leg near Petersburg, VA. March 25, 1865. Admitted to Jackson Hospital at Richmond Va. Mar. 28, 1865. (Born in Irwin County,GA June 14, 1833) This was from "Muster Roll of Company F, 49th Regiment Georgia Volunteer Infantry Army of Northern Virginia. C.S.A." Irwin County, Ga. Irwin Volunteers

From : "Wilcox County,Georgia Confederate SoldiersBuriel Sites and Pensioners" by Lt. James Thomas Woodward (Located in Washington Mem. Library, Macon GA in 1993) Wesley Dorminy 6141833 5:246Pvt., County,F, 49th Regt. GA. Inf. Indigent PensionWilcox County,GA1907 Wesley Dorminy Born in Irwin County,GA on 6141833. Served with County,F., 49th Regt.GA. Buried in Bethelhem Baptist Church Cemetery, Ben Hill County,GA Tombstone Inscription: Wesley Dorminy 6141834 581912

Event: Census: On ____/ _____/ 1870 in Wilcox County, Georgia

Event: Census: On ____/ _____/ 1840 in Irwin County, Georgia.

4. Mary Ann Elizabeth3 DORMINEY (2.James2, 1.Jonathan1) was born ____/ _____/ 1838 in Irwin County, Georgia.. Mary died ____/ _____/ ______in Irwin County, Georgia. and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. She married (1) John C.B. HUNTER 29January 1860 in Irwin County, Georgia.h. He was born ____/ _____/ 1836 in ______, ______, ______. He was the son of ______and ______. John died 5April 1863 in Richmond, VA, ______, at the age of 27, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

They had 1 child:



25.f i. Eliza HUNTER, born ____/ _____/ 1862 in Irwin County, Georgia.. She married James T.L. DIXON 27April 1879 in Irwin County, Georgia.h. He was born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He was the son of ______and ______. James died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

Eliza died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

J.C.B. Hunter is mentioned as being a private in the 7th Georgia Battalion during the Civil War. This group later became part of the 61st GA regiment Company A which was called the "Irwin County Cowboys". He joined up on March 14, 1862 and died at Richmond, VA on April 5, 1863.

Mary married (2) John T. BARTON 7June 1865 in Irwin County, Georgia.h. He was born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He was the son of ______and ______. John died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

They had 2 children:

26.m ii. John C. BARTON, born ____/ _____/ 1866 in Irwin County, Georgia. died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

27.m iii. James H. BARTON, born ____/ _____/ 1868 in Irwin County, Georgia. died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

Event: Census: On ____/ _____/ 1870 in Irwin County, Georgia.

5. John Andrew Jackson3 DORMINEY (2.James2, 1.Jonathan1) was born 5December 1838 in Georgia, ______, ______hJohn died after ____/ _____/ 1870 in Florida?, ______, ______fter event.2, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He married Elomina Lupinia LUKE 10March 1872 in Irwin County, Georgia.h Text: page 439 She was born 4November 1858 in ______, ______, ______. She was the daughter of ______and ______. Elomina died 20March 1925 in Lowndes County, Georgia. at the age of 66, and was buried ____/ March 1925 in Joe Howell Cemetery, , Lowndes County, Georgia

They had 6 children:

+ 28. m i.John Robert DORMINEY, born 23March 1874, died 18June 1930.

29.f ii. Virgie (Virg) L. Elminia DORMINEY, born 21July 1878 in ______, ______, ______. She married (1) William L.(Bill) RAY ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He was born 30June 1918 in ______, ______, ______. He was the son of ______and ______. William died in childhood 27September 1927 in ______, ______, ______, at the age of 9, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.



Virgie married (2) J.A. DAY 8January 1932 in ______, ______, ______. He was born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He was the son of ______and ______. J.A. died 24June 1936 in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

Virgie died 29November 1953 in Lowndes County, Georgia. at the age of 75, and was buried ____/ November 1953 in Sunset Hills, Valdosta, Lowndes County, GA.

30.f iii. Susan Etta Lia (Etta) DORMINEY, born 8February 1884 in ______, ______, ______. She married Thomas (Tom) PRITCHARD ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He was born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He was the son of ______and ______. Thomas died 27October 1930 in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

Susan died 9October 1933 in ______, ______, ______, at the age of 49, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

+ 31. f iv.Florence Eunie DORMINEY, born 29June 1888, died 15March 1972.

