360Pro Reference Guide

Table of Contents


2.360Pro Registration


4.Application Form

5.Completing the Response

6.Checking the Response

7.Submitting the Response

8.Reopening and Updating the Response

9.Copying the Response



360Pro is used by the Department of Jobs and Small Business (the Department) for projects open to either a Request for Tender, Request for Proposalor a Grant Funding application—all are referred to as a ‘Job’ in 360Pro. Individuals need to register to submit a response in 360Pro on behalf of the organisation responding (the Respondent).

Once an individual has registered for a Job in 360Pro there is no need to register again.

Items you need to click in 360Pro are displayed as BOLD. All images are for illustrative purposes only.

2.360Pro Registration

  1. Loginto the Department’s 360Pro website:
  1. Select the relevant project activity under JobName for further details on theactivity.

Figure 1: JobName window

  1. If you already have a 360Pro account, select Login. If you have forgotten your login details, selectForgot Passwordand enter either the username or email address you previously registered with to reset the password.

Figure 2: Registration and login window

  1. If you require an account, selectRegister in the top right-hand corner. Please note:
  • Usernames: contain no spaces and cannot be changed after creation
  • Passwords: are at least 8 characters, with at least 1 capital letter, number and symbol (e.g. @, #, or *)

If you are advised that the Entity Name or User Name you are trying to register already exists, contact the Employment Services Purchasing Hotline and you will be advised of your organisation’s registered contact(s), who will be able to arrange access:

  • Email:
  • Telephone: 1300 733 514
  1. Enter your login details and select Loginto access the 360ProProvider Portal.

Figure 3: Login Window


Themenu item titled This Account’s Jobstakes the Respondent to the home view.Selecting the Department’sLogo in the top left-hand corner will also navigate to this view.

Figure 4: The Account’s Jobs Window

Selectthe relevantJob Name to commence theresponse.

A number of functions are available on the bottom left-hand side menu:

Promoted JobsShows Jobs currently being promoted. Many Jobs are published without being promoted. To see all currently open Jobs, selectSwitch Accountsand selectthe Department of Jobs and Small Business.

This Account’s JobsShows all open Jobs for the currently selected account.

Switch Accounts360Pro is used by other Australian Government Departments. After you login, existing users will be directed to the account theymost recently accessed. If necessary, to navigate to the Departmentof Jobs and Small Business account, selectSwitch Accounts and selectDepartment of Jobs and Small Businessfrom the list of Public Accounts to view the list of the Department’s open Jobs.

My UsersRegistered users can manage user accounts. Usernames cannot be changed.

My DetailsAllows the registered userto change their organisation details. Please ensure any email address change is also changed under My Users.

My NotificationsAllows users to select relevant regions and industries to receive email notifications when relevant Jobs are published.

Change PasswordRegistered userscan change their password.

TutorialProvides information about 360Pro terminology and functions for new users.

Departmental logoTheDepartmentofJobs and Small BusinessLogo in the top left-hand corner returns users to the home view.

4.Application Form

Figure 5: Job Description

/ When a Job is opened and a response started, a Job description provideslinks to supporting documents and forms. Tabs at the top of the form indicate the response structure.
The left-hand side menu provides the following information:
  • Entity name—name of the Respondent
  • User Name—name of the individual workingon the response
  • Logout
  • Traffic Light—see incomplete tasks by hovering the mouse
  • Timezone—where Job has been issued
  • Released—date and time of job
  • Registered—date and time user registered
  • [Icon box with red cross]—deletesthe response
  • Closing—date and time the Job closes, and
  • Remaining time until the Job closes.

  1. The Job Info tab provides links to support and response documents needed to complete theresponse.Youmustdownload all ‘Supporting Documents’ andsavethemon your localor networkdrive. Download of all or individual documents can be made as follows:
  • All—select the Export icon on the job screen (see Page 4), or
  • Individually—from the Job Info tab or relevant sections.
  1. Complete and save each Response document in its original format (unless otherwise instructed).