32.f v. Herdie Velue (Sue) DORMINEY, born 1August 1892 in ______, ______, ______, died 17December 1969 in Lowndes County, Georgia. at the age of 77h, and was buried ____/ December 1969 in Sunset Hills, Valdosta, Lowndes County, GA.

33.f vi. Verna Novella Marie (Vera) DORMINEY, born 20August 1899 in ______, ______, ______, died 7June 1974 in Lowndes County, Georgia. at the age of 74, and was buried ____/ June 1974 in Sunset Hills, Valdosta, Lowndes County, GA.

By J.E. Dorminey 4/22/93

I think this John Dorminey was the one listed in the Civil War papers as being a member of the Company G, 60th Regiment Gerogia Volunteer Infantry Evan's brigade, Gordon's Division Army of Northern Virginia C.S.A. Chatham County, Georgia Dooly Guards. He is listed on the Muster Rolls in the National Archives as a Private.

"Roster of Confederate Soldiers 18611865" in the Tift County Library lists a John Dominie (or Dominy) as "Private Oct. 11, 1861. Captured at High Bridge, Va. Apr. 6,1865. Released at Newport News, Va. June 25, 1865.

I have no proof, just a guess that this is correct.

T.N.Buckholtz said on 12/8/1994 that John was shot two times during the war in the right hip.

Event: Census: On ____/ _____/ 1840 in Irwin County, Georgia.

Event: Census: On ____/ June 1870 in Irwin County, Georgia.

7. Mahala (Judy)3 DORMINEY (2.James2, 1.Jonathan1) was born ____/ _____/ 1845 in ______, ______, ______hMahala died after ____/ _____/ 1870 in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. She married Young J. VICKERS ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He was born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______. He was the son of ______and ______. Young died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.



They had 2 children:

34.m i. Jesse VICKERS, born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

35.f ii. Mandy VICKERS, born ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, died ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

Event: Census: On ____/ June 1870 in Irwin County, Georgia.

Event: Census: On 16July 1860 in Irwin County, Georgia.

8. Warren E.3 DORMINY (2.James2, 1.Jonathan1) was born 31March 1845 in Irwin County, GA?, ______hWarren died 12October 1921 in Irwin County, Georgia. at the age of 76, and was buried ____/ October 1921 in Frank Chch Cmt, Irwin County, Georgia. He married Abbigail (Abbie) HUNTER ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______; She was born 2February 1846 in Irwin County, Georgia.. She was the daughter of Redding HUNTER and Mary WALKER. Abbigail died 11February 1918 in Irwin County, Georgia. at the age of 72, and was buried ____/ February 1918 in Frank Chch Cmt, Irwin County, Georgia.

They had 4 children:

+ 36. m i.Daniel DORMINEY, born 14January 1869, died 17July 1934.

37.f ii. Sarah DORMINEY, born 19February 1875 in ______, ______, ______, died 2October 1897 in Irwin County, Georgia. at the age of 22, and was buried ____/ October 1897 in Frank Chch Cmt, Irwin County, Georgia.

+ 38. f iii.Margaret DORMINEY, born ____/ _____/ ______, died after ____/ _____/ 1900.

39.m iv. Edwin DORMINY, born ____/ _____/ 1885 in ______, ______, ______, died approximately ____/ _____/ 1955 in ______, ______, ______h, and was buried ____/ _____/ ______in ______, ______, ______.

Event: Census: On ____/ _____/ 1850 in Irwin County, Georgia.

Event: Census: On ____/ _____/ 1900 in Irwin County, Georgia.

Warren Dorminy was listed on the Muster Rolls in the National Archives as being in Company F of the 63rd Georgia Infantry as a Private. I am not sure at this time (Aug.1993) that this is the correct Warren Dorminy but I think it is. (J.E.(Edd)Dorminey.)

Warren Dorminy is listed on a map of Irwin County by the Hudgins Company that was published about 1910 as living in lot 136 near "Daniel Dorminy". Warren had a son named Daniel and this is probably correct.

Event: Census: On 15June 1900 in Irwin County, Georgia.h

Event: Census: On ____/ _____/ 1870 in Irwin County, Georgia.