NOTE:Where changing the filename, it must be under 100 characters long.

  1. Response documentswill be requested when you respond to the related section and MUST be uploaded at the relevant section.
  2. Addenda
  • The Respondent will receive an email advising them of Addenda published by the Department.
  • Any Addenda will be listed at the bottom of the Job Info page, next to ‘Job Addenda’. The line under the Addenda title will flash until the addenda has been opened.
  • All Addenda messages MUST be opened and read before the Submit button is revealed.
  • If an Addenda is issued after theRespondent has submitted their response, the system will still register theresponse as submitted. The Respondent can elect to re-open their response and edit it before re-submitting.

The following is a sample listof documents:

Figure 6: Sample Documents

5.Completing theResponse

  1. SelectStart Response.
  2. Response progress is indicated by:
  • A red traffic light for incomplete responses.
  • The Job Progress bardisplays the percentage of completion for each section.

Important Note: When at least one document is uploaded and saved to that section, 360Pro may show 100%complete for that section regardless of how many documents are actually required for that section.

Figure 7: Job Progress Bar

  1. The following options are available to progress through your response:
  • SelectSaveto stay on the current section
  • SelectNext to save and progress to the next section, or
  • SelectExit to navigate away to the Job Infotab and not save.
  • You can navigate back to any section to complete it later or edit the response, either by:
  • The tabs at the top of the view, or
  • SelectingShow Questionsfrom the left-hand side panel.
  1. The following support documents need to be downloaded from 360Pro and read:
  2. Request for Tender/Proposal
  3. Respondent Declaration, and
  4. 360Pro Reference Guide.
  5. The following table identifies typicalresponse documents(can vary from activity to activity) that may be required to complete your organisation’s response. These may be requested from either the Job Infotab or from specific sections of 360Pro. Please download each document onto your computer, complete and save as follows:
  6. Where Microsoft Excel files are requested, e.g. Financial and Credentials Information Form, they should remain in Excel format (i.e.xls or xlsx file types)
  7. Filenames donotcontainforwardslash, backslash, semicolon, comma, asterisk, questionmark,quotationmarks,angle bracketsorvertical bar (\/:,*?“ <|)
  8. Filename is less than 100 characters,and
  9. Filenames follow the naming convention “[Document] - [Organisation’s Legal Name]”

Document / Type / Purpose
Respondent Declaration / .pdf / To understand the terms and conditions of the response.
Group Respondents / .pdf / Applicable only if a group of two or more entities (however constituted) are applying for funding, e.g. a Consortium, Joint Venture, Partnership or any other form of alliance.
Subcontractors / .pdf / Applicable only if the Respondent is proposing to use subcontractors that will potentially provide services applicable to the response.
Subcontractor Credentials Information / .xls
.xlsx / If applicable, to provide proposed subcontractor credentials information.
Selection Criterion …. / .pdf / To address Selection Criteria using the form(s) provided. The responses must be within the character limits indicated in the form(s).
Employer and Industry Endorsement / .pdf / Upload one Employer and Industry Endorsement Form per Employment Region applied for. Each Form to be completed and signed by the person providing Endorsement and to be scanned and uploaded by the Respondent.
Conflict of Interest / .pdf / To declare conflicts of interest that exist or might arise in relation to the Respondent conducting services under the Deed, the Respondent must identify the actual or potential conflict of interest and disclose this to the Department.
Confidential Information / .pdf / To identify what information provided the Respondent considers is confidential in their response (and any attachments).
Coverage and Pricing / .pdf / To specify proposed Employment Regions, full or partial coverage of each Region, what will be delivered, proposed price per job seeker and whether delivery of services in the region is conditional on winning business in another Employment Region.
Financial and Credentials Information / .xls
.xlsx / To provide information for the Department to assess the Respondent entity’s credentials and financial viability.
  • Documents requested by sections of Financial and Credentials Information Forms follow the naming convention “Financial - [Organisation’s Legal Name] – Section [x.x – Title]”
  • Documents requested by sections of the Subcontractors Credentials Information Form follow the naming convention “[Subcontractor Organisation’s Legal Name] – Section [x.x – Title]”“[Subcontractor Legal Name]– Section [x.x – Title]”
  1. Please ensure the following for all documents, prior to uploading:
  • Files have the original format (Type) for electronic extraction of the information provided.
  • Documents do not include hyperlinked or other material incorporated by reference.
  • File size is under 10 Megabytes, as they may fail to load.
  • Checked for viruses—in submitting a response electronically, the Respondent warrants they have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the response is free from computer viruses or other disabling features that may affect computing environments. Responses found to contain viruses or other disabling features may be excluded from the process.
  1. Do not submit images of documents unless specifically requested.
  2. Documentsmust be uploadedone at a time, as follows:
  • SelectBrowse to navigate to the document you need to upload
  • Highlight the document you wish to upload
  • SelectOpen, and
  • Select Upload File.
  1. On successful upload, the filename will appear as a hyperlink and the message ‘Document successfully uploaded’ appears.
  2. For sections requiring multiple response documents, the Respondent must ensure that ALLrequired documents are uploaded.
  3. Documents can be removed with the grey Remove link beside document filename(s).

6.Checking theResponse

The response is available for review at any time by selecting Reviewin the top right-hand corner. The view will display the sections and responses in a single list.

7.Submitting theResponse

  1. Before submitting the response:
  • ensure all relevant response documents are uploaded for each section in accordance with the relevant Project documentation, or
  • selectReviewto see sections and responses and if needed, Editresponses.
  1. When you have completed your response to all sections:
  • the Job Progress bar indicates all sections are complete
  • all triangles next to any Addenda in the Job Info tab are green
  • the Traffic light is amber, and
  • theSubmit button is revealed in top right-hand corner.
  1. Once theresponseis submitted:
  • the Job Progress message states: Submitted and provides a time stamp
  • the traffic light is green
  • the status on the left-hand side indicates Submitted with a time stamp, and
  • an email is sent to the Respondent confirming theresponse has been submitted.

Figure 8: Submitted Response

8.Reopening and Updating theResponse

  1. Before the Job is closed, you can re-open the response, make changes and resubmit up until the closing date and time. This is the same as withdrawing your original response.
  2. If you wish to make a change and lodge an amended response, selectRe-open responseon the Job Info page to re-open your original response, make the changes and re-submit.

Figure 9: Re-open Response Button

  1. The Respondent isprompted to confirm their understanding of re-opening the response.

Figure 10: Re-open Response Confirmation Prompt

NOTE: When re-opening a responseit will no longer be submitted. Please ensure you submit yourresponse once you have finished making changesand before the job closes.

  1. When you re-open theresponse:
  • the traffic light changes to amber, and
  • the Review and Submit buttons are revealed.
  1. When you are ready to resubmit theresponse, selectSubmit.
  2. Alternatively, you can select Review and a single list of the responses will be displayed.You can then Edit any responseand then selectSubmitwhen you are ready to submit theresponse.


You can save or export your response at any time, including after the closing date, by:

  1. selectingThis Account’s Jobsor the Department ofJobs and Small BusinessLogo
  2. selectingthe export iconat the right-hand side of the Job title
  3. the system will compile your response and attachments into a zip file, and
  4. download the zip file.


  1. A Frequently asked Questions document relating to specific Jobs is available on the Employment Services PurchasingInformation website:
  2. For assistance and information relating to the purchasing process, including issues related to 360Pro access or functions, please contact the Employment Services Purchasing Hotline, which operates from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday, Canberra time, (except for ACT and national public holidays):
  • Email:
  • Telephone: 1300 733 514.

